Title: Three Best Plugins to Optimize WordPress Themes
1Three Best Plugins to Optimize WordPress for
- From http//www.mageewp.com/how-to-optimize-wordp
2- If you are running a business site or blog, an
important source of audience should be consider
into account, i.e. visitors from mobile phones
and tablets. - Research shows(http//www.pewinternet.org/fact-she
ets/mobile-technology-fact-sheet/), about 2/3
cell phone users access internet via their phone,
among this group, 1/3 (34) of the cell phone
users access internet Mostly using their phones.
3- So, it is necessary to make your site mobile
friendly. As for WordPress sites, you need to
optimize WordPress themes for mobile. But how to
do this? This document will show you three
plugins to optimize WordPress sites for mobile
41. WPtouch Mobile Plugin
- This plugin is one of the most popular mobile
plugins. So far, it gets more than 5.8 million
downloads -
- By automatically generate a mobile-only theme and
display it to the mobile users only, this plugin
makes the content on your site easy to read on
mobile devices.
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62. iTheme Mobile
- iTheme Mobile is a premium mobile optimization
plugin for WordPress. It is powerful yet simple
to use. -
- Giving away extensive customization, Mobile
adopts Drop and go setup method. It provides
mobile-ready themes and lets you change basic
style and color schemes for your mobile
theme. Only the content from your posts and pages
will be displayed on mobile devices when you use
this plugin
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83. Any Mobile Theme Switcher
- This plugin allows you to swtich the WordPress
theme you selected for mobile when it detects the
user is visiting your site via mobile device. - With this plugin, you can choose one theme for
iPhone, one for Android devices and another for
Windows phones
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10- For more information, visit http//www.mageewp.co
s.html - For free business themes, visit
- http//www.mageewp.com/