Title: Project 7: Northwind Traders Order Entry
1Project 7 Northwind Traders Order Entry
2Northwind Order Entry
- Extend the Select Customer program from Project 6
to permit the user to enter orders. - Add orders to the database.
- Print invoices.
- Refer the Concept Document for background
material - http//www.cse.usf.edu/turnerr/Software_Systems_D
evelopment/Downloads/Northwind_Call_Center/ - Note This project is just a start. It does not
fully implement the system described in the
Concept Document.
3Database Tables
- Use copies of the Northwind Traders Database
tables in your own database on scorpius. - Do not use the real Northwind database, which is
read only. - You should have already added these tables to
your scorpius database.
4Orders Table
For this project, use only OrderID, CustomerID,
and OrderDate. Note that OrderID is an Identity
5Order Details Table
For this project, set Discount to 0.00. Other
columns will have real values.
6Products Table
For this project, ignore SupplierID,
QuantityPerUnit, UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder,
ReorderLevel, and Discontinued.
7Entity Classes
- Define an Entity class corresponding to each
database table used by the project. - Customers
- Order Details
- Orders
- Products
8Database Classes
- Objects of Entity classes encapsulate information
corresponding to one row of a database table. - The Entity classes encapsulate knowledge of how
to access the database as well as information
from the database.
9Home Form
- Add a button to the Home Form labeled Enter
Order. - Enabled only when a customer is selected.
- This button brings up a new form that permits the
user to enter an order for the selected customer.
10Home Form
11Order Entry Form
12Order Entry Form
- The Category dropdown list is bound to the
Categories table. - Display Member Category Name
- Value Member CategoryID
- List never changes.
- When a category is selected, the Product list is
set up with products having the selected category.
13Order Entry Form
- The Product dropdown list is bound to the
Products table, but only lists products in the
selected category. - When a product is selected, its Unit Cost should
appear in the Unit Cost textbox, a default value
of 1 should appear in the Quantity textbox, and
the Add to Order button should be enabled.
14Adding an Item to the Order
- After selecting a product, the user can enter a
different value into the Quantity textbox if
desired. - Must be a positive integer.
- Less than 1000.
15Order Item Information Set Up
16Adding an Item to the Order
- When the user clicks Add to Order, a line item is
added to the order as shown in the DataGridView
below the dropdown lists. - At this time the Submit Order button should be
enabled. - It should be disabled until the first line item
is added to the order. - In this project, we will not implement
reservations for products in pending orders as
described in the concept document.
17Order with One Line Item
18Entering an Order
- The user can continue adding line items up to a
maximum of 10. - The user can click Cancel to delete the current
order and return to the Home form. - When all items have been entered, the user clicks
Submit Order to add this order to the database. - One row is added to the Orders table.
- One row is added to the Order Details table for
each line item of the order.
19Entering an Order
- When the user clicks Submit Order the Print
Invoice button is enabled. - The Submit Order button is now disabled.
- The text on the Cancel button becomes Return.
- User can no longer cancel the order.
20Ready to Submit Order
21After Order Entered
22Print Invoice
- The Print Invoice button outputs order
information to a printer. - Use a Print Dialog to let the user select a
printer. - Always print all pages.
- There will only be one page
- Use a fixed width font for line items so that
columns of numbers can be aligned.
24Implementation Specifications
- Use a DataGridView to show the line items of the
order on the Order Entry form. - Use a DataTable to hold the order information as
the order is being entered. - Do not put anything into the database until the
user clicks Submit Order.
25Implementation Specifications
- Declare the DataTable as a member of the Order
Entry Form class. - Add columns programatically in the form class
constructor. - Add rows to the DataTable as line items are added
to the order.
26Implementation Specifications
- Bind the DataGridView to the DataTable in the
form class constructor. - Set DataGridView column widths and style
programatically. - http//www.cse.usf.edu/turnerr/Software_Systems_D
27Printing Tip
- Numerical quantities should be right aligned in
their boxes. - DrawString specifies position of left edge.
- Where to you put the left edge of the string so
that the right edge comes out at the right edge
of the box? - We need to know how long the printed string will
28Printing Tip
- In Visual Studio Help
- Search for MeasureText
- http//msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.win
dows.forms.textrenderer.measuretext(VS.80).aspx - http//msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y4xdbe66(V
29TextRendered.MeasureText Method
30TextRendered.MeasureText Method
31MeasureText Example
- private void print_line_item(Graphics g,
Order_Detail od, ref int y_pos) -
- Font f new Font("Courier New", 10)
- int h invoice_font.Height
- Brush b invoice_brush
- Rectangle r
- Pen p SystemPens.WindowText
- Size size
- String str " "
- int space
- r new Rectangle(50, y_pos,
dataGridView1.Columns0.Width, h) - g.DrawString(od.Product.ProductName, f, b,
r.X 5, y_pos) - g.DrawRectangle(p, r)
- r.X dataGridView1.Columns0.Width
- r.Width dataGridView1.Columns1.Width
- str od.Product.UnitPrice.ToString("C")
- size TextRenderer.MeasureText(str, f)
32Ground Rules
- You may work with one other person.
- OK to work alone if you prefer.
- If you do work as a pair
- Both members are expected to contribute.
- Submit a single program.
- Both members should understand the program in
detail. - It is OK to discuss the project, but ...
- Do not share your work with other students.
- Before or after submitting the project.
- Do not copy any other students work.
- Dont look at anyone elses program.
33Ground Rules
- Except for code currently posted on the class web
site - Do not copy code from the Internet
- or any other source.
- Write your own code.
- Project is due before 1159 PM, Monday night,
April 25. - Deliverables
- Entire project folder, zipped
- Please use Windows Send to command to zip the
folder. - Submit your project using the Blackboard
Assignment for this class. - If done as a pair, only one member should submit
the project. - Include both names in the assignment comments and
in source file comments. - Other student submit just a comment with both
names. - End of Presentation