Title: Industrial Gear Oil in Australia
1Industrial Gear Oil
- An extensive range of industrial gear oils from
Lubricon to cover a multitude of industrial
applications. These products have been developed
to meet international manufacturers
2Lubex Gear Tron
LUBEX GEARTRON FS are modern multi-use
lubricants to suit the widest range of industrial
gear applications.
3- Applications
- Recommended for use in all types of industrial
enclosed gear boxes, also as bearing
oils for highly loaded plain bearings. - The oils are compatible with copper and its
alloys. - The oils are suitable for gearboxes and drives
incorporating bronze components such as worm
4Contact Us
Address Head Office 42 Horne StHoppers
CrossingVic 3029 Contact Telephone 03 9360
9599Telephone 1300 235 623Fax 1300 302
361 Our Website http//www.lubricon.com.au