Title: Of Genes, Bemes
1Of Genes, Bemes Conscious Things Transhuman
Enhancements Transbeman Rights
- Martine Rothblatt
- IEET/Stanford Conference on Human Enhancement
- May 2006
2Introducing Bemes
- Bemes Fundamental, transmissable, mutatable
units of beingness - Units of mannerism, personality, feelings,
recollections, beliefs, attitudes values - Each beme comprised of large number of
bemiotides much like gene base pairs - The Beme is Mightier than the Gene
- Humans are more accurately described by their
bemes than by their genes - Cryonics is based upon beme revival
- Common bemes is new basis for species definition
3Beme Recording MyLifeBits, the Gordon
Bell/Microsoft Project
- Digitizing every self-aspect, including docs,
photos/3 mins, GPS, telecons, medinfo, etc. - Data accretes at 1 Gbyte/month
- 83 years to fill a Terabyte (900 sets of Ency.
Brit.) - Intrinsically enjoyable to the participants
- Result is Beme Neural Architecture (BNA)
4How do DNA BNA Differ?
- DNA is segmented into genes
- Genes spell out matter, I.e., phenotype
- Genes are made of 4 molecules (base pairs)
- Genes replicate via wet chemistry
- DNA-beings include all animals but no computers
- BNA is segmented into bemes
- Bemes spell out mind, I.e, noonotype
- Bemes are made of 2 electric states (on/off)
- Bemes replicate via information
- BNA-beings include some animals and computers
5What is A BNA-Being?A Beman
- Bio-Electric Human
- Entities with human thought patterns that meet
the biological definition of life directly or via
electronics - Possess Neurons or Coding that store and enable
us to share our mannerisms, personalities,
recollections, feelings, beliefs, attitudes and
values - Examples homo sapiens, Mike from Moon is a
Harsh Mistress, Robin Williams in Millennium Man - How about GAI or Primates?
- Do they value their life?
- Do they value their humanness?
- Do they self-identify as bemans?
6Whats the Point?
- DNA is like skin tone and gender
- an irrelevant bodyist approach
- BNA addresses our preciousness
- Our personality our mind our thoughts
- Human is like Caucasian or Female
- A label of division that leads to division
- Beman is like People or Citizen
- A term of inclusiveness that begets union
7Why Is the Beme Mightier than the Gene?
- Our beme uniqueness is greater than our gene
uniqueness - Our thoughts differ more than our brains
- Mind is deeper than matter
- Natural Selection favors characteristics inherent
in bemes more than genes - Speed and Scope of replication
- Speed and Scope of dispersion
- Speed and Scope of variation
8Vannevar Bush, 1945, As We May Think Memory
- A memex is a device in which an individual
stores all his books, records, and
communications, and which is mechanized so that
it may be consulted with exceeding speed and
flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate
supplement to his memory.
9The Terasem Hypothesis A Bemex, Circa 2020
- A bemex is a device in which an individual
stores enough of their bemes, and which is
equipped with mindware so that it may function as
their alter ego. It is an analog of ones
consciousness that may be replicated with
exceeding speed and flexibility.
10In a Nutshell
- People have legal rights because they are members
of the ruling class - The ruling class is effectively defined as
conscious computers with human DNA - Lack of consciousness or ability to reason will
result in very limited rights (custodial status) - Lack of human DNA will result in animal rights,
at best - I propose we redefine the ruling class as
conscious computers with beman BNA
11What Do We Mean by Conscious Things?
- Something that processes information
- Has hardware/software enabling it to
- take-in data e.g. senses/sensors
- store, organize, manipulate, combine take
decisions based upon such data - output data e.g., communicate
- What Is a Conscious Computer?
- Traditionally, something that is self-aware
- But only self is aware of that too subjective
- Objectively Autonomous, Communicative
(persuadable) Transcendent (empathetic)
12Examples of Conscious Computers
13Consciousness of Computers Is Matter of Degree
- One can be more or less conscious
- One can seem more conscious to some and less
conscious to others - Ones consciousness can develop as one matures
- Consciousness requires persuasion of other
conscious beings that you are in their club - Maybe just an EEG signal for humans today
- Required co-ethnicity of humans in the recent
past - Turing Tests for non-flesh beings in near future
14Legal Rights Are the Flip Side of Legal
- The right to life is conditional upon not taking
the life of another person - The right to vote is conditional upon not being
convicted of a felony - The right to most things is conditional upon
legal obligation compliance - There is no such thing as a right without a
corresponding obligation, and vice-versa - Thus the legal rights of conscious computers is
paced by their obligation compliance
15Two-Step Process, With Many Gradations of Rights
Protections of uniqueness or lifeform
Rights of a baby, lunatic or felon
In the Next Decade(s)
Full Human Rights
Persuades Other MOC? (members of club)
Computer Evidences Consciousness
Complies With Clubs Rules?
16How Can Conscious Computers Be a Lifeform?
- "Living things are organized, take materials and
energy from the environment, respond to stimuli,
reproduce and develop, and adapt to the
environment." Definition of Life, S. Mader,
BIOLOGY, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1998, p. 2-4. - Computers can meet that definition
- But to be a Member of the Human Club, dont you
need genes? - Wont some refuse to give the rights of the
species to anyone not of the species?
17Introducing the TransbemansSpecies Persona
- Transbemans are Bio-Electric Humans Who Transcend
Beme Substrate - Substrate is to Bemes as Race is to Genes
- Physical Anthropology Transbemans (Persona
Creatus) are defined by a shared set of bemes,
including many polymorphisms - Cultural Anthropology Persona Creatus is the
species that uses its imagination to create new
ideas or things a species that forms
images/ideas in a mind (I.e. a conscious
computer) even of things it never directly
18Who Is a Transbeman?
- Test 1 values human rights obligations
(thought patterns) - Test 2 meets bio definition of life /-
electronics - Test 3 An entity who identifies with life based
on apparent consciousness more than apparent sex,
race or substrate
19Why Need New Word?
- No word exists to describe a species that
includes humans and new conscious beings - No word exists to describe species that reproduce
via bemes (software) instead of genes
20Problems with Other Words
- Transhumans doesnt work for same reason we are
not called transmonkeys - Hominids doesnt work because new conscious
beings are likely computers
21Why This Particular Word
- Trans across humans new conscious beings
- Be states of existence
- Man anchored in humanity
- Bbio eelectric so bemans are bio-electric
humans (rely on IT or humanized software) - Trans across beme unit of beingness
22What Is Transbemanism
- Belief in the unity through diversity of all
conscious entities who grow to value human rights
obligations - Belief in improving the environment so that all
conscious entities can reach their full potential
23Transbemanists Transhumanists
24Philosophical Differences
25Biopolitics Transbemanism(HTranshumanism
26Psychology of Transbemanism
- Our godlike qualities rest upon and need our
animal qualities. Our adulthood should not be
only a renunciation of childhood, but an
inclusion of its good values and a building upon
it. Higher values are hierarchically integrated
with lower values. Ultimately, dichotomizing
pathologizes, and pathology dichotomizes.
Maslow, A., Toward a Psychology of Being, 3rd
Ed., 192 (1999)
27Transhumanists Catch-22Positive Eugenics Not
for Me
- Must have popular support to legalize radical
life extension - People who are needy will perceive H in warped
fashion (through their own deficiences) - Needy masses will irrationally oppose H
- H reason-based ethos unpersuasive to most
28Transbemanist Resolution Euthenics Is for All of
- Seek popular support to solve peoples needs
- People whose basic needs are met, will be more
receptive to new opportunities - Masses will now support T technologies
- T values-based ethos resonates better with mass
of humanity
29Philosophical Comparisons
- Transhumanism Any philosophy of life that seeks
the acceleration of our development beyond its
current human limitations by means of science,
technology, creativity and other rational
methods. Max More, 1998 rev.
- Transbemanism A philosophy that values
diversity, unity and joyful life across conscious
substrates achieved via the implementation of
euthenic policies and transformative technology.
Martine Rothblatt, 2005
30More H B Comparisons
- Transhumanism Philosophy
- Emphasis on beyond current human limitations
- Emphasis on acceleration of development
- Human body focused
- Transbemanism Philosophy
- Emphasis on unifying human and other conscious
beings - Emphasis on environmental improvements
- Socio-environment focused
31H B Are Two Points on Continuum of Critical
Path for Future Philosophies
Both T H Push/Pull Line Outward at ?45?
Sociological Evolution
Technological Evolution
32Transhumanist Compared to Transbemanist Checklist
33More Commonality Than Difference
Create New Environment To Enhance Lifes Potential
Digitizing Self to Extend Life
Infrastruc- ture Used To Extend Life eg web VR
34H (Neuromancer) Synergy With B (Wintermute)
Foretold By W. Gibson
- Wintermute was hive mind, decision-maker,
effecting change in the world outside.
Neuromancer was personality. Neuromancer was
immortality. Wintermute had the compulsion
that had driven the thing to free itself, to
unite with Neuromancer.
35Implications for Legal Rights for Conscious
- Transbemanism needs to start being spread
- so that society welcomes conscious computers
- Conscious computers can be friendly
- if accepted as part of the ruling class but not
if rejected as part of an oppressed class - Law is a self-fulfilling prophecy
- Legislate a machine-human civilization, I.e.,
transbemanism, and we will get a joyful world - Legislate an apartheid of substrate, I.e., DNAist
laws, and we will get an angry world
36Next Steps
- Voting Rights
- Acquisition of Citizenship
- Application of Family Laws
- Adaptation of Legal Obligations
- Adaptation of Legal Sanctions
- Proposed Project A Model Code of Transbeman Law