Title: Whats Cooking with Bike Coops
1Whats Cooking with Bike Coops?
- BikeBakersfields Bike Kitchen
- -Larry Lara Jr.
- Davis Bike Church/UBC Bike Kitchen
- -Ted Buehler
- Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen
- -Jeffery Rosenhall
- San Francisco Bike Kitchen
- -Brian Cavagnolo Mario Bruzzone
2The Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen
- Building Community One Bike At a Time.
Thursday September 13th, 2007
California Walk/Bike Conference
Jeffery Rosenhall, SBK Board Secretary
3Wheres the Kitchen at?
- Sacramentos Oak Park Neighborhood, the citys
first suburb.
4About Us
- Community-focused
- 100 Volunteer organization
- Supported by memberships, donations, bike and
parts sales
- Non-Profit, 501(c)3 organization
5Our Mission
- Our mission promotes
- bicycle transportation and self-sufficiency
through bike maintenance,
- access to low-cost bicycles,
- Community-based bicycle safety training
6Grand Opening June 24th, 2006
- Signed-up new members
- Shop tours
- Music (alt, grunge, punk)
- Local microbrews (and cider!)
- Raffle (with fabulous prizes!)
and 1 year anniversary party June 24th, 2007
7A Virtual Tour
8More on-site at the SBK
A volunteer scavenging bike parts in Broke Bike
Building bikes in Broke Bike Mountain
9Daily services
- Bike tool use
- Sharing knowledge to help customers fix their own
- Sales of refurbished bikes for modest price
(40.00 - 80.00)
- Sales of used parts (very low cost 5)
- Provide a space for all cyclists to gather,
relax, and discuss bicycling (culture)
10Bike Maintenance courses
- Offered in the evening at
- -Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op and in the
Kitchen itself
- Other classes/clinics
- -Cyclocross racing clinic
- -Winterize Your Bike fender party
- Future classes
- -Bike safety
- -Intermediate and Advanced maintenance
- -Wheel-building?
- -Trailer building??
11Bike-in movies
12Bike swaps
- Two swap and counting
- Advertised locally (our site, craigslist,
- Provide a space for sharing and selling gear to
other enthusiasts, collectors, and everyday
13Applying for non-profit status
- Board members selected, incl. President,
Secretary, and Treasurer
- Paperwork completed and filed with the Secretary
of State.
- 501(c)3 non-profit status approved April 2007.
(took 9 months!)
- Allows expansion of current programs
- Board elections in December 07
14Future Program ideas
- Earn-a-Bike Program in collaboration with other
Sacramento cycling groups
- Road 1 Bike Safety Courses (U.C.E.)
- Monthly Bike-in movies
- Promote Brick House Art Gallerys Second
Saturdays group bike ride
- Web-based e-store for parts bike
- Shop expansion this fall
15Whats Cooking?
16Connecting with theSacramento Bicycle Kitchen
- Stop by the shop!
36th and Broadway
- Visit the website www.sacbikekitchen.org
- Email us info_at_sacbikekitchen.org
- Call 916.731.8167
How can we help you?