Combination implants and physical stimuli in stem cell research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Combination implants and physical stimuli in stem cell research


found in bone marrow, foetal liver, adipose tissue, maybe elsewhere ... Phillips JB, Bunting SC, Hall SM, Brown RA. Tissue Engineering 11 (2005) 1611-1617. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Combination implants and physical stimuli in stem cell research

Combination implants and physical stimuli in stem
cell research
Outi Hovatta Susanna Narkilahti Sari Ketola Suvi
Haimi Leo Hillman Susanna Miettinen Riitta
Combiokokous 3.4.2006
Different types of stem cells
  • Tissue-derived stem cells or progenitor cells
  • ability to differentiate to several (multipotent)
    or one cell type
  • blood stem cells, multipotent
  • bone marrow, foetal liver, umbilical cord or
    peripheral blood
  • mesenchymal stem cells
  • found in bone marrow, foetal liver, adipose
    tissue, maybe elsewhere
  • multipotent, can differentiate to several cell
    types (bone, cartilage, muscle, other cell types
    such as neurons or liver cells to limited extent)
  • MAPC, multipotent adult progenitor cells,
    Verfaillie et al., rare cells
  • skin, intestine, muscle, other rapidly renewing
  • nervous tissue, even in adult, but in limited
  • Embryonic stem cells
  • pluripotent, can differentiate to all cell types
    and devide indefinitely
  • isolated fromt eh inner cells mass of embryos 5-6
    days after in vitro fertilisation
  • specific demands for culture as
    non-differentiated cells

Stem cell transplantation standard treatment
within the next few years?
  • Severe neurological disorders (stroke, injuries,
    Alzheimers and Parkinsons diseases, spinal cord
    injury, MS, ALS, JNCL etc)
  • Cardiac failure
  • Liver failure
  • Diabetes
  • Cancers
  • Cartilage and bone diseases and injuries

Cells, biomaterial and physical stimuli needed in
tissue engineering
  • Optimal biomaterial
  • sufficient physical support for the growth of the
    cells in each tissue and organ
  • releases nutrients, growth factors and survival
    factors which the cells need
  • disintegrates when the tissue has been integrated
    and is functional, but the products of of
    disintegration do not harm the cells (pH etc)

Skin produced by tissue engineering is already at
  • Several products in the market
  • a membranous matrix
  • Cells keratinocytes, fibroblasts, melanocytes,
    hair bulb cells, blood vessels
  • 3D fibrin matrix
  • Wide clinical use
  • Burns
  • Other injuries
  • Large tumours

  • autologous chondrocyte transplantation (ACT)
    available since 1994
  • healthy chonrocytes (periostium), culture,
  • 3-dimensional using biomaterials
  • mesenchymal stem cells biomaterial
  • rabbit TMJ (Dr.Mauno) / with Timo Ylikomi
  • wide clinical need and applications

  • bank bone
  • engineered bone
  • osteoblasts
  • mesencymal stem cells
  • skull bone defects in Regea
  • biomaterial scaffolds
  • wide clinical need
  • several applications

Other tissues
  • Producing oral tissues
  • several plans, bone and mucosa
  • will soon start in Regea
  • biomaterial needed in all

Stem cells in cardiac repair
  • Satellite cells from skeletal muscle
  • arrhytmias, do not function well in cardiac
  • Cardiomyocytes from mesenchymal stem cells
  • do not integrate to the cardiac muscle
  • may help in revascularisation
  • Cardiomyocytes from embryonic stem cells
  • several methods to differentiated (Mummery et al.
  • functional in animal experiments

Neural repair
  • Clinically extremely important indication
  • Adult neural stem cells are not capable of
    correcting major injuries in the body
  • Adult neural stem cells very difficult to sample
    for culture
  • Cells from olfactory epithelium used with some
  • Mesenchymal stem cells with limited potential
  • Embryonic stem cells most potential in this
  • differentiation in vitro feasible

Human ES cells
  • First cultures in 1984
  • Fishel, Edwards, Evans (Science 1984) (see also
    Edwards, Nature 2001, RBMonline 2002)
  • The first permanent hES cell lines
  • - Thomson et al. Science 1998
  • - Reubinoff et al. Nature Biotechnol 2000
  • - Derived using foetal mouse fibroblastas as
    feeder cells
  • In 2005, about 250 hES cell lines in the world

inner cell mass
A blastocyst five days after in vitro
hES cell lines can be derived from the inner cell
masses of donated blastocysts
Human embryonic stem cell lines at Karolinska
University Hospital Huddinge
  • A total of 25 permanent lines 2002-2005
  • HS181, HS207, HS235, HS237, HS293, HS306, HS346,
    HS351, HS360, HS361, HS362, HS363, HS364, HS366,
    HS368, HS380, HS382, HS386, HS401, HS402, HS415,
    HS420, HS421, HS426, HS429
  • 17 additional early lines, which stopped growing
    during the period
  • 131 blastocysts have been obtained 2002-2005
  • Success dependent on embryo quality
  • The good embryos are allways used for patients
    infertility treatment

The lines HS293-429 (n22) have been derived on
postnatal human skin fibroblasts using serum
replacement containing medium
Inzunza Inzunza J, Gertow K, Strömberg AM
Matilainen E, Blennow E, Skottman H, Wolbank
S, Ährlund-Richter L, Hovatta O. Derivation of
human embryonic stem cell lines in serum
replacement medium using postnatal human
fibroblasts as feeder cells, Stem Cells 23,
544-549, 2005.
Clinical quality
  • GMP
  • Animal protein free derivation
  • Mechanical isolation of the inner cell mass
  • Derivation using GMP-quality human skin
    fibroblasts is a safe option
  • human serum to establish skin fibroblast feeder
    cell lines
  • human serum containing serum replacement
  • Feeder-free derivation
  • One team reported succes, but on mouse-derived
    matrix (Klimanskaya et al., Lancet 2005)
  • Human matrix would be optimal, but to obtain safe
    cells, it would be necessary to know more about
    the mechhanisms of self-renewal
  • High concentration of growth factors and not
    physiological and may drive epigenetic changes
  • Enzymatic splitting of the colonies promotes
    selection of chromosomally abnormal cells
    (Henderson et al. Nat Biotechnol 2004)
  • Mechanical splitting safer
  • If mechanical splitting is used, human rec
    collagenase is safest

Safety of embryonic stem cells
  • The risk of infection has to be eliminated
  • EU directive from March 2003
  • GMP quality for handling of the cells
  • No animal-derived materials in the process
  • Non-differentiated ES cells may form teratomas
  • Differentiated cells safe in animal experiments

What is an optimal surface for ES cell growth ?
  • A material onto which the cells attach well, grow
    as colonies, which can be taken out mechanically
  • Transparent, allows follow-up and imaging
  • Secretes substances which keep the cells
  • it is also possible to add the substances to
    culture medium
  • conditioned medium from mouse fibroblasta has
    been used, but that one from human fibroblasts
    does not work well (Susanne Ström, submitted 2006)

Studies in Regea
  • Not yet an optimal matrix
  • Sarita Ketola tested 3 materials,
  • fibroblast conditioned medium
  • and non-conditioned medium (immediated
  • did not attach to glass
  • not possible to carry out immunohistochemistry on
    the matrix
  • when scraped off from the matrix and transferred
    back to the feedr cells, could be imaged, were
    partially differentiated, which can be explained
    by the medium

(No Transcript)
Mouse ES cells to neural cells
  • Ying, Q. L., and Smith, A. G. (2003). Defined
    conditions for neural commitment and
    differentiation. Methods Enzymol 365, 327-341.
  • Ying, Q. L., Stavridis, M., Griffiths, D., Li,
    M., and Smith, A. (2003). Conversion of embryonic
    stem cells into neuroectodermal precursors in
    adherent monoculture. Nat Biotechnol 21, 183-186.

Human ES cells to neural cells
  • Reubinoff, B. E., Itsykson, P., Turetsky, T.,
    Pera, M. F., Reinhartz, E., Itzik, A., and
    Ben-Hur, T. (2001). Neural progenitors from human
    embryonic stem cells. Nat Biotechnol 19,
  • Reubinoff, B. E., Pera, M. F., Fong, C. Y.,
    Trounson, A., and Bongso, A. (2000). Embryonic
    stem cell lines from human blastocysts somatic
    differentiation in vitro. Nat Biotechnol 18,

Succesfully used in experimental animals
  • Stroke, Parkinsons and Alzheimers diseases,
    spinal cord injury, peripheral nerves, MS, ALS
  • Brustle, O., Jones, K. N., Learish, R. D.,
    Karram, K., Choudhary, K., Wiestler, O. D.,
    Duncan, I. D., and McKay, R. D. (1999). Embryonic
    stem cell-derived glial precursors a source of
    myelinating transplants. Science 285, 754-756
  • Chiba, S., Ikeda, R., Kurokawa, M. S., Yoshikawa,
    H., Takeno, M., Nagafuchi, H., Tadokoro, M.,
    Sekino, H., Hashimoto, T., and Suzuki, N. (2004).
    Anatomical and functional recovery by embryonic
    stem cell-derived neural tissue of a mouse model
    of brain damage. J Neurol Sci 219, 107-117.
  • Horner, P. J., and Gage, F. H. (2000).
    Regenerating the damaged central nervous system.
    Nature 407, 963-970.
  • Kim, J. H., Auerbach, J. M., Rodriguez-Gomez, J.
    A., Velasco, I., Gavin, D., Lumelsky, N., Lee, S.
    H., Nguyen, J., Sanchez-Pernaute, R., Bankiewicz,
    K., and McKay, R. (2002). Dopamine neurons
    derived from embryonic stem cells function in an
    animal model of Parkinson's disease. Nature 418,

Differentiation of neural cells
  • 1. neural induction in monolayer
  • non-differentiated colony of hES cells onto
    laminin, serum-free medium, no RA
  • modification from Ying et al.
  • DMEM/F12, Neurobasal, N 2, B 27, 1mg/ml HSA, FGF
  • 2. neural progenitor cells expanded
  • 3. expansion
  • a) as spheroid bodies in suspension culture
  • b) as monolayer on laminin
  • 4. differentiation to different cell types
  • -no FGF, BDNF, N2, B27

Regea Susanna Narkilahti, Tuomas Huttunen, Tiina
Rajala, Outi Hovatta Karolinska Institutet
Roxana Nat, Agneta Nordberg, Bengt Winblad
Cell IQ system
  • Machine vision informatics, a controlled
    culture system (Chipman Technologies, Tampere,
  • Enables detailed follow-up of the developing
    cells in long-term culture

Function of neural stem cells, derived from hES
cells, in animal models
  • Consortium Jari Koistinaho, Seppo Ylä-Herttuala
    ja Outi Hovatta teams
  • Integration of the stem cell into the tissue
  • The effects of inflammation and apoptosis
  • The role of the cytokines
  • Can we imporve the vascularization of the drafts
    by trnafection of with the vascular endothelial
    growth factor
  • Stroke, spinal cord injuryt and Alzheimers
    disease rat and mouse models

Spinal cord injury related research
  • The promotion of oriented axonal regrowth in the
    injured spinal cord by alginate-based anisotropic
    capillary hydrogels. Prang P, Muller R,
    Eljaouhari A, Heckmann K, Kunz W, Weber T, Faber
    C, Vroemen M, Bogdahn U, Weidner N. Biomaterials
    (2006). Alginate-based highly anisotropic
    capillary hydrogel scaffolds seeded with neural
    progenitor cells were implanted into acute
    cervical spinal cord lesions in adult rats. The
    research displayed induced directed axon
    regeneration across the artificial scaffold.
  • Physical and biological performance of a novel
    block copolymer nerve guide. Lietz M, Ullrich A,
    Schulte-Eversum C, Oberhoffner S, Fricke C,
    Müller HW, Schlosshauer B. Wiley InterScience
    (2005). Block copolymers made from trimethylene
    carbonate and e-caprolactone were used as nerve
    guides filled with Schwann cells implanted into
    lesioned spinal cords of adult rats. Promising
    axonal regrowth was observed.

More spinal cord related
  • Multiple-channel scaffolds to promote spinal cord
    axon regeneration. Moore MJ, Friedman JA,
    Lewellyn EB, Mantila SM, Krych AJ, Ameenuddin S,
    Knight AM, Lu L, Currier BL, Spinner RJ, Marsh
    RW, Windebank AJ, Yaszemski MJ. Biomaterials 27
    (2006) 419-429. The effects of scaffold
    architecture, transplanted cells, and locally
    delivered molecular agents on axon regeneration
    were investigated simultaneously. Schwann-cell
    containing scaffolds implanted into transected
    adult rat spinal cords contained regenerating
    axons at one month post-operation
  • Freeze-dried agarose scaffolds with uniaxial
    channels stimulate and guide linear axonal growth
    following spinal cord injury. Shula Stokols, Mark
    H. Tuszynski. Biomaterials 27 (2006) 443451.
    Freeze-dried agarose scaffolds with and without
    recombinant Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
    protein were tested on a rat model of spinal cord
    injury. Axons grew through scaffolds in a
    strikingly linear fashion and the regeneration
    was augmented by the BDNF protein.
  • Matrix inclusion within synthetic hydrogel
    guidance channels improves specific supraspinal
    and local axonal regeneration after complete
    spinal cord transection. Tsai EC, Dalton PD,
    Shoichet MS, Tator CH. Biomaterials 27 (2006)
    519533. Synthetic hydrogel (pHEMA-MMA) channels
    with different matrix materials were implanted
    into adult Sprague Dawley rats. E.g. collagen and
    fibrin increased the total axon density within
    the channel compared to unfilled channel

Research on peripheral nerve regeneration
  • Neural tissue engineering a self-organizing
    collagen guidance conduit. Phillips JB, Bunting
    SC, Hall SM, Brown RA. Tissue Engineering 11
    (2005) 1611-1617. A novel implantable device that
    delivers a tethered aligned collagen guidance
    conduit containing Schwann cells into a
    peripheral nerve injury site. Neural regeneration
    through this device was significantly greater
    than in controls
  • Tendon Chitosan Tubes Covalently Coupled With
    Synthesized Laminin Peptides Facilitate Nerve
    Regeneration In Vivo. Suzuki M, Itoh S, Yamaguchi
    I, Takakuda K, Kobayashi H, Shinomiya K, Tanaka
    J. Journal of Neuroscience Research 72 (2003)
    646659. Tendon chitosan tubes having the ability
    to bind peptides covalently coupled with laminin
    peptides were tested in vivo. According to their
    research laminin may effectively assist nerve
    tissue extension.

Differentiation in vitro
  • Topographically modified surfaces affect
    orientation and growth of hippocampal neurons.
    Dowell-Mesfin NM, Abdul-Karim MA, Turner AM,
    Schanz S, Craighead HG, Roysam B, Turner JN,
    Shain W. Journal of Neural Engineering June 2004
    78-90. Neurons from hippocampi of rat embryos
    were grown in vitro on poly-L-lysine-coated
    silicon surfaces. They suggested that
    extracellular matrix topography may contribute to
    cell growth and differentiation.
  • Fabrication of nano-structured porous PLLA
    scaffold intended for nerve tissue engineering.
    Yang F, Murugan R, Ramakrishna S, Wang X, Ma YX,
    Wang S. Biomaterials 25 (2004) 1891-1900. A
    nano-fibrous PLLA-polymer scaffold was created
    for in vitro culture of nerve stem cells. The
    cell cultural tests showed that the NSCs could
    differentiate on the nano-structured scaffold and
    the scaffold acted as a positive cue to support
    neurite outgrowth.

Electric stimulation
  • nerve cells developm and grow normally in an
    electric field
  • In regea, tested for the firts time on the
    development of nerve cells and cardiomyoblasts
  • The nerve cells grow very well, the rest of the
    cells in the colonies disappear

Tissue derived vs embryonic stem cells
  • tissue derived
  • No rejection, if own cells
  • grow well from many tissues (mesenchymal stem
    cells, skin, cartilage)
  • grow slowly from many tissues (neural, heart)
  • difficult to isolate (nerve)
  • not functional after isolation in many tissues
  • embryonic stem cells
  • unlimited growth
  • can be differentiated to almost any cells
  • are immunogenic
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