Title: Allee Effects in Fisheries
1Allee Effects in Fisheries
Jo Gascoigne j.gascoigne_at_bangor.ac.uk Office 033
Westbury Mount, SOS
2Part I of lecture
- Density dependence what is density dependence?
Competition - Logistic population dynamics based on
assumption of competition at high density - What about low density? Not always good for
organisms either - If organisms suffer ( lower fitness) at low
density get another kind of density dependence
3Density dependence
- Population parameters depend on population
density - What are population parameters?
- GROWTH RATE (Von Bertalanffys k)
- ? Depend on individual fitness
4Sidebar pop. size vs. density
- Density number per unit area (per divide by)
- Population size usually measured in a given area
anyway - i.e. as long as the area doesnt change in the
middle of your calculations, population size and
population density are EQUIVALENT - Density a more meaningful measure hence DENSITY
5Population parameters
Bad conditions
Good conditions
- Growth rates
- Reproductive output
- Time to maturity
- Mortality rates
- Fitness
Population growth
6Competition main form of density dependence
- Low density plenty of food, space good
conditions high fitness population gets
bigger - High density not much food, space etc to spare
poor conditions low fitness population
stays the same (at population carrying capacity)
7Traditional population dynamics logistic equation
- Logistic equation (if you only know one equation
in ecology, this is the one to know) - Verhulst (famous Belgian!)
8Assumption of logistic dynamics
- Logistic dynamics assumes that fitness declines
as population density increases - Assumes that fitness is maximum when population
density is (close to) zero
9Logistic population dynamics
Per capita population growth rate (individual
contribution to population growth)
Population size / density
Stable equilibrium (K)
10Population dynamics and fisheries management
- Fisheries management assumes that when you
fish a population down, it can recover - Fitness increases when population size or
density decreases - Sustainable fisheries management assumes
logistic population dynamics
11Logistic population dynamics
Nearly all commercially fished stocks down to
10-20 of historic size (carrying capacity) 16
NE Atlantic stocks within safe biological limits
? now interested in low density end of graph
Population size / density
12Fitness might be reduced at low density
Archaeogastropods abalone Haliotis spp.
Bivalves cockles Cerastoderma edule
Corals (and sponges) Dendrogyra sp.
Echinoderms Diadema antillarum
13Very strong relationship between fertilisation
success and density in broadcast spawners
14Fisheries for broadcast spawners
- Sponges (remember if youre sessile you dont
have a choice!) - Sea urchins (big fishery e.g. west coast of North
America) - Abalone (white abalone Haliotis sorenseni first
marine invertebrate to be documented extinct?) - All bivalves broadcast spawners - cockles,
mussels, oysters - Fish spawning aggregations e.g. for many
grouper species (Epinephalus spp. and related
genera) easy target for fishers - Also non-fisheries conservation issues corals,
15Fitness might be reduced at low density
- Gregariousness mortality is lower where density
is higher
Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus
Queen conch Strombus gigas
16Fitness might be reduced at low density
- Sperm limitation when few males available
Blue crab
New Zealand rock lobster
17Fitness might be reduced at low density
- Protection from predators Cultivation effect
Cod Gadus morhua
Red sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus
18Reduction in fitness (or per capita population
growth rate) at low density ALLEE EFFECT
Prof. Warder Clyde Allee, University of Chicago,
1930s and 40s
- Need to consider whole life history
Caribbean spiny lobster Gregarious - but very
long larval stage high dispersal recruitment
decoupled from local density
Blue crab Sperm limitation but high levels of
cannibalism at high density
20Allee population dynamics
21Allee population dynamics
Allee effect
22Unstable equilibria
Any perturbation away from unstable equilibrium
one of two alternative stable states (stable
23Alternative stable state 2 extinction
Alternative stable state 1 carrying capacity
24Take home messages from here
- Traditional fisheries models assumes that fitness
maximum at low population density ? Allee effects
say this might not be true - Allee effects cause discontinuities (alternative
stable states) in equilibrium population size ?
critical density below which population will
crash without warning
25Dont get the wrong idea
- Logistic equation is NOT completely wrong
(heresy!) - But need to be careful when dealing with
populations which are very much reduced below
carrying capacity - Verhulst probably never had to deal with them but
now we do
26Part II of lecture
- Allee effects and mortality Allee effects
interact with fisheries (not in a good way) - Evidence for Allee effects in practice? Some case
studies - Abalone
- Cod and other long lived fish species
- How to manage species with Allee effects
27Allee effects and mortality
Total mortality Z Natural mortality M Fishing
mortality F
Z 0.4
Per capita pop. growth rate (fitness)
Z 0.7
28(No Transcript)
- Lots of mechanisms as discussed above (but
mechanism Allee effect lobster and crabs) - Hard evidence from population dynamics difficult
to come by - mainly because population data for
marine species is hard to get - But there is some evidence case studies
30Abalone Haliotis spp.
31NB are landings really a good estimate of
population size?
32Grand Banks Cod (Gadus morhua)
Rose 2004 Canadian J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.
33Grand Banks Cod (Gadus morhua)
34Recent (sorry) history of Grand Banks cod fishery
- 1968 northern cod catch 810 000 tonnes
- 1975 catch 287 000 tonnes (down 65)
- 1989 scientists say TAC should be 125 000 but
set at 266 000 - 1992 Jan TAC set at 120 000 July 2 year
moratorium on northern cod - 1993 indefinite moratorium
35Recent (sorry) history of Grand Banks cod fishery
- 1994 recreational fishery closed
- 1996 - Newfoundland (human) population down 3
since 1991 - 2001 3 year TAC for northern cod set at 5 600
tonnes. Newfoundland population down a further 7 - 2003 After 11 years of moratorium or very low
TAC, no evidence that cod stocks are recovering
36Mechanisms for Allee effects
- Cultivation effect (low survival of juveniles in
absence of adults) - Reproduction at low density cod may not meet
suitable mates any more - NB recent paper suggests that climate change
also a factor (Rose 2004 CJFAS)
37Not only cod
line of no recovery
Hutchings 2000 Nature
38Management of populations with Allee effects
39Management of populations with Allee effects
40Management of populations with Allee effects
- Fishermen tend to target high density areas (they
are not stupid) - Management needs to take into account patchiness
of distribution - Traditional management (quotas, closed seasons,
size limits) doesnt do that - Protected areas
41Marine protected areas
- Protect area at high density key if species has
Allee effects - Protect whole ecosystem from fishing damage
(think about bycatch species, damage from fishing
gear) - BUT need to protect a big enough area (what is
a big enough area???) and the right area (what is
the right area???) - Socially difficult
42Finding the right place is key
43What if protecting gt1 species?
44Take home messages
- Allee effects low fitness at low density or
small population size - Allee effects can cause abrupt population crash
- Lots of possible mechanisms
- Cod and other fish spp., abalone likely
candidates - Allee effects interact badly with increased
mortality (fishing) - Management needs to consider Allee effects and