Title: Important Facts About Hoist
1Some Important Facts About Hoist
2Hoist is used for lifting heavy loads. Lifting
hook is used to attach heavy loads. The two
important aspects of hoist include lifting
medium and power type. The lifting medium is
either wire rope or load chain. Different size
and type of engine hoist are available in market.
4Electric hoist is the most popular and widely
used hoist. Hoist is the efficient device that
can be operated simply and easily. Hoist is also
termed as crane. They are manufactured by high
quality and durable materials. The capacity of
hoist is vary from one model to another.
5Safety Tips
6- There are certain types of dangers associated
with hoist. So certain mechanism are used to
avoid dangers like overloading and shipping - Stay alert
- Pay attention to the warning signal
- Never stand or walk under a load
- Always obey warning signs
7Lifting a heavy object by human is really
dangerous, hoists are really useful type of
devices to do these type of work easier. Ram
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