Title: Latest Monster Surgery Game For Kids
1Game Designed Developed By Arth I- Soft
2In monster hospital, there are many monster
character got injured you have to visit monster
hospital and treat them as real doctor.They are
many different tools available in game.The game
also includes 3 mini games for kids to
play.Gameimax the leading game development
company always develops superior kid's games and
also provide game development service.Contact
them on info_at_gameimax.Com or visit at
www.Gameimax.Com for further information.
- Monster Hospital Kids Game
- Stethoscope used to check heartbeat.
- Thermometer used to check temperature.
- Blood pressure machine used to check BP
- Shock treatment.
- Vacuum to suck dirt particles.
- Injection used in pill form.
- Dropper used to drop medicine.
- Stick colorful bandage on injured part.
- X-Ray used to scan internal injury.
- Plaster used to cover injured part.
5Download on your iPhone / iPad / iPod