Title: Distributed Source Coding Using Syndromes (DISCUS): Design and Construction
1Distributed Source Coding Using Syndromes
(DISCUS) Design and Construction
- S.Sandeep Pradhan, Kannan Ramchandran
- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
- vol. 49, no.3, pp.626-643, Mar 2003
- Introduction
- Preliminaries
- Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Problem Formulation
- Design Algorithm
- Constructions based on Trellis Codes
- Simulation Results
- Conclusion
- Slepian-Wolf theorem
- By knowing joint distribution of X and Y,
without explicitly knowing Y, encoder of X can
perform as well as encoder who knows Y.
- Both encoder and decoder have access to side
information Y - Only decoder has access to side information Y
- Wyner-Ziv Problem
- If decoder knows Y, then the information-theoretic
rate-distortion performance for coding X is
identical, no matter encoder knows Y or not.(X Y
are Gaussian.) - Prior work on source quantizer design.
- Contributions
- Construction of a framework resting on algebraic
channel coding principles - Performance analysis on Gaussian signals.
Source discrete-alphabet ? continuous-valued Comp
ression lossless ? lossy
- Introduction
- Preliminaries
- Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Problem Formulation
- Design Algorithm
- Constructions based on Trellis Codes
- Simulation Results
- Conclusion
- Example
- X, Y equiprobable 3-bit binary words
- Hamming distance is no more than 1.
- Y is available to decoder.
- Solution?
- Cosets 000,111,100,011,010,101,001, 110
- Only transmit coset index/syndrome.
- Quantization
- Digitizes an analog signal.
- Two parameters a partition and a codebook.
- Codebook -2, 0.4, 2.3, 6
- Lloyd Max Quantization
- partition ai are midpoints.
- codebook yi are centroids.
- Optimal scalar quantization.
- Trellis Coded Quantization (TCQ)24
- Dual of TCM
- Example
- Uniformly distributed source in -A, A
- Implemented by Viterbi algorithm
- 24 M.W. Marcellin and T. R. Fischer, Trellis
coded quantization of memoryless and Gauss-Markov
sources, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 38, pp.8293,
Jan. 1990.
- Introduction
- Preliminaries
- Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Problem Formulation
- Design Algorithm
- Constructions based on Trellis Codes
- Simulation Results
- Conclusion
11Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Problem Formulation
- X, Y correlated, memoryless, i.i.d distributed
sequences - Yi Xi Ni
- Xi, Yi, Ni continuous-valued
- Ni i.i.d distributed, independent from X
- Xi, Ni zero-mean Gaussian random variables with
known variance - Decoder alone has access to Y.
- Goal Form best approximation to X given R bits
per sample - Encoding in blocks of length L
- Distortion measure
- Min R, s.t. reconstruction fidelity is less than
given value D.
12Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
System Model encoder and decoder. Interplay of
source coding, channel coding and estimation
13Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Design Algorithm
- Source Coding (M1, M2)
- Partition source space
- Defining source codebook (S)
- Characterizing active codeword by W (r.v.)
- Estimation (M3)
- Get best estimate of X (minimizing distortion)
conditioned on outcome of Y and the element in
. - Channel Coding (M4, M5)
- Transmit over an error-free channel with rate R
(less than Rs) - Doable I(WY) gt 0, so H(WY) H(W) I(WY)
- Build channel code with rate Rc on channel P(YW)
- R Rs Rc.
14Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Summary of Design Algorithm
- M1 and M3
- minimize Rs, s.t. reconstruction distortion
within given criterion. - M2 maximize I(WY).
- M4
- maximize Rc, s.t. error probability meets a
desired tolerance level. - M5 minimize decoding computational complexity.
15Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Scalar Quantization and Memoryless Coset
Construction (C1) - Lloyd-Max (memoryless) quantizer
- Memoryless coset partition (M4)
- Example
- L1, (sample by sample)
- Quantization codebook r0, r1, , r7, (Rs 3)
- Channel coding codebook r0, r2, r4, r6, r1,
r3, r5, r7. (Rc 2) - R Rs Rc 1 bit/sample.
16Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Scalar Quantization and Trellis-Based Coset
Construction (C2) - Scalar quantizer for Xii1L
- Coset partition (M4) by trellis code.
Codebook (size of 8L), Rs 3 bits/sample, two
17Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Example
- Computing syndrome (Rs 3, Rc 2)
- outcome of quantization be 7, 3, 2, 1, 4.
- L 5,
- Syndrome is given by 10110 for 5 samples.
18Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Trellis-Based Quantization and Memoryless Coset
Construction (C3) - Trellis coded quantizer
- Memoryless coset partition
- Example
- Quantization codebook Rs 2
- D0r0, r4, D1r1, r5, D2r2, r6, D3r3,
r7. - Memoryless channel code Rc 1
- 1 coded bit with another 1 uncoded bit (from Y)
to recover Di.
19Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Trellis-Based Quantization and Trellis-Based
Coset Coset Construction (C4) - Trellis coded quantizer
- Trellis coded coset partition
Comparison between C3 and C4.
20Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Distance Property
- Given a uniform partition, four cases of coset
constructions have same distance property. - Non-uniform quantizer, analyze performance by
- Introduction
- Preliminaries
- Encoding with a Fidelity Criterion
- Problem Formulation
- Design Algorithm
- Four Constructions
- Simulation Results
- Conclusion
22Simulation Results
Correlation -SNR ratio of Xs variance and Ns
- Quantization levels decrease distortion. (C1)
23Simulation Results
Correlation -SNR ratio of Xs variance and Ns
Quantization levels increase prob. Of error. (C1)
24Simulation Results
Correlation -SNR ratio of Xs variance and Ns
Error probability comparison of C1 and C2 (3-4dB
25Simulation Results
Correlation -SNR ratio of Xs variance and Ns
Error probability of C4 codes.
- Constructive practical framework based on
algebraic trellis codes. - Promising performance.