Title: Vet At Home- Mobile Vet Services Around The Perth
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2About Vet At Home
VET AT HOME veterinary surgeon Dr. Ram Naresh
offers a consultation service in your own home.
In this familiar environment your pet will be
happier and more relaxed, leading to an accurate
diagnosis and a less stressful experience for
your pet and your whole family. A pet can be
examined better at your home than in a closed
consult room in a stressed and strange
3VetatHome provides the mobile vet services
arrount Perth
Several procedures like consultation for all
diseases (skin problems, allergies, diarrhea,
vomiting, constipation, diabetes, coughing, ear
and eyes infections, arthritis, urinary tract
infections insect bites), minor injuries/wounds,
vaccination, microchipping, heartworm injections,
home euthanasia, lump check and numerous
diagnostic tests (for example complete blood
profiles, skin scrapings test, heartworm test,
pancreatitis test, FIV tests, parvo virus test)
can be performed at your home in a much relaxed
4In Home Vet Consultation Perth
A full consultation includes history taking,
physical examination, examination of the pets
environment, on the spot diagnostic tests and
treatment of the animal. Costs of drugs and
diagnostic tests will be charged separately. To
conduct on the spot examinations and tests we are
equipped with
- Modern Otoscope and Ophthalmoscope for ear and
eyes examinations - Binocular Microscope and Quick Staining Kit to
provide to provide quick diagnosis if required. - Urine analysis kit
- Emergency drugs except snake antivenom and some
special antidotes.
5In Home Pet Vaccination Perth
Vaccinating your pet regularly according to the
latest guidelines is the best way to keep pets
away from deadly and expensive to treatdiseases
like Parvo virus, hepatitis and canine distemper
in dogs.
Core Vaccines are recommended vaccines for pets.
Noncore vaccines are optional and their use
depends upon the pets individual circumstances.
6Dog and Cat Microchipping Perth
Microchipping is an essential part of modern pet
care because it is helpful to locate a lost pet.
We use very sharp needles to minimize the pain
for your kittens and puppies.
There is no age limit for microchipping. Pet
microchipping is going to be compulsory in
Western Australia. Please contact your local
7In Home Pet Euthanasia Service Perth
Euthanasia is a painless procedure, and allows us
to say a final goodbye when our pet is suffering
with incurable painful conditions or is perhaps
too old to cope with life. Your home is the best
place for your pet to be euthanized. It gives an
opportunity for your whole family to interact
with your pet in a more intimate way.
Home euthanasia is less stressful for the whole
family and the pet. Dr Ram follows a respectful
protocol which includes sedation and careful
handling of your pet in familiar and
comfortable surroundings.
8Diagnostic tests
- Diagnostic test at Vet at Home
- Skin scrapings examination to diagnose
mange/mites - SExamination of ear swabs to diagnose bacterial
and yeast infection - SComplete Blood Profile to diagnose various
systemic diseases - SBlood glucose (and ketones) to diagnose diabetes
and hypoglycemia - SFaecal examination
- SQuick urine analysis including specific gravity
- SFine needle aspiration from external masses
- SBlood tests for Heartworm, Parvo virus and viral
diseases of cats
9Our Special Features
- Afterhours and emergency services
- Discounts to senior and pensioners
- Payment Plan (Only to know client)
- Multiple vaccination Discount
- Multiple Microchipping Discount
- Breeders Discounts
10We Promises
- Experienced VET
- Trust
- Peace
- Honesty
- Affordable Prices
- Compassion