Title: Streaming Video Traffic: Characterization and Network Impact
1Streaming Video Traffic Characterization and
Network Impact
- Kobus van der Merwe
- Shubho Sen
- Chuck Kalmanek
- kobus,sen,crk_at_research.att.com
2Streaming Media Study Why ?
- Lot of streaming on the Internet
- Quality is getting pretty good
- Streaming is not well understood
- User behavior
- Factors that impact quality
- Network impact distribution
- Reasons
- Proprietary protocols
- WM, Real
- Very commercial
- logs files are sensitive and hard to get
3The Data
On Demand prerecorded clips from current affairs
information site Live commerce oriented
continuous live stream
- On Demand
- Dates 12/2001-03/2002
- Requests 3.5 million
- Unique IPs 0.5 million
- Unique ASs 6600
- WM and Real
- BW56 Kbps and 300 Kbps
- Live
- Dates 02/2002 03/2002
- Requests 1 million
- Unique IPs 0.28 million
- Unique ASs 4000
- WM only
- BW 100 Kbps encoded
Traffic volume several terabytes
Routing data daily BGP table dumps from Tier-1
4On Demand Traffic Composition
- By Bandwidth (56 Kbps/300 Kbps)
- High BW dominates 65 requests, 95 bytes
- Low BW 35 of sessions account for just 5 of
By protocol (WM/Real) Windows Media dominates
77 requests, 76 bytes
- By transport
- HTTP 37 requests, 27 bytes
- TCP 29 requests, 45 bytes
- UDP 34 requests, 28 bytes
- Proprietary Streaming dominates 63 requests,
73 bytes - Total TCP dominates 66 requests, 72 bytes
- - probably because of firewalls
5On Demand per-AS breakdown by protocol
ASs contributing 80 requests or 80 traffic
Traffic volume
Most ASs generate more MMS than RealMedia
6On Demand per-AS breakdown by stream bandwidth
Traffic volume
Most ASs generate more High Bandwidth traffic
7Live Traffic Composition
- By transport
- HTTP 55 requests, 47 bytes
- TCP 17 requests, 38 bytes
- UDP 28 requests, 17 bytes
- Proprietary Streaming (TCP UDP) 45
requests, 55 bytes - Total TCP dominates 72 requests, 85 bytes
- - probably because of firewalls
- Proprietary Streaming, HTTP have similar shares
8On Demand Network Traffic Distribution
Significant variability in traffic
contributions 10 ASes account for 82 requests,
85 data
9Content Distribution Impact
- Goal Evaluate different content distribution
approaches - Centralized IP peering
- Centralized content peering
- Centralized replica placement
- Assume traffic distributed from (originating
from) Tier-1 ISP - Look at coverage achieved by different approaches
- Traffic distribution using AS hop-count from
Tier-1 ISP as a metric - Assumption for streams originating in Tier-1 ISP
small AS-hop count will increase probability of
acceptable quality
10Content Distribution Impact
- Selected ASes consistent contributors out of
6600 - Caveats
- Hop count not good metric of anything
- Limited data set
- Data set might be self selecting
11On Demand Traffic Time Series
Significant variability within/across days Peak
31 Mean
12On Demand Rapid Increase in Load
Load increases 57 times in 10 minutes !
13Live Traffic Time Series
Significant variability within/across days Peak
9 Mean
14Object Popularities
Volume 320 clips
Sessions 320 clips
Few heavy-hitters account for bulk of traffic Dec
13 top 5 clips account for 85 of traffic
15On Demand Session Characteristics
High Bw mms
Low Bw mms
Most sessions download a fraction of the
object. A larger proportion of high bw clip is
- Windows Media dominates
- High encoding rates dominate
- TCP transport dominate
- Highly skewed request volume distributions
- Tier-1 ISPs cover lt 2 AS hops
- Significant coverage with small selective
arrangements - High variability in daily traffic patterns
- Ramp up in tens of minutes
- Highly skewed object popularity
- High bit-rate clips watched longer