Title: Can an ape help a child learn vocabulary
1Can an ape help a child learn vocabulary?
- Mirella Wyra
- Flinders University
- April 2008
- Vocabulary learning and teaching
- The keyword method mnemonic method
- two-stage process (keyword, interaction)
- the standard keyword method (Atkinson, 1975)
3Examplestage 1- keyword
- target word apio
- meaning celery
- keyword ape
4Examplestage 2 interaction/picturestandard
5Examplestage 2 interaction/picture3 conditions
6The Keyword Method Examplestage 1-
keyword target word apio meaning
celery keyword ape--------------------
- stage 2 interactive picture
- (3 conditions)
7 Quality of mental imagery,
- Vivid vs not vivid images
8Retrieval model
- Retrieval -- encoding context inferences
organisation - Retrieval and image
- Scanning/ inspection
- recognition
- selection/elimination
- interpretation
10Lawson Hogben (1996) study
11Wyra, Lawson Hungi (2007)
12Implementation into L2 classroom
- Implementation is easy
- Introduce the 2 steps for encoding
- Practice on 4-6 words
- Introduce FWD retrieval practice - on these words
discuss 3 conditions and why they are helpful - Introduce BWD retrieval practice - on these words
discuss 3 conditions and why they are helpful - Types of activities
- This strategy can be used by individual students
Whole class, group activity. - Students engaged in the following
- Imaging selecting eliminating analysing
interpreting judging/evaluating monitoring
making associations etc.
131.Find a keyword (concrete meaning noun is
best)2.Make an interactive picture with the
meaning and the keyword (two images only,
funny/unusual, meaning bigger than
keyword)Dont forget to look at the
Spanish/Japanese word this is the word that
needs to be remembered.
- ashi - ?? foot
- kaeru - ??? frog
- neko - ?? cat
- hon -?? book
- buta -?? pig
- pájaro bird
- timbre bell
- pandilla - a gang
- cinturón belt
- bombero fireman
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17Thank you