Caleb: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Caleb 'Give me this mountain' ... Caleb 'Give me this mountain' It's so very hard for some brethren to break with the world. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Caleb:

Caleb Give
me this mountain
  • Joshua 1412

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • Introduction Remember Rom. 154
  • A. Caleb, one of the twelve spies, Num. 13, 14.
  • B. All brought back favorable report of land.
  • C. But they saw large fortified cities and
  • D. Ten spies said we are not able they are
    stronger than we. 1331.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • I. But my servant Caleb has a different spirit
    in him, and has followed me fully. Num. 1424.
  • He said, Let us go up at once and take
    possession for we are well able to overcome it,
  • Not half-hearted. Didnt serve God half-way.
  • Recognized Gods will and was fully committed to
    doing it.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • A. Caleb had faith instead of doubt. Num. 14
  • 148, If the Lord delights in us
  • 149, The Lord is with us. Do not fear them.
  • They didnt think so! Felt alone, facing giants.
  • Job 238-9, I go forward, but He is not there,
    and backward, but I cannot perceive Him When He
    works on the left hand, I cannot see Him.
  • What about us? Phil. 212, 13, God is involved!

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • 1411, How long will they not believe me?
  • Did they say we dont believe God?
  • Their actions said it loud and clear.
  • To say we cannot means God cannot.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • B. Caleb had courage instead of fear.
  • Deut. 121, 'Look, the Lord your God has set the
    land before you go up and possess it, as the
    Lord God of your fathers has spoken to you do
    not fear or be discouraged.
  • Caleb believed this at first and still believed
    it after 40 years in the wilderness.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • The other ten spies said, We are not able to go
    up against the people, for they are stronger than
    we (Num. 1331). Grasshopper complex, v. 33.
  • But Caleb saw same fortified cities and giants
    they saw.
  • And he said, We are well able to over come it.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • C. Caleb was optimistic rather than pessimistic.
  • They said, a land that devours its
    inhabi-tants men of great stature we were like
    grasshoppers. Num. 1332, 33.
  • Caleb said, they are our bread their protection
    has departed from them. 149.
  • Phil. 112-14 Was Paul the prisoner overcome by
    despair? 423.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • D. Caleb was a man of hope, not despair.
  • Num. 141-4, lifted up their voices and cried
    if only we had died in Egypt(or) in desert
  • How soon they forgot the iron furnace of Egypt
  • Caleb had no desire to return, much less die
    there or in the wilderness. He was bound for the
    promise land.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • Its so very hard for some brethren to break with
    the world. Still holds great attraction for them.
  • Must remember that we are pilgrims (1 Pet.
    117 211).
  • Our citizenship is in heaven, Phil. 320.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • II. Caleb knew that the struggle was worthwhile.
  • Num. 147, The land is an exceedingly good
    land a land that flows with milk and honey.
  • Is our promised land, our home over there
    less valuable? Is it worth the effort and the

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • Anything that is good and desireable costs.
    Effort, time, money, exertion, sacrifice.
  • To refuse to deny ourselves, put forth genuine
    effort, make sacrifices means it isnt worth
  • Is that what we think of our salvation, the
    church, salvation of others, our marriage,
    rearing our children, etc.?

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • III. Caleb knew they were not alone.
  • Num. 148, 9, The Lord will bring us into this
    land The Lord is with us. Do not fear them.
  • Josh. 15, I will not leave you or forsake
  • Heb. 135, I will never forsake you.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • Cannot overemphasize this point. God is involved
    in our lives. Were not on automatic pilot.
  • Think how interested He is bound to be in His
    church, His people, His work.
  • We know how involved He was with Joseph, Esther,
    Daniel, Paul.
  • Could He be less interested and involved in the
    lives of His people now?

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • IV. Caleb knew that it was now or never.
  • So he said, Let us go up at once. Num. 1330.
  • 1429, your carcasses shall fall in this
    wilder-ness you shall by no means enter the
  • 1440, Then they were ready! Here we are, and we
    will go up to the place the Lord has promised
  • 1442, Do not go up, lest you be defeated the
    Lord is not among you.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • We are so sure of the future. Theres time
    enough yet and nothing is going to happen to
  • Untold thousands are dying daily. For them it was
    now or never.
  • Matt. 2511, 12, they arrived too late!

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • V. Caleb did not vote with the majority.
  • Ten spies said we are not able. Caleb voted
    with the minority (two against a multitude).
  • Only he and Joshua said we are well able.
  • Rom. 122 1 Pet. 44, let them think its
  • 2 Tim. 416, At my first defense no one stood
    with me, but all forsook meBut the Lord stood
    with me and strengthened me.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • VI. Caleb did not let old age stop him!
  • Josh. 147-11, spy at 40, warrior from 80 to 85.
  • Did not say, Im old tired done enough want
    to retire. Phil. 312, 13.
  • He didnt seek the path of least resistance.
  • Caleb sought new conquests, new horizons.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • Give me this mountain (mountainous region,
    Hebron). What did he mean?
  • You younger men conquer it for me? Fight the
    giants and fortified cities for me?
  • No, but rather Give me the privilege of
    con-quering this land.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • It is very encouraging to see people accept
    challenges in spite of youth, advanced age.
  • Many handicapped (challenged) accept great
    challenges. Show me what you CAN do.
  • Key word of Revelation overcome. Rom. 837.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • Members of the church of Christ that seek an
    easy religion are in the wrong church.
  • The church of Christ is the church purchased on
    Mount Calvary. Acts 2028.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • VII. What are the mountains facing us?
  • Great challenges for elders, deacons,
    evangelists, teachers, all the members in the
    Lords work.
  • Problems? Frustrations? Give me this mountain.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • Young people must face challenge of peer
    pressure to conform, 1 Pet. 44 Rom. 122.
  • Must always have a different spirit.
  • Challenge to remain chaste and pure.
  • Challenge in the class room (or wherever) if
    teach evolution, or that homosexuality acceptable

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • Jesus never said its easy. Matt. 714, narrow
    is the gate and difficult is the way that leads
    to life, and there are few who find it.
  • Matt. 1034, I did not come to bring peace
  • Matt. 1624, deny himself, take up his cross
  • Eph. 610-19, put on the whole armor

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • Conclusion. Lets remember Caleb!
  • He didnt vote with the majority.
  • He had a different spirit, followed fully.
  • He had faith instead of doubt courage instead of
    fear optimism instead of pessimism hope instead
    of despair
  • He knew the struggle was worthwhile. Anything
    that is worthwhile costs but is worth it.

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • He knew they were not alone and for God there are
    no fortified cities or giants.
  • But if we say we cannot were saying God
  • He knew it was now or never. No tomorrow!
  • He didnt let his age stop him.
  • Lets have the different spirit of Caleb and
    follow the Lord not half-way but fully!

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • For many people conversion itself is a great
    mountain to conquer or to come back.
  • Deny self, take up your cross, follow Christ --
    put Him first! Solid commitment to attend
  • Before family, pleasure, business (job or
    profession), school, sports.
  • Whatever the challenge GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN!

Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
  • IV. He knew it was now or never! Num. 1429.
  • A. True of untold thousands every day.
  • B. They were ready when it was too late, 1440.
    Matt. 2512.
  • V. Did not follow path of least resistance.
  • A. Didnt seek conformity, Rom. 122 1 Pet. 44
  • B. Didnt join the nation of forgetters and

Caleb Give me this mountain
  • VI. Caleb has followed me fully. Num. 1425.

Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
Caleb Give me this mountain
  • Dios existe
    Hebreos 116
  • God Exists
    Hebrews 116

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Hebreos 116, Y sin fe es imposible agradar a
    Dios porque es necesario que el que se acerca a
    Dios crea que El existe, y que es remunerador de
    los que le buscan.
  • Hebrews 116, And without faith it is impossible
    to please Him, for he who comes to God must
    believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of
    those who seek Him.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dice el ateo Yo sé que Dios no existe.
    Dice el agnóstico Ni yo ni nadie puede saber
    si Dios existe.
    Dice el cristiano Yo sé
    que Dios existe.
  • The atheist says I know that God doesnt exist
    The agnostic says Neither I nor anyone else can
    know whether God exists.
    The Christian says I know that God

Dios Existe God Exists
  • La existencia de Dios no se confirma en algún
    laboratorio, pero hay mucha evidencia, Rom. 120.
    Es conocido por medio de lo creado y la palabra
    de Dios (Rom. 1017).
  • The existence of God is not confirmed in some
    laboratory, but there is much evidence, Rom.
    120. He is known by means of creation, and the
    word of God (Rom. 1017).

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Un solo Dios. Deut. 64, Escucha, oh Israel, el
    SEÑOR es nuestro Dios, el SEÑOR uno es.
  • One God. Deut. 64, " Hear, O Israel The LORD
    our God, the LORD is one!

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dios es único Isa. 4310, Antes de mí no fue
    formado ningún dios, ni lo será después de mí.
  • God is unique Isa. 4310, Before Me there was
    no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dios es eterno Sal. 902, Antes que naciesen
    los montes y formases la tierra y el mundo, desde
    la eternidad hasta la eternidad, tú eres Dios.
  • God is eternal Ps. 902, Before the mountains
    were brought forth, Or ever You had formed the
    earth and the world, Even from everlasting to
    everlasting, You are God.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dios es inmutable Mal. 36, yo, Jehovah, no
  • God is unchangeable Mal. 36, I, the LORD, do
    not change.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dios es el Creador Gén. 11, En el principio
    Dios creó los cielos y la tierra.
  • God is the Creator Gen. 11, In the beginning
    God created the heavens and the earth.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dios es auto-existente Ex. 314, Y dijo Dios a
    Moisés YO SOY EL QUE SOY. Y añadió Así dirás a
    los hijos de Israel "YO SOY me ha enviado a
  • God is self-existent Ex. 314, And God said to
    Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you
    shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM has
    sent me to you.' "

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dios es omnipotente Mat. 1926, Jesús los miró
    y les dijo --Para los hombres esto es imposible,
    pero para Dios todo es posible.
  • God is omnipotent Matt. 1926, But Jesus looked
    at them and said to them, "With men this is
    impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dios es omnisciente Heb. 413, No existe cosa
    creada que no sea manifiesta en su presencia. Más
    bien, todas están desnudas y expuestas ante los
    ojos de aquel a quien tenemos que dar cuenta.
  • God is omniscient Heb. 413, And there is no
    creature hidden from His sight, but all things
    are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we
    must give account.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dios es omnipresente Sal. 1397-8, Adónde me
    iré de tu Espíritu, o adónde huiré de tu
    presencia? Si subo a los cielos, allí estás tú
    si en el Seol hago mi cama, allí tú estás.
  • God is omnipresent Ps. 1397-8, Where can I go
    from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your
    presence? If I ascend to heaven, Thou art there
    If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, Thou art

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Todo lo ve Jer. 2324, Acaso podrá alguien
    ocultarse en escondrijos para que yo no lo vea?,
    dice Jehovah. Acaso no lleno yo el cielo y la
    tierra?, dice Jehovah.
  • Sees all Jer. 2324, Can anyone hide himself in
    secret places, So I shall not see him?" says the
    LORD "Do I not fill heaven and earth?" says the

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Infinitamente justo Sal. 8914, La justicia y
    el derecho son el fundamento de tu trono la
    misericordia y la verdad van delante de ti.
  • Infinitely just Ps. 8914, Righteousness and
    justice are the foundation of Your throne Mercy
    and truth go before Your face.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Infinitamente santo Apoc. 48, día y noche no
    cesaban de decir SANTO, SANTO, SANTO, es EL
    SEÑOR DIOS, EL TODOPODEROSO, el que era, el que
    es y el que ha de venir.
  • Infinitely holy Rev. 48, day and night they do
    not cease to say, "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, is THE LORD
    TO COME."

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Misericordioso Tito 35, Él nos salvó, no por
    las obras de justicia que nosotros hubiésemos
    hecho, sino según su misericordia.
  • Merciful Titus 35, not by works of
    righteousness which we have done, but according
    to His mercy He saved us.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dios es amor 1 Jn. 48, El que no ama no ha
    conocido a Dios, porque Dios es amor.
  • God is love 1 Jn. 48, He who does not love
    does not know God, for God is love.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Dios es infinito Job 117, Puedes tú descubrir
    las cosas recónditas de Dios? puedes hasta lo
    sumo llegar a conocer al Todopoderoso?
  • God is infinite Job 117, "Can you search out
    the deep things of God? Can you find out the
    limits of the Almighty?

Dios Existe God Exists
  • La Biblia no presenta argumentos para probar la
    existencia de Dios. Es aceptada como realidad.
    Por ejemplo, Gén. 11, En el principio Dios
  • The Bible does not present arguments to prove the
    existence of God. It is accepted as reality. For
    example, Gen. 11, In the beginning, God

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Causa y efecto. Todo efecto tiene que tener una
    causa adecuada. Heb. 34, toda casa es hecha por
    alguno. O un reloj. El universo?
  • Cause and effect. Every effect has to have an
    adequate cause. Heb. 34, every house is built
    by someone. Or a watch. The universe?

Dios Existe God Exists
  • El universo es eterno? Segunda ley de
    termodinámicas dice que el universo está
    consumiendo, acabando, su energía. Isa. 516.
  • The universe is eternal? Second law of
    thermo-dynamics says that the universe is
    consuming, using up, its energy. Isa. 516.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • El universo exhibe, demuestra señas del Creador
    omnipotente, omnisciente Tiene diseño, orden,
  • The universe exhibits, demonstrates signs of the
    omnipotent, omniscient Creator It has design,
    order, beauty.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Benjamin Franklin diseñó y edificó un modelo del
    sistema solar. Quién lo hizo? Nadie. Está
    jugando. Pero nadie hizo el universo mismo?
  • Benjamin Franklin designed and built a model of
    the solar system. Who made it? No one. Youre
    joking. But no one made the real universe?

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Orden y diseño. Sal. 191. Planetas mueven en su
    órbita con precisión. Tierra gira sobre su eje
    cada 24 horas. Cómo posible viajar en espacio?
  • Order and design. Ps. 191. Planets move in their
    orbit with precision. Earth rotates on its axis
    each 24 hours. How is space travel possible?

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Cuerpo humano -- propósito y diseño. Sal. 13914,
    asombrosa y maravillosamente he sido hecho.
    Función de ojos, oídos, huesos, músculos, corazón
    (circulación), aparato digestivo, etc.
  • The human body purpose and design. Ps.13914,
    I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Function
    of eyes, ears, bones, muscles, heart
    (circulation), digestive system, etc.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • El incrédulo CREE que Dios no existe. No lo puede
    probar porque tendría que saber todas las cosas y
    estar en todo lugar.
  • The unbeliever BELIEVES that God does not exist.
    He cannot prove it because he would have to know
    all things and be in every place.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Tiene que CREER que la materia es eterna por-que
    nada viene de nada. Es indispensable creer que
    ALGO/ALGUIEN siempre ha existido.
  • He has to BELIEVE that matter is eternal,
    be-cause nothing comes from nothing. It is
    indispen-sable to believe that SOMETHING/SOMEONE
    has always existed.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Tiene que CREER que vida vino de lo no-vivo.
    Louis Pasteur confirmó que la vida viene sólo de
    la vida. Generación espontánea no es ciencia.
  • He has to BELIEVE that life came from non-life.
    Louis Pasteur proved that life comes only from
    life. Spontaneous generation is not science.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Tiene que CREER que seres conscientes se
    originaron de lo que no estaba consciente y que
    no tenía vida.
  • He has to BELIEVE that conscious beings
    originated from that which had no consciousness
    and had no life.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Tiene que CREER que todo el orden y diseño del
    universo y en el hombre (cuerpo, mente), vinieron
    por pura casualidad (gran explosion).
  • He has to BELIEVE that all the order and design
    of the universe and in man (body, mind), came by
    pure chance (big bang).

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Tiene que CREER que el hombre es simplemente un
    conjunto de átomos, materia organizada. Sobre
    esta base, no hay valores morales, no correcto o
  • He has to BELIEVE that man is simply a body of
    atoms, organized matter. On this basis there are
    no moral values, no right or wrong.

Dios Existe God Exists
  • Como dice el Salmista (Sal.141), El necio ha
    dicho en su corazón No hay Dios. Se han
    corrompido, han cometido hechos abominables no
    hay quien haga el bien.
  • As the Psalmist says (Ps. 141), The fool has
    said in his heart, "There is no God." They are
    corrupt, They have done abominable works, There
    is none who does good.

Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
Dios Existe God Exists
  • El significado del término.
  • La descripción de los ángeles.
  • Las dos clases de ángeles.
  • La obra que hacen los ángeles.

Significado del Término
  • Malak (hebreo) - enviar como deputado.
  • Angellos (griego) - significa mensajero.
  • humano (Mat. 1110 Luc. 724).
  • divino (Mat. 2230).
  • El contexto determina cual sentido (divino o
    humano) se entiende.

Descripción de los Ángeles
  • Seres creados por Dios (Sal. 1482, 5).
  • Espíritus (Heb. 17, 14).
  • No pueden morir (Luc. 2036).
  • Innumerables (Dan. 79-10).
  • Grandes en poder (Sal. 10320).
  • Rango de ángeles (1 Tes. 416 Judas 9).

Descripción de los Ángeles
  • Nombres.
  • Miguel (Dan. 1013, etc. Judas 9 Apoc. 127).
  • Gabriel (Dan. 816 921 Luc. 119, 26).
  • Apariencias.
  • estado glorioso (Dan. 325 Mat. 282-3)
  • en forma de hombre (Gén. 18-19 Mar. 165)
  • alas? (serafines, querubines)
  • sin sexo (Mat. 2230)

Dos Clases de Ángeles
  • Los buenos (1 Tim. 521 Mat. 2531)
  • Los malos (2 Ped. 24 Judas 6 Mat. 2541)

La Obra que Hacen los Ángeles
  • La limitación de su obra.
  • Sujetos a Jesucristo (Mat. 2818 1 Ped. 322)
  • No deben ser adorados (Apoc. 228-9 Col.
  • No predican el evangelio, mucho menos lo cambien
    (Hechos 826, 35 103 157 Gál. 18).

La Obra que Hacen los Ángeles
  • Invisibles, pero interesados en los asuntos del
  • Salmo 9111-14
  • Mat. 1810
  • 1 Cor. 49
  • 1 Ped. 112

La Obra que Hacen los Ángeles
  • Participan en la redención del hombre.
  • A través del A.T.
  • Jesús (Luc. 126-28, 31 213-14 Heb. 16 Mat.
    411 Luc. 2243 Mat. 2653 Mat. 282-4 Hechos
  • Los apóstoles (Hechos 519 caps. 8, 10 127-10,
    23 2723, 43-44).
  • Nosotros (Heb. 114 1 Ped. 112 Luc. 1510
    Heb. 1222-23 Luc. 2036 1 Cor. 62-3).

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