Title: ask4school (3)
1Welcome to ask4school
- Online school search portal
- Welcome to Ask4school.com. Basically
Ask4school.com is online school serch portal. By
this search portal we can find school online in
all over india.
3Preparing your child for nursery
- Visit the preschool
- When you're choosing a preschool, it's usually
best to visit it without your child the first
time," says Diane Rich at Early Education, an
organisation which promotes quality in early
years education. - Socialising with other children is a skill that
has to be learnt gradually, and some children
will find it easier than others.
4Tips for Nursery School Interviews
- Ability to understand and follow simple
instructions. - Lateral thinking ability of the child.
- Ability to express.
- Interactive Skills and communication skills.
- Observational Skills.
- Patience and Confidence.
5Benefits to online search
- 24x7x365 online promotion.
- Visibility on major search engines.
- School facilities and features are highlighted.
- Detailed information about school is provided to
the parents.