Title: Enterprise Architecture 3
1A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment
a single man sic contemplates it, bearing
within him the image of a cathedral - Antoine
de Saint Exupery, author and aviator (1900-1945)
2Information Systems Architecture
- a blueprint that provides the top-down
structure into which data and systems must fit
(Parker/Trainor/Benson) - ...the framework upon which applications are
designed and implemented. (Boar) - ...the blueprints, drawings or models...which
define and describe what is needed...design and
implementation work is initiated after
architecture (Spewak) - A framework for overall information systems
design describing applications, data and
3The Zachman Information Architecture Framework
4Professor Len Fertucks ISA Framework
5Framework for 3-tier C/S Development
6(No Transcript)
7The Gartner Group Information Technology
8Index Architecture Framework
9Architecture Dimension Model
10Architecture Dimension Model - revised
11Enterprise ArchitectureIntegrated Repository
12- Enterprise Architecture is built with models as
a house is built with stones - - but a collection of models is no more an
Enterprise Architecture than a heap of stones
is a house. - (with apologies to Poincare)