Certain foods naturally increase your endurance in sports and in the bedroom. Here are five foods that really increase performance. Twolook.com - World's # 1 Online shop for natural products! Read more here – PowerPoint PPT presentation
The good news is that each of these foods are delicious as well giving you and your partner the endurance to keep the love on. The better news is that unlike running a marathon, you'll really love trying these foods and seeing the results for yourself.
2 Grapes
Grapes are high in boron, a chemical that helps produce both estrogen and testosterone. Both of these hormones have been shown to aid men and women in bedroom performance estrogen for libido in women and testosterone for physical stamina of any kind in both men and women.
3 Watermelon
Watermelon is packed with citrulline, a natural chemical which helps the body increase oxygen flow in the blood. If possible, try to find a way to mix watermelon with garlic and/or ginger, both of which are found to cause blood to flow into the private parts in both women and men.
4 Chocolate
Is there anything chocolate can't do? In particular, dark chocolate, while already being sexy on its own, helps release chemicals in the brain which lead to euphoria. This can help lead to a prolonged sexual experience. They're also packed with antioxidants which generally make the body perform better.