Title: Specification of Policies for Web Service Negotiations
1Specification of Policies for Web Service
- Steffen Lamparter and Sudhir Agarwal
University of Karlsruhe (TH)
Semantic Web and Policy WorkshopGalway, November
- Motivation
- Modeling preferences Utility theory
- Preferences and Policies
- Policy Ontology
- Preference Modeling
- Conclusion
- Open problems / Outlook
- Web services are highly configurable products
- Attribute value pairs are insufficient to
describe offers and requests
encryption key 512 bits response time
5sprice 3 Euro
WS Provider I
I need a service with encryption key 128 bits,
response time lt 10s andprice lt 5 Euro
encryption key 128 bits response time
3sprice 4 Euro
WS Provider II
- Automatic selection as well as negotiation
requires - Preference information within the valid range
- Cardinal preferences to make multi-attributive
4Representing Preferences
- Multi-attribute utility theory
- Scoring function maps attribute values to a
numerical measure - This measure is comparable and can be aggregated
- ?Classical optimization algorithms can be used
- ? Allows realizing trade-offs (good expensive
vs. bad cheap) - Allows weighting of attributes
- Allows aggregation and weighting of preference
functions for one attribute
5Policies vs. Utility Functions
- Policies express preferences!
- Policies specify the allowed attribute range
(e.g. encryption key lt 512 bits) - Which attribute value is preferred (e.g. 128 bits
or 512 bits)?
128 encryption key 512
128 encryption key 512longer keys are
6DOLCE-based Policy Framework
Privacy Policy
WS Provider
Private data
Storage Duration
WS Invocation
- DOLCE used as modeling basis
- Reuse of modules Description and Situation,
Ontology of Plans, Ontology of Information Objects
7Modeling Utility Information
? Adding primitives for utility modeling
8Modeling Utility Information
- ? represents the points (x,y) that form the
utility function - Change Policy Value to a subclass of ?
- ? restricted to piecewise linear functions
- Satisfiability defines the degree a Situation
Value satisfies the Policy Value - YL contains an instance for each line in the
function ?
9Policy Evaluation
- Aggregation functions such as SUM, MIN, MAX, etc.
are required ? Ontology formalism ALC(?)
Baader,Sattler 03 - Deriving utility for a concrete Situation Value
P(satisfies degree, ? (yl ?))
10Policy Evaluation
- Calculation of the overall utility according to
- Weighted degree of satisfaction (wds) is
calculated by P(wds degree, satisfies
degree , ?ij) - True iff wds degree (satisfies degree)
weight holds - wds of attributes are aggregated to the overall
utility P(degree, ? aj wds degree) - GoodService v Service u 9 gt(0.7,degree)
- Bringing together two powerful paradigms
Policy-based computing and utility theory - Enables automated selection of services and
negotiation of service parameters - Preference information is modeled using DL
- Facilitates interoperability in open and
heterogeneous environments - Reuse of existing DL-reasoners
- Preference information can be used within the
reasoning process
12Open Problems / Outlook
- Checking for satisfiability and subsumption in
ALC(?) may lead to undecidability Baader,Sattler
03 - Specifying policies gets even harder
- Approximate preferences from existing policies
Lamparter et. al. 05 - There are 30 years of work in the field of
decision analysis and preference elicitation
Keeney, Raiffa 76 - ? Support policy specification by reusing of
existing preference elicitation techniques
- Baader, Sattler 03 Franz Baader, Ulrike
Sattler Description logics with aggregates and
concrete domains. Information Systems 28(8)
979-1004 (2003) - Keeney, Raiffa 76 Keeney, R.L. Raiffa,
H.Decisions with Multiple Objectives
Preferences and Value Tradeoffs. J. Wiley, New
York, 1976 - Lamparter et. al. 05 Lamparter, S., Eberhart,
A., Oberle, D. Approximating service utility
from policies and value function patterns. In
6th IEEE Int. Workshop on Policies for
Distributed Systems and Networks, IEEE Computer
Society (2005)