Title: Center for Computational Visualization
1Lecture 10 Multiscale Bio-Modeling and
VisualizationTissue Models III Imaging and
Volumetric B-Spline Models
Chandrajit Bajaj http//www.cs.utexas.edu/bajaj
2The Human Brain
3Reconstructed BB-spline model of a Volumetric
The input scattered volumetric data represent
values of the electrostatic potential function
for the caffeine molecule.
4Tri-variate B-spline Models of Volumetric Imaging
5 Trivariate BB-model of a jet engine cowling
Polynomial Spline approximation
Octree subdivision
Reconstructed engine
Input points with Oriented normals
6Trivariate BB-model of the reconstructed jet
engine cowling and associated pressure field
Polynomial Spline approximation
Octree subdivision
Reconstructed engine
Input points with Oriented normals
7Modeling of Volumetric Function Data
Data points and final octree
Isosurfaces extracted from the piecewise
polynomial spline model
8Volumetric Modeling of Manifold Data
Polynomial Spline approximation
Orientation of normals and octree subdivision
Reconstructed scalar field
Input points
9C1 Interpolation of derivative Jets at grid
- The sixty-four weights defining a tri-cubic
polynomial in Bernstein-Bezier (BB) form. The
filled dots correspond to weights that are
determined by the derivative jet at a vertex.
10C1 Interpolation by tri-cubic / tri-quadratic
BB-polynomials - I
11C1 Interpolation by tri-cubic / tri-quadratic
BB-polynomials - II
12C1 Interpolation by tri-cubic / tri-quadratic BB
polynomials - III
13 Tri-variate B-spline Models of Volumetric
Imaging Data
14Nearest Neighbor Interpolants
- Zero-order B-spline function (Box function)
15Linear B-Spline Interpolants
- First order B-spline kernel (hat function)
16Interpolants Approximants
- Zero-order and first-order B-spline functions are
named interpolants as the reconstructed signals
passes through the original sampling points. - Cubic B-spline convolution yields an approximant
17Convolution Spline Approximant
- Definition
- Cubic B-splines ?3(x) can be used as the
convolution kernel h(x),
18Cubic B-spline interpolation
To use ?3(x) for interpolation, the interpolated
signal is
- Which interpolates the original functional data
at points - The support of cubic B-Splines is only 4
20B-Splines and Catmull-Rom Splines
- Cubic B-spline Interpolation - Hou
and Andrews, 1978 - Unser et al. 1993
- Catmull-Rom Splines Catmull-Rom Splines,
CAGD74 - Keys 1981
- Mitchell and Netravali 1988
- Marschner (Viz94)
- Bentium (TVCG96)
- Moller (TVCG97, VolViz98)
21B-spline representation
22Fast Calculation of B-spline coefficients
23Interpolating B-Splines Cardinal splines
24First and Second Derivatives of B-Splines
Note Each derivative loses a degree of
numerical accuracy Nth EF (error filter) The
reconstructed signal can match the first N terms
of the Taylor expansion series of the original
signal Reconstructed derivative matches the first
(N-1) terms of Taylor expansion series of the
derivative of the original signal ((N-1)EF),
Reconstructed curvature (2nd derivatives) is
25Spectral Analysis -I (for kernels with overall
support 4)
26Spectral Analysis - II
27Spectral analysis-III
28Further Reading
- K. Hollig Finite Elements with B-Splines, SIAM
Frontiers in Applied Math., No 26., 2003. - M. Unser, A. Aldroubi, M. Eden. B-spline Signal
processing Part I, II, IEEE Signal Processing,
41821-848, 1993 - C. Bajaj, Modeling Physical Fields for
Interrogative Data Visualization, 7th IMA
Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, The
Mathematics of Surfaces VII, edited by T.N.T.
Goodman and R. Martin, Oxford University Press,
29Keys cubic convolution interpolation method
- Note
- C1
- s(x) matches the first three terms of Taylor
expansion series of f(x) - u(x) Catmull-Rom spline
30Comparison of Cubic B-spline interpolation and
Catmull-Rom spline
- Cubic B-spline Catmull-Rom
- Numerical error 4EF (error filter)
3EF - Smoothness C2
C1 - Spectral analysis Better
- Computational cost
- If c(i) is known, then both are cubic with
support 4, the computational cost is roughly same - But matrix inversion was used by Hou to determine
31BC spline
B2c1---?BC spline convolution is only 2EF
32Amplitude response of reconstruction filters
- Two quantitative measures
- Smoothing metric S(h)
- Postaliasing metric P(h)
- Which measure the difference between the
reconstruction filter and the ideal filter within
and outside Nyquist range respectively. - Both are for global error in the frequency
domain. - To address filter performance issue, we introduce
distortion metric D(h)
33B-spline its support
- Given a know sequence ????ui?ui1?ui2????
- The B-spline is defined as
- Where,
- i index of Ni,k
- k degree
- Support Defining Ni,k, only ui , ui1 , uik1
are related. The internal ui , uik1 is called
the support of Ni,k, in which Ni,k(u)gt0. - Properties
- Recursive
- Normalization
- Local support
34B-spline function
35B-spline function (contd)
36Signal Reconstruction
- Given discrete samples
- The ideal reconstructed signal can be denoted as
- with a reconstruction kernel
- Also its gradient f(x) can be reconstructed
exactly as sinc is infinitely differentiable. The
ideal gradient reconstruction filter is defined
as cosc(x), and its derivative curc(x) is used as
the ideal second order derivative reconstruction
kernel. - However sinc(.), cosc(.), and curc(.) extend
infinitely, impractical to use. - Practical alternatives are splines
37Marschner-Lobb data
IEEE Viz94
38Experiment results
Tri-linear interpolation Time299seconds
Tri-quadratic B-spline interpolation Time393secon
39Experiment results
Bentiums method Catmull-Rom spline Time548second
Mollers method Catmull-Rom spline for function
interpolation 3EF-discontinuous derivative
reconstruction Time551seconds
40Experiment results
Cubic B-spline Convolution Time583seconds
Cubic B-spline interpolation Time549seconds
41Experiment results
Quartic B-spline interpolation Time871seconds
Quintic B-spline interpolation Time1171seconds
Cubic B-spline interpolation For function and
derivative Reconstruction Time549seconds
Cubic B-spline interpolation for Function
reconstruction Quintic B-spline interpolation
for Derivative Reconsrtuction Time676seconds
43C1 Interpolation of vertex data
- The eight possible different topologies of the
level set . The sign of the SDF on the sixty-four
control points is uniform in each region
delimited by the shaded surface, and changes
across it.