Title: Answer to question 1
1Radius of Observable Universe and Expansion Rate
vs time, k 0
Radiation dominated
r 0
R 10 cm
R 3 x 10-33 cm
2- How did we get the range of fluctuations on the
angular scales we see today in the CMB? - The answer is we started out with a very simple
same power on all scales that then evolved and
vibrated in our cosmic plasma until the brick
wall became transparent (in jargon we say the H
de-coupled from the light).
3- This set of conditions is called the
Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum. - Inflation generates this spectrum naturally
- All the interesting length scales (in todays
scale factor terms) of 1 to 3000 Mpc separate
from causal contact with each other well before
inflation ended. - The key is WELL BEFORE
- Net size of fluctuations did not have time to
adjust to a complex set of conditions.
- Then these lead to predictions of our seeing the
ripples we see in the CMB at about the correct
angular scales!
5 Now the hard part Baryogenesis
- What is the problem?
- The answer is that physics types like symmetry.
So, why wasnt the Universe exactly symmetric in
terms of matter and anti-matter. - With inflation plus additions all the particles
and anti-particles collide, and turn into pure
energy. - gt What are these additions?
6 Baryogenesis
- The cosmic expansion goes so fast that reaction
takes place before equilibrium is reached.
Inflation solves this.
- Sub-atomic particles must know the arrow of
time! Since they need to know the direction of
cosmic expansion. The arrow of time relates to
the CPT theorem. More on this later.
7 Baryogenesis, cont.
Need this so when baryons and anti-baryons
collide, we get some left over. Since, remember,
we started with EXACTLY the same amount of each.
Assume there is process that starts from our dark
energy and makes more baryons than anti-baryons.
Creating an excess of baryons, starting from
zero, means we made baryons which is the same as
non-baryon conservation.
8 Baryogenesis, cont.
- The cosmic expansion goes so fast that reaction
takes place before equilibrium is reached.
Otherwise, even with an imbalance, the numbers
would even out over time . Inflation handles
this by just finishing inflation (expanding very
rapidly) when the universe makes transition from
pure vacuum energy to matter.
9 Sub-atomic particles must know the arrow of
time! Since they need to know the direction of
cosmic expansion. The arrow of time relates to
the CPT theorem.
On the scale of people, we can understand aging
and the arrow of time. For sub-atomic particles,
it is not obvious that they can sense a direction
to time.
The concept we need to consider time reversal
10Time Reversal Invariance
- On a sub-atomic scale, most all reactions have
the same probability of occurring if the time
assigned is positive or negative. - This concept does not apply to clearly
non-reversible processes such as a neutron
decaying. A proton, electron and (anti) neutrino
are not just casually going come together.
11Time Reversal Invariance
- A reversible process does get the idea across
better. The motion of pendulum (assuming no
friction) looks the same whether we count time as
positive or negative. - All BUT one particle reaction we know about seems
to follow this rule, so if we calculate the rate
of neutron decay, it doesnt matter if we use
positive or negative time.
12Time Reversal Invariance
- The ONE effect weve seen only indirectly implies
a non-time reversal process. But that it happens
seems to imply this can happen elsewhere. This
means we arent crazy to make this hypothesis
for the early Universe. - The indirect inference is based on a particle
decay process and the CPT theorem. C stands for
charge, P for parity, and T for time. More
later. First a little more on the effect of
sensing the arrow of time.
13Time Reversal Invariance
- We want to explain why we didnt have the same
exact number of baryons and anti-baryons so that
they would have ALL met up with each other,
annihilated and we wouldnt be here! - Assume we start, just as inflation ends and the
vacuum energy converts into matter, with some
particle (X) and anti-particles (X) in equal
numbers. Then assume the X decays slightly
differently into baryons from the rate that X
decays into anti-baryons.
14Time Reversal Invariance
- Then when the slightly different amounts of
baryon/anti-baryons meet up, we end up with with
just a small (about 1 part in 109) of excess of
baryons. Just enough to explain the current ratio
of photons to baryons. And the process is hot by
definition of having so many more photons.
gtAnnihilation of baryons and anti-baryons
(almost completely) leads to a hot Big Bang.
15Time Reversal Invariance
- When X and X particles decay the X decays faster
to produce MORE baryons when going forward in
time than the X particles, and vice versa.
Therefore, as the Universe expands as time
increase (runs forward), we end up with our
16CPT Theory and Observations
- The CPT theorem says if I do a calculation of a
particle collision probability and I (flip the
positive charges to negative and vice versa plus
change all the lefty particles to righty
particles and vice versa, and change the sign on
the time I use, I will get the same answer. - This means if I observe a reaction in which I
change charge and parity (description of
left/right handiness)
17CPT Theory and Observations
- And I see a difference. Then assuming CPT holds (
and it better!), then this means sub-atomic
particles can sense the arrow of time. - Such a CP violating reaction was detected in
the laboratory. gt - This makes it plausible that a much higher energy
CP violating and hence T violating reaction did
occur in the early Universe.
18CPT Theory
- In mathematical terms, C x P x T 1 means CPT is
not violated. But if CP is violated this means by
convention C x P -1, but this then means T
better -1 (means T invariance is violated) so
as to get C x P x T and keep CPT true. - This is why we say CP - 1 implies T -1, or
we have a reaction that is not invariant under
time reversal or in other words can sense the
direction of time. -
This is truly a remarkable concept