Title: Complementary Care Current Issues
1 Complementary CareCurrent Issues
Trends in Oncology Rehabilitation
- Melissa S. Walker, MPT, CLT
- Hamilton Physical Therapy Services
- Hamilton, New Jersey
- Discuss most prevalent side effects reported by
patients with cancer - Relate long term quality of life issues for
cancer survivors - Explore Physical Therapys role in Oncology
Rehabilitation - Understand benefits of exercise for cancer
- Discuss Trends in Oncology Rehabilitation
- Breast Cancer Rehabilitation
- Head Neck Rehabilitation
- Lymphedema Management
- Cancer Related Fatigue
4Most Prevalent Side Effects During Cancer
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Restrictions
- Pain
- Weakness
- Stress
- Decreased QOL
5Quality of Life Issues
- Perceptions of Upper Extremity Problems During
Recovery from Breast Cancer Treatments. - 24 women post op breast CA lt 18 months
- Return to normal took longer than women or MD
expected - Difficulties worsened simple everyday
responsibilities - Physical lead to psychological strain
- Driving, sleeping, employability, housework,
6Quality of Life
- Association Between Exercise Quality of Life in
Bladder Cancer Survivor a Population-based
Study. - 525 Bladder cancer survivors
- 22.3 active vs 61.7 sedentary
- Active group with increased QOL
7Physical Therapys Role
- Regain mobility
- Improve strength
- Reduce pain
- Combat cancer related fatigue
- Minimize nausea
- Decrease stress anxiety
- Restore quality of life
- Monitor treat lymphedema
- Empowerment
8Physical Therapy Tools
- Soft tissue and Joint mobilizations
- Stretching ROM exercises
- Strengthening exercises
- Lymphedema management
- Biofeedback
- Aerobic conditioning
- Patient education
9Breast Cancer Rehab
- Long Term Treatment related to upper extremity
morbidity and Quality of Life after Sentinel
lymph node biopsy for Stage I II Breast CA. - Assessed SLNB and ALND post-op 2yrs
- Pain
- Shoulder ROM
- Strength
- Arm Volume
- Perceived QOL Disability
10Breast Cancer Rehab
- Changes in Shoulder Muscle Size and Activity
Following Treatment for Breast Cancer. - 74 women SPADI, EMG, MRI
- Upper trap greatest loss of activity
- Rhomboids
- Pectoralis major and minor size
11Breast Cancer Rehab
- Conclusions
- Not in direct field of surgery or radiation
- Primary Muscle Shortening
- Secondary Loss of Muscle Activity
12Breast Cancer Rehab
- Sequelae of Treatment
- Incisional tightness/pain
- Impaired sensation
- Postural asymmetry
- Psycho-social impact
13Breast Cancer Rehab
- Continued
- Decreased function
- Loss of strength ROM
- Scar tissue/adhesions
- Axillary web syndrome
- Loss of normal joint mobility
- Core Stabilization
14Breast Cancer Rehab MRM
- Post Surgical Intervention
- Diaphragmatic breathing
- Soft tissue / scar tissue mobilization
- Joint mobilizations GH, AC, SC
- Patient education
- Phases of therapeutic exercises
- Beyond wall walking
15Breast Cancer Rehab MRM
- Phases I Exercises post-op
- Shoulder shrugs
- Shoulder rolls
- Front bar lifts
- Side bar lifts
- Back bar lifts
- Active shoulder flexion
- Wall walking
16Breast Cancer Rehab MRM
- Phase II (3-6 weeks)
- Rotator cuff elevation
- Side triceps extensions
- Shoulder extensions
- Shoulder abduction
- Sidelying horizontal arm lifts
- Sidelying shoulder ER
- Bilateral shoulder flexion
17Breast Cancer Rehab MRM
- Phase III (6-10 weeks post-surgery)
- Continued bar lifts, ER, arm lifts
- Internal rotation towel stretching
- Forward ball stretch
- Shoulder rotation with ball
- Bridging
- Shoulder pullovers
18Breast Cancer Rehab TRAM Flap
- Rehabilitation considerations
- Decreased shoulder range of motion
- Abdominal/truncal weakness
- Pain related to denervation
- Low back pain
- Lymphedema
- Breast
- Abdomen
19Breast Cancer Rehab TRAM
20Breast Cancer Rehab TRAM
- 0-3 Weeks
- Manual lymphatic drainage prn
- 3-5 Weeks
- Scar mobilization
- Gentle myofascial release (MFR)
- Manual stretching of UE (drains out)
- 8 Weeks
- Scar friction massage
- MFR as tolerates lateral chest wall, abdomen
21Breast Cancer Rehab TRAM
22Breast Cancer Rehab TRAM
6 weeks post-op
23Breast Cancer Rehab TRAM
10 weeks post-op
24Breast Cancer Rehab
- Chemotherapy Effects
- Psycho-social effects
- Cardiac damage
- Decreased aerobic capacity
- Weight gain/loss (sarcopenia)
- Premature menopause
- Nausea
- Joint pain
- Radiation Effects
- Radiation Induced Fibrosis
- Muscle Impairments
- Shoulder and Neck range of motion deficits
- Lymphedema
- Osteoporosis
- Organ fibrosis
- Radiation Recall
25Head Neck Cancer Rehab Issues
- Radical Neck Dissection RND
- Most shoulder disability 60-100
- Modified Radical Neck Dissection MRND
- Weakness _at_ 6months 50
- Selective Neck Dissection SND
- Preserve SANS least dysfunction
26Head Neck RehabSurgerical Procedures
- excision of all lymph nodes routinely removed in
RND with preservation of one or more nonlymphatic
structures (SAN, IJV, SCM).
27Head Neck Case Study
- A 21 y/o non smoking Caucasian male s/p modified
radical neck dissection 2nd squamous carcinoma of
the oral cavity/tongue. - Goalie in the off season of junior league hockey
when diagnosed
28Head Neck Post-op Evaluation
- Manual Muscle Testing
- Shoulder, Facial and Cervical
- Posture
- Range of Motion
- Shoulder, Cervical and Jaw
- Scar Mobility and Sensation
- Lymphedema vs Post Surgical Edema
- Pain
29Head Neck Rehab
- Soft tissue mobilization
- AROM AAROM for affected areas
- Strengthening scapular muscles
- Desensitization
- Postural Awareness
- Education regarding
30Head Neck Recovery Wellness
- Patient decided he wanted to return to team for
final practice - Patient was cleared by physician
31Head Neck Sports Specific Rehab
- Aerobic Conditioning
- More aggressive strength training in upper and
lower extremities - Balance and Coordination
- Flexibility
- Bosu Ball and Sports Specific Drills
32What is Lymphedema
- Abnormal accumulation of lymphatic fluids in the
interstitial tissue - It is protein rich fluid (compared to a low
protein edema) - Occurs most often in the arms and/or legs and
less often in other parts of the body
33Causes Lymphedema
- Primary lymphedema- present at birth or onset
after puberty. Born without enough lymph nodes,
or lymphatic collectors - Secondary Lymphedema- developed due to trauma,
infection, surgery, tumors, and/ or radiation to
the lymph node regions. Can be within days to
several years later.
34Subjective Complaints
- Full sensation in the limb
- Skin feeling tight
- Decreased flexibility in limb
- Difficulty fitting clothing
- Persistent edema of the limb
- Slow onset, progressive
- Pitting
- Starts distally
- Squaring of toes, positive Stemmer sign
- Buffalo hump
- Loss of ankle contour
- Asymmetry of limbs
36Characteristics Cont.
- Rarely Painful
- Discomfort due to heaviness
- Skin changes
- Hyperkeratosis, papillomas, peau Dorange
- Ulcerations unusual
37 Stage I
- Stage I mild, pitting of the limb, size is
normal after rest or early in the morning.
38 Stage II
- Stage II moderate, tissue is spongy and non
pitting, fibrotic tissue increases, not relieved
with rest
39 Stage III
- Stage III Severe, hard fibrotic tissue,
unresponsive to position, hyperkerotic deposits
40Obstructive Malignant Lymphedema
- The tumor is obstructing lymph flow
41Lymphedema Management
- Complete Decongestive Therapy
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage
- Compression Bandaging
- Therapeutic Exercises
- Education Self Care
- Pumps and Debulking Surgeries
42Manual Lymph Drainage
- Increase lymph vessel activity
- Increases re-absorption of protein-rich fluid
- Reduces fibrosis
- Promotes relaxation
- Treats the whole affected quadrant
- Facilitates collateral drainage
43Compression Bandaging
- Low stretch bandages NOT ACE WRAPS
- Build a pressure gradient to facilitate improved
lymph flow - Continues to aid in reduction of fluids
- Once stable transition to compression sleeve
44Remedial Exercises
- Performed with compression bandaging
- Low exertion
- Increases muscle and joint pump
- Increased venous and lymphatic return
- Active ROM, stretching, and strengthening
45Lymphedema Management
- Skin Care
- Patient Education
46Lymphedema Management
- This is a stage III lymphedema patient after
three months of CDT treatment.
47Cancer Related Fatigue
- CRF is abnormal or pathologic fatigue.
- It appears during normal activities, persists for
longer periods, and does not improve with rest. - It can become severe enough to force patients to
reduce their activity level. - Occurs in 75-90 of cancer survivors
48Symptoms of CFR
- Feeling tired even though youve had a good
nights sleep - Feeling sleepy throughout the day
- Feeling sudden, extreme tiredness
- Feeling too weak to stand
- Finding it difficult to start routine activities
- Needing to rest during normal activities
- Difficulty concentrating
- Withdrawing from social interactions due to lack
of energy
49CRF Management
- Pharmacological Interventions
- Procrit, Antidepressants, Pain medications, Sleep
aides - Non-Pharmacological Interventions
- Exercise, Energy Conversation, Nutrition
50CRF Management
- Exercise reduces daily fatigue in women with
breast cancer receiving chemotherapy. Schwartz - Randomized controlled trial of exercise training
in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors
cardiopulmonary and quality of life outcomes
Courneya - A randomized, controlled trial of aerobic
exercise for treatment-related fatigue in men
receiving radical external beam radiotherapy for
localized prostate carcinoma. Windsor
51Benefits of Exercise for Cancer Patients
- Immune System Function
- Mood
- Quality of Life
- Bowel Mobility
- Cardiopulmonary Endurance
- Lean Muscle Mass
52Benefits of Exercise for Cancer Patients
- Adverse Weight Gain
- Nausea
- Heart Rate
- Blood Pressure
- Pain
- Edema
- Cancer Related Fatigue
53CRF Management
- Guidelines for Adults
- Engage in at least moderate activity for 30
minutes or more on 5 or more days of the week - 45 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous
activity on 5 or more days per week may further
reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer.
54CRF Management
How to get started when I am always so very
Amputations, Reconstructions, Burns
Mastectomy, Breast Reconstructions, Radiation
56Its not the size of the dog in the fight, but
the size of the fight in the dog. -Archie
57Special Thanks
- Nancy J Roberge, PT, DPT, MEd
- Lucinda A Pfalzer, PT, PhD, FACSM
- Jacqueline S. Drouin, PT, PhD
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