Title: Listing Prospecting
1Listing Prospecting
- Joined Weichert in 2009
- Managing Burke, VA Sales Office since 2010
- Listings up 41 YOY
- Revenue units up 30 YOY
- Office profit was 168 of objective for 2013
- Increased Co. by 2 last year.
- Led his region in recruiting and serves as the
Regional Recruiting Representative.
- Nick Brown
- Sales Manager, Burke VA
Intro, Objectives and Weekly Mgmt Activities 15
- Changing their Mindset about Prospecting
- Objectives
- Activities to meet your Objectives
- Strategies Mixing it up, making it fun, getting
results - Tools
- Invitations, Flyers, Promotion
- Calling and Follow-up Guide
3Where did your business come from?
- Assistant Sales Managers, think about the last
six listings you secured - Where did they come from?
- How does this affect how you approachListing
Prospecting for your office?
4Listing Prospecting Objectives
- Month-to-date Listing Objective Met (100)
- Three Call Sessions a week
- 600 Prospecting Calls a week
- 12 Appointments secured per week
- GSM Introduction (100 of Appointments)
- NOTE Minimum of 5 Sales Associates at each Call
Session or 10 of your population, whichever is
5Weekly Management Activities
- Prepare for, conduct and follow-up from three
Call Sessions per week with a minimum of five
Sales Associates in attendance (or 10 of your
Sales Associates, whichever is greater). - Call WITH Sales Associates. Coach on dialogue
and key sales skills to secure appointments. - Follow-up Ensure each Sales Associates
introduces GSM at the time of appointment or
6Weekly Management Activities (Continued)
- Conduct one training session weekly on
prospecting activities and the 2-step listing
process. - Make roster calls to contact each sales associate
monthly to review prospecting and listing
activities and usage of 2-step customized listing
7What Training have YOU Provided?
- At your tables, discuss what training youve
conducted in the past six months on the 2-Step
Listing Process and Prospecting for Listings. - What resources have you used to help you in
preparing for these workshops? - Do you have sales associates assist in the
delivery and share their best practices? - Elect a spokesperson to share ONE resource youve
used to assist you in this effort.
Training Activity and Other Ideas 20 minutes
8Some other ideas for Training . . .
- Download this video
- Play it
- Discuss it
- Invite Sales Associates to use this in their
Listing Presentation and give you feedback on how
it worked
9Who Has Led this Program?
10Listing Mastery Program Covers . . .
11Results . . .
Office Increase in Listings Over Same Period Last Year Started Program
Burke, VA 41 February 2013
Next week, were starting Round 2 of Listing
Mastery. I have 80 repeat Sales Associates
12Listing Call Sessions Work!
- Grace Marie Neary
- Sales Associate, Burke VA
- With Weichert since 2002
- In 2012, Grace had a couple transactions.
- In 2013, she secured 17 transactions (15 from
13New Prospecting Approaches Dialogue
- FSBO says Why are you doing this? I told you
Im not going to list with an agency. - Dialogue I understand. Im hoping that if you
have a cousin, brother, friend who doesnt want
to do the hard youre doing listing and selling
on your own, that youll be impressed with my
services and refer me to them. - Through this relationship, he ended up referring
a customer to her!
14Improved Presentation Confidence
- Cassie Lutjen
- Sales Associate, Burke VA
- With Weichert since 2010
- Focused on her presentation
- Strengthened her confidence
- Inspired her to be even more proactive in her
prospecting efforts!
15Improved Presentation Confidence
- Cassie Lutjen
- Heres a video she did for the Listing Mastery
16Improve Presentation Confidence
- Prospected a neighborhood in her market area.
- Walked the neighborhood.
- She secured a Listing and sold it.
- Highest sales price in that neighborhood in the
past six years!
17Listing Mastery Page now available on Weichert U
Scroll down to the pink section to find the
Listing Mastery page
Adapt these materials to use in your training on
the 2-Step Listing Process
18To supplement your efforts . . .
Why not put these on Facebook or Instagram?
19(No Transcript)
20Some other ideas for Training . . .
- Go to Weichert Universitys Video Library
- Play a video
- Discuss it
- Ask Sales Associates to try a new approach or
technique and return next week to share how it
21Whats Your Conversion? How many homeowners do
you need to meet to get a Listing?
Conversion and Calling 20 Minutes
22How many . . . ?
- Whats your conversion?
- How many sellers do you need to meet with
face-to-face following our 2-step listing process
to convert business? - Three out of four? Two out of four? One out of
four? - Whats YOUR conversion?
23Whats the Goal?
- Its really a math problem, isnt it?
- If your conversion is 2 out of 4 and you want to
secure four listings in a month, how many sellers
do you need to meet with?
Use these tools on the iCall Best Practice to
help you identify goals and figure out number of
calls, leads, appointments youll need to reach
your goal
24Securing More Listings . . .
- Whats the BEST way to secure appointments with
25How do YOU Address this challenge?
26Id like to introduce you to a remarkable
marketing tool . . .
2780 of New Sales People Fail because of Call
Source Goodson/Dudley, The Psychology of Sales
Call Reluctance, 11,000 sales people surveyed
28(No Transcript)
29Something to Consider . . .
Handout Overcome Fear of Cold Calling (pink)
30Tomorrow . . .
Ask Joe Boreale Whats an SIA?
31What do you say?
- When you make Listing Prospecting calls, what
dialogue do YOU use? - Discuss at your tables
- Write down the best dialogue
- Well share this dialogue in a large group
20-minute activity
32Multiple Offer - Neighborhood Calls
- Call on neighbors nearby a home that sold with
multiple offers. - I need your help. Im trying to find a home for
our buyers. The house on XYZ street down your
block just sold with multiple offers. - A number of buyers missed out on a home in your
neighborhood. - By any chance . . .
Need More Call Dialogue? Use the Calling Guide
for suggested scripts.
Handout Calling Guide
Ask if they noticed the house for sale down the
block. Share the good news!
Congratulate them on choosing a great neighborhood
34Just Sold Dialogue
- We just sold a home in your neighborhood. Would
you be interested in learning about the location
and price? - Theres been a lot of interest in your
neighborhood from qualified buyers who are still
in the market for a new home. - I was wondering if you might know someone in your
area that may be thinking about making a move in
the future?
Need More Call Dialogue? Use the Calling Guide
for suggested scripts.
35Reach out to Your Sphere of Influence Past
- Im calling to touch base . . .
- The market is heating up!
- Of all your friends and family, who might be next
to make a move? Some of the people Im working
with now are moving up because they need more
room for the kids, downsizing as they get ready
for retirement . . . Who do you know that might
need my help?
Need More Call Dialogue? Use the Calling Guide
for suggested scripts.
36Lets make some Calls!
- You were asked to come prepared with a Call List
for making some Listing Prospecting calls. - Lets do a Call Session together.
- Theres a prize for the most appointments!
45 minute call session/15 minute debrief
37Lets make some Calls!
- Lets get started now and secure some Listing
Appointments! - Well do this in Teams
- Create a Team Name and Elect a Table Leader to
roll up your Numbers. - Please track Calls, Contacts, Leads,
38What was the Average Number of Calls Needed to
Secure an Appointment for 2013?
39Call Session Results
- Lets roll up our numbers
- Give the Number of Calls, Contacts, Leads and
Appointments to your Team Leader - Lets discuss your results!
Avg 70 calls per appmnt for 2013
40Who Has an Appointment?
- How did it go?
- Who has an appointment?
- What dialogue did you use?
- Now what?
41When is the best time to call?
42The BEST Time to Call
Handout The Best Time to Call
43Call Sessions
- Think about the BEST Call Session you ever held
the one that resulted in the most successes. - Answer the questions on your handout
- Discuss together.
- Record your best suggestion on a flip chart at
your table. - Share with everyone.
Handout Your Best Call Session.
44Best Call Sessions
- Prepare! Set the stage for success, choose a good
time to reach people, prepare call lists, focus
calling by customer type or topic, dialogue,
prizes, special invites, prepare successes from
last call session, etc. - Get their commitment to come!
- Call from the office (not at home alone).
Theres energy with everyone together - Coach! Call WITH your Sales Associates to make
tweaks to the dialogue and questions they ask. - Promote successes at your sales meetings and
weekly small group meetings.
45Three Call Sessions a Week . . .
Whats the MINIMUM number of Sales Associates
you should have at one of your Call Sessions in
order to meet your Objective?
46Call Lists - Cole Realty Resource
- Weve been partnering with Cole to secure
DNC-compliant call lists. - Cole Realty Resource will provide your sales
associates a 30-day free trial. - For a free trial, we need you to provide us with
your name, E-mail address, phone number and zip
code. - After the trial expires, you have the option of
purchasing an annual subscription to these call
lists at a reduced rate 395/year- a 30
Go to iCall Best Practice for the Free Trial form
47Best Practice
- Access this form on the iCall Managers Best
Practice - Send the completed form to Erik Peterson
(epeterson_at_weichertrealtors.net - Your free trial should be set within 48 hours
Handout Blank Cole Resource form (One at each
48With their Cole Trial Account, Import
DNC-Compliant Call Lists right into PRO
NOTE Instructions for the Cole Realty Import
are located behind the WeichertPRO tab
49Select the Source, Cole Realty andYou have
your Call List!
50Some tips/slides to help you Jump Start Your Call
Sessions . . .
51Lets Break it Down . . .
- The more appointments you secure, the more
opportunities. - You will make more .
- Can you make 10 calls before lunch?
- Can you make 10 calls after lunch?
- Do this every day this week and you will have
made 100 calls!
You should secure two appointments from this!
52Put some FUN into Calling!
- For every 10 calls you make, call a friend.
- It will help motivate you to keep on going when
you hear that friendly voice on the other end.
53Make it a Call for HELP!
- Compliment the homeowner on choosing a great
neighborhood. - Let them know that we have buyers interested in
moving into this neighborhood. - Im calling for your help . . . Im trying to
find these buyers a home. By any chance . . .
54PICTURE yourself on the phone
- PI- Pitch, Inflection
- C - Clarity
- T - Tone of Voice
- U - Understanding
- RE - Rate, Energy
55Dial with a Smile!
- Your tone of voice is very telling
- Its not what you say, but how you say it.
- Body language even comes through the phone.
- Have a mirror in front of you when making calls.
- Try standing up when you call your leads.
- Its a different energy level Try it!
Are YOU smiling during your calls?
56Resources for Training on the 2-Step and Listing
57Resources for Training on the 2-Step and Listing
58(No Transcript)
59Your 30-Day Plan
- Lets take 15 minutes and work on our 30-Day Plan
for Listing Prospecting - What key actions will you take to ensure you meet
your objectives? - Sales Managers and Assistant Managers work in
pairs and agree on a plan.
Handout Listing Prospecting Performance Review
60Planning Your Week
- Please refer to your calendars.
- Map out the number of hours you will spend on
Listing Prospecting each week and where you will
block your time to implement your plan. - Schedule your 3 Call Sessions and Weekly Training
Segment - Assistant Manager and Sales Manager, set up a
weekly meeting with each other and enter this in
your calendars.