1Chapter 4
- Discounting
- Alernative Investment Criteria
- - Net Present Value Criteria
- - Benefit-Cost Ratio Criteria
- - Pay Back Period Criteria
- - Internal Rate of Return Criteria
31.1 Discounting and Compounding
- Same amount of money "today" and "in future" do
not have the same value. - Finding the today value of a future amount is
DISCOUNTING. - Finding the future value a current amount is
41.1 Discounting and Compounding(contd)
- An investment of 1, with a discount rate r
- Value
Value - Present After One Year Present
After n-Years - B/(1r) B
B/(1r)n B -
- r is the discount rate
- 1/(1r) is the discount factor
- (1r) is the compound factor
- Ex Present value of 250 for 10 years at 6
discount rate - 4PV 250/ (10.06)10
- PV 250/ 1.79 139.6 or 250 1/(10.06)10
5Example of Discounting
- Year 0 1 2 3 4
- Net Cash Flow -1000 200 300 350 1440
61.1Discounting and Compounding(contd)
- Discounting Net Benefits
- - the period (number of years)
- - the size of the discount (r)
- NPVr0 (B0-C0)/(1r)0 (B1-C1)/(1r)1 ---
- (Bn-Cn)/(1r)n
71.1Discounting and Compounding(contd)
- In ranking projects, the particular point in time
to which all the net benefits in each period are
discounted does not matter. - Instead of discounting all the net benefit flows
to the initial year (year 0), they can be
dicounted to year k NPV at year k will be a
constant multiple of NPV in year 0. It will be
multiplied with (1r). This will not change the
ranks of the projects, as all projects NPVs in
year 0 will be multiplied with the same constant
8 Table 4-1. Calculating the present value of net
benefits from an investment project
91.2 Variable Discount Rate
- Discount rates may vary through time.
- Funds may be very scarce at the beginning of the
project and the discount rates may be very high. - This will fall in the following years as the
supply and demand for funds return to normal
101.2 Variable Discount Rates
- Adjustment of Cost of Funds Through Time
- For variable discount rates r1, r2, r3 in years
1, 2, and 3, the discount factors are,
respectively, as follows
1/(1r1), 1/(1r1)(1r2)
111.3 Factors Affecting the Discount Rates for
Public Projects
- Discount rate for a private investment is the
weighted average of - Rate of return from the sale of equity
- The cost of borrowed funds
- Discount rate for a public sector investment is
the Economic Opportunity Cost of Capital (EOCK).
This rate reflects the opportunity forgone for
not using the funds in an alternative public
project. It considers the lost opportunity for
the whole economy. It reflects the true cost of
the resources (funds) used. - EOCK is taken as 12 by the World Bank for
developing countries.
121.3 Factors Affecting the Discount Rates for
Public Projects (cont)
- If significant market distortions exits i.e.
domestic distortions (taxes and subsidies), and
external distortions (tariffs and subsidies for
exports), the market price of inputs and outputs
of the projects do not reflect the true costs of
the resources. Their economic (shadow) prices
should be used in public projects. - For public sector projects, economic analysis
(rather than financial analysis) is more
relevant. Economic analysis uses the EOCK (rather
than the discount rate) and the economic values
(rather than the market prices).
131.3 Factors Affecting the Discount Rates for
Public Projects (cont)
- Financial Analysis
Economic Analysis - Financial discount rates
EOCK - Market prices Economic values
- More relevant to private sector More rel.
to public sector - Owners and bankers point of view
Economy point of view
14 2. Alternative Investment Criteria
- First Criterion Net Present Value (NPV)
- What does net present value mean?
- Measures change in wealth
- Use as a decision criterion to answer following
- a. When to reject projects?
- b. Select project (s) under a budget constraint?
- c. Compare mutually exclusive projects?
152.1 Net Present Value Criterion
- a. When to Reject Projects?
- Rule Do not accept any project unless it
generates a positive net present value when
discounted by the opportunity cost of funds - Examples
- Project A Present Value Costs 1 million, NPV
70,000 - Project B Present Value Costs 5 million, NPV -
50,000 - Project C Present Value Costs 2 million, NPV
100,000 - Project D Present Value Costs 3 million, NPV -
25,000 - Result
- Only projects A and C are acceptable. The
country is made worse off if projects B and D are
162.1 Net Present Value Criterion (Contd)
- b. When You Have a Budget Constraint?
- Rule Within the limit of a fixed budget,
choose that subset of the available projects
which maximizes the net present value - Example
- If budget constraint is 4 million and 4 projects
with positive NPV - Project E Costs 1 million, NPV 60,000
- Project F Costs 3 million, NPV 400,000
- Project G Costs 2 million, NPV 150,000
- Project H Costs 2 million, NPV 225,000
- Result
- Combinations FG and FH are impossible, as they
cost too much. EG and EH are within the budget,
but are dominated by the combination EF, which
has a total NPV of 460,000. GH is also possible,
but its NPV of 375,000 is not as high as EF. -
172.1 Net Present Value Criterion (Contd)
- c. When You Need to Compare Mutually Exclusive
Projects? - Rule In a situation where there is no budget
constraint but a project must be chosen from
mutually exclusive alternatives, we should always
choose the alternative that generates the largest
net present value - Example
- Assume that we must make a choice between the
following three mutually exclusive projects - Project I PV costs 1.0 million, NPV 300,000
- Project J PV costs 4.0 million, NPV 700,000
- Projects K PV costs 1.5 million, NPV 600,000
- Result
- Projects J should be chosen because it has the
largest NPV.
182.1 Net Present Value Criterion (Contd)
- Constraints of Using NPV
- NPV, not only tells you whether the project will
be accepted or rejected but also gives you the
present value of the surplus or the deficit of
the project. This is an advantage for NPV. - If the life periods of the strickly alternative
projects are not the same, adjustments have to be
made, so that the projects will be compared for
the same lenght of lives. - It is not correct to compare the NPV of a gas
turbine plant with a life of 10 years, to a coal
plant with a life of 30 years. Their lenght of
lives should be equated by repeating the gas
plant for three times. -
19 2.2 Benefit-Cost Ratio
- It is a widely used by the analysts. Should be
very careful, otherwise incorrect and misleading
decisions can be made. - Benefit-Cost Ratio (R) Present Value
Benefits/Present Value Costs - Basic rule
- If benefit-cost ratio (R) gt1, then the project
should be undertaken. - Problems?
- Sometimes it is not possible to rank projects
with the Benefit-Cost Ratio - Mutually exclusive projects of different sizes
- Mutually exclusive projects and recurrent costs
subtracted out of benefits or benefits reported
gross of operating costs - Not necessarily true that RAgtRB that
project A is better
202.2 Benefit-Cost Ratio (Contd)
- First Problem
- The Benefit-Cost Ratio Does Not Adjust for
Mutually Exclusive Projects of Different Sizes. - For example
- Project A PV0of Costs 5.0 M, PV0 of
Benefits 7.0 M - NPVA 2.0 M RA 7/5 1.4
- Project B PV0 of Costs 20.0 M, PV0 of
Benefits 24.0 M - NPVB 4.0 M RB 24/20 1.2
- According to the Benefit-Cost Ratio criterion,
project A should be chosen over project B because
RAgtRB, but the NPV of project B is greater than
the NPV of project A. - So, project B should be chosen
212.2. Benefit-Cost Ratio (Contd)
- Second Problem
- The Benefit-Cost Ratio Does Not Adjust for
Mutually Exclusive Projects where the Costs are
treated in different ways. - Project A Project B
- PV of gross benefits 2,000 2,000
- PV of operating Costs 500 1,800
- PV of capital costs 1,200 100
- B/C Ratio (Operating costs netted out of the
benefits) - RA (2000-500)/1200 1.15 RB
(2000-1800)/100 2.0 - Project B is preferred to Project A (RB gt RA
). - 2. B/C Ratio (Operating costs added to capital
costs) RA 2000/(1200500) 1.18 RB
2000/(1800100) 1.05 - Project A is preferred to Project B (RA gt RB
). - NPV of a project is not sensetive to the way the
acountants treat costs. Thus NPV is far more
reliable than B/C ratio as a criterion for
project selection. - Conclusion The Benefit-Cost Ratio CANNOT be used
to rank projects
22 2.3 Pay-Out or Pay-Back Period
- It is widely used criterion as it is very easy to
apply. Unfortunately it can give misleading
results especially in cases of investment with a
long life. - In a simplest form, it measures the number of
years it will take for the undiscounted net
benefits (positive net cash flow) to repay the
investment. If the number is greater than an
arbitrary chosen year, the project is accepted. - In more sophisticated form, it divides the
discounted net benefits over a given year with
the discounted investment costs. If the number is
greater than 1, the project is accepted. One
assumes that after the chosen net benefits are so
uncertain (war and political inability) that they
can be neglected. This assumption is not
realistic in cases of bridges and roads, etc.
232.3 Pay-Out or Pay-Back Period
- Project with shortest payback period is
preferred by this criteria - There is no reason to expect that quick
yielding projects are superior to long term
24Figure 4.2 Comparison of Two Projects With
Differing Lives Using Pay-Out Period Criterion
252.3 Pay-Out or Pay-Back Period (Contd)
- In such situations pay-back period criterion
gives wrong recommendation for choice among
investments. - Assumes all benefits that are produced by in
longer life project have an expected value of
zero after the pay-out period. - The criteria may be useful when project subject
to high level of political risk.
262.4 Internal Rate of Return Criterion
- IRR is the discount rate (K) at which the present
value of benefits are just equal to the present
value of costs for the particular
project.....(IRR k) wkich equates the net
benefits ti zero. - NPVr 0 0 (B0 - C0 ) (B1 C1 )/((1k)1
(B2 C2 ) / (1k)2 - Bt - Ct
- (1 K)t
- Note the IRR is a mathematical concept, not an
economic or financial criterion - Common uses of IRR
- (a). If the IRR is larger than the cost of funds
then the project should be undertaken - (b). Often the IRR is used to rank mutually
exclusive projects. The highest IRR project
should be chosen - An advantage of the IRR is that it only uses
information from the project - Another advantage of IRR is that it does not
require the calculation of EOCK. With NPV one has
to calculate the EOCK in the economic analysis.
272.4 Difficulties With the Internal Rate of Return
- First Difficulty Multiple rates of return for
project - Solution 1 K 100 NPV -100 300/(11)
-200/(11)2 0 - Solution 2 K 0 NPV -100300/(10)-200
/(10)2 0
28 2.4.1 Difficulties With the Internal Rate of
Return Criterion(IRR Makes Misleading Choice
under following conditions)
- For Single Projects
- If the net cash flow is negative in the initial
year (due to initial investment) but all positive
in the following years, then IRR has a unique
solution i.e. One solution - If negative net cash flows take place after the
negative net cash flow in intial year, we cannot
have a unique solution for the IRR. You will have
two values for IRR (figure 4.3) - If there is a large negative benefit in the
final year of the project, there will not be a
unique solution for IRR again.
29Figure 4.3 Time Profiles of the Incremental Net
Cash Flows for Various Types of Projects
Bt - Ct
Bt - Ct
30- Second difficulty Projects of different sizes
and also strict alternatives
312.4.3 Difficulties With The Internal Rate of
Return Criterion (Contd)
322.4.4 Difficulties With The Internal Rate of
Return Criterion (Contd)