Title: Genomic equivalence
1Lecture 8
- Genomic equivalence
- cloning
2Examples of differentiation
- Muscles
- Blood Lymph (hematopoietic system)
- Neural crest
3Muscle differentiation
- Focus on skeletal muscles
- all derived from somites--myotome
- somitic mesoderm generates myoblasts
- myoblasts divide until growth factors removed,
then differentiate into muscle cells
4President of the Regents of the University of
5Muscle differentiation stages
6Muscle differentiation genes
7The discovery of MyoD
- Hal Weintraub 1987
- Fibroblasts in culture can be converted into
myoblasts by 5-azacytidine treatment (causes
demethylation) - Infer from rate of conversion that maybe only 1
or 2 genes need to be turned on - Made cDNA libraries from cells before and after
treatment - Subtractive hybridization to find the difference
betweenthe 2 libraries - A few genes different
- Transfection of a single gene, MyoD, SUFFICIENT
to convert fibroblasts to myoblasts! - basic helix loop helix (bHLH) transcriptional
regulator A master controller of muscle
8MyoD is sufficient but not necessary for muscles
to form
- MyoD knockout mice look normal!?
- MyoD is member of multigene family
- redundancy with Myf5
- MyoD Myf5 double knockouts lack all myoblasts
9Rest of lecture
- Instability of the differentiated state
- A digression on exceptions to genomic constancy
- Regeneration, cloning etc
10Instability of differentiated state-1
- Trans-differentiation (metaplasia)
- Direct conversion of 1 differentiated cell type
to another (usually related) - Pancreas cells convert to liver in copper
deficiency - Liver to pancreas conversion after PCB treatment
- Pancreatic cells marked with GFP turn on liver
marker (red) after dexamethasone treatment
Fig 9.33
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 3, 187
David Tosh Jonathan M. W. Slack
11Instability of differentiated state-2
- de-differentiation
- Conversion of differentiated cell type to
pluripotent state - In regenerating limbs, muscle dedifferentiates to
form blastema, can make cartilage (section 13.1) - Totipotency of differentiated cells cloning
Newt limb regeneration
Movie of regeneration http//darwin.bio.uci.edu/
12genomic constancy
- are all cells in an organism genetically
identical? yes. - first, two exceptions
- evidence that the general rule is yes
- descriptive evidence
- functional evidence
13chromatin diminution
- Theodor Boveri 1887 studied Parascaris univalens
horse parasitic nematode
After 60 euchromatic (E) minichromosomes will
segregate to somatic daughter Heterochromatic
ends (H) are eliminated
Before diminution 1 pair of chromosomes (DAPI
stain for DNA)
14chromatin diminution
- Only germline retains complete genome, somatic
cells cannot be totipotent (?) - special kind of cytoplasm (germ plasm) in
germline protects DNA from degradation? - Diminution found in some nematodes (not C.
elegans), insects, crustaceans.In some insects
entire chromosomes are eliminated (chromatin
elimination) - But these appear to be special cases
15Second example of genomic change in
- Antibody (Immunoglobulin) genes in vertebrates
- How are trillions of antibody types generated?
- estimated 1012 possible types of antibody, but
we have only 105 genes?!
16DNA rearrangement in adaptive immunity
Susumu Tonegawa (1987 Nobel Prize)
Fig 9.27
- B lymphocytes (antibody secreting cells)
- DNA undergoes irreversible rearrangement during
maturation - Special recombinase enzyme RAG1
- mature B-cell has less DNA than germline cell
- Also somatic hypermutation
17do other tissues undergo DNA changes?
- T lymphocytes (T cell receptor gene
rearrangement) TCR segments undergo
recombination (RAG1) but no hypermutation - oft invoked as possible explanation for neuronal
diversity by analogy to antibody diversity - e.g. how can genome encode receptors for 1000s of
odorants? - recombinase RAG1 is expressed in the nervous
18descriptive evidence for genomic constancy
- Beermann (1950s)
- polytene chromosomes in insects (chironomid
midges) - banding pattern is the same between tissues
- giant puffs (Balbiani rings) vary with time and
tissue - sites of active transcription (can induce with
ecdysone) - conclusion same DNA, differences in expression
19functional evidence for genomic constancy
Fig 7.4
- show that a single differentiated cell can be
induced to make entire organism (totipotency) - Fred Steward, 1964 grow callus from single cell
(protoplast, after removal of cell wall), then
grow into plant. - Cell clusters undergo morphogenesis to resemble
early plant embryos
20Plants are different
- long known that parts of plants can generate
entire plant (cuttings, grafts) - clone (klwn) greek for twig
- Plants are fundamentally different in that most
cells in most species retain totipotency - soma-germline distinction is fuzzy
- does not answer question for animals
- clone set of genetically identical organisms
- gene cloning isolate DNA that encodes a gene,
replicate DNA in bacteria - clone the set of identical bacteria (or the
set of identical DNA molecules) - clonal analysis set of genetically identical
cells in an animal derived from mitotic
recombination - animal cloning
22are animal cells totipotent?
- early blastomeres are totipotent
- e.g. Spemann (1902), split salamander 2-cell
stage - both cells give rise to complete animal
- loss of totipotency during embryogenesis WHY?
- do cells lose genetic material?
- or do they just become unable to express it?
(cytoplasm becomes inhibitory)
23early tests of totipotency
- Robert Briggs and Thomas King (1952)
- leopard frog, Rana pipiens
- developed nuclear transfer (NT) technique
24nuclear transfer (NT)
maternal haploid pronucleus
donor cell (diploid)
- Get unfertilized oocyte
- Activate oocyte by pricking--mimics fertilization
- Remove or inactivate (by UV) maternal pronucleus
- Inject nucleus from donor cell into enucleated
egg (no donor cytoplasm)
donor nucleus in host egg
25results from blastula nuclei
- 60 of nuclear transfers yielded viable frogs
- genetically identical clones
- nuclei from post-tadpole stage dont work
Fig 9.30
26serial nuclear transfer
- John Gurdon (1960s--present), working on Xenopus
- try to adjust nuclei in steps
- use nuclei from tadpole gut
- first transfers undergo partial cleavage then
stop many aneuploid nuclei - take best-looking nuclei and do second transfer
- result 7 of secondary transfer embryos develop
to adult - conclusion gut cells are totipotent
technical improvement use genetic markers to
distinguish donor derived nuclei from host
- Are nuclei really from gut? (could they be from
nearby germline, so not differentiated?) - Laskey Gurdon 1972 cultured epithelial cells
Fig 9.29
28Conclusions from amphibian cloning experiments
- Differentiated cell nuclei, if not totipotent,
are highly pluripotent - can make a lot, but maybe not everything
- therefore differentiated cells probably have same
DNA as germline - problem is that nucleus cant adjust fast
enough to cytoplasmic environment of rapidly
dividing blastula
29Cloning mammals
- eggs are 1/10 the size of frog eggs
- development requires reimplantation into mother
- early blastomeres shown to be totipotent, but
later loss of totipotency - Breakthrough in 1997 cloning of Dolly (Ian
- first mammal cloned by NT
- donor nuclei from mammary epithelium, in G0
phase--quiescent - genetic markers distinguished donor vs host
- 1 in 277 an anecdote, not an experiment?
31Cloning state of the art 2005
- Mammalian cloning now done in many species
- clones from fully differentiated cell types
- reprogramming of epigenetic marks is the
rate-limiting step
32Why is the success rate so low?
- In mice
- nuclei from somatic cells 0.5 of transfers
develop to adult - nuclei from oocyte cumulus cells 1-2
- nuclei from ES cells 15
- does low success rate reflect problems in nuclear
reprogramming? - or are differentiated cells really not
totipotent, and rare viable clones due to
33evidence that differentiated cells totipotent (1)
- Hochedlinger Jaenisch 2002
- get nuclei from mature B cells in which antibody
genes rearranged - result cloned mice in which all cells have same
rearranged antibody genes (monoclonal) - a differentiated cell can be totipotent
- caveat--mature B cells are not post mitotic..
34evidence that differentiated cells totipotent (2)
- Eggan et al 2004
- Olfactory (smell) neurons as nuclear donors
definitely post mitotic - Cloned mice are normal. (Kills the idea that
olfactory receptor diversity has anything to do
with DNA rearrangement)
Sleeper, 1973
35epigenetic reprogramming
- Major challenges to getting nuclei to readjust to
new cytoplasmic environment - heritable changes in chromatin structure
- heritable DNA modifications (methylation)
- programming occurs during development/differentiat
ion and must be removed to get back to embryonic
36Reprogramming of Oct4 gene
- Byrne et al 2003
- transfer mouse thymocyte nuclei into Xenopus
oocytes, Oct4 gene activated after 4 days - If Oct4 plasmid DNA injected, activation
immediate - is delay due to DNA modification or protein
(chromatin)? - if deproteinated thymocyte DNA injected,
activated in 2 days - conclusion?
37epigenetic reprogramming at Oct4
- Simonsson Gurdon 2004
- analyze methylation patterns at Oct4
- show demethylation after nuclear transfer, by
as-yet unidentified DNA demethylase enzymes - demethylation may be required to open up
38methylation in early development
- both maternal and paternal haploid DNAs are
methylated - early embryo has active demethylase
- only paternal DNA sensitive, gets demethylated
- in nuclear transfer from somatic cells, both
genomes sensitive, so lose parental
imprintscould be a big problem
39Summary nuclear programming
- Differentiated somatic cells have fixed gene
expression patterns due to chromatin, methylation
etc - germline also has specific programming, but early
embryo removes a lot of the marks - cloning success depends on ability to reprogram
40cloning via ES cells
- Recent successes in cloning from differentiated
cells used a two-step procedure - NT from somatic cell into enucleated egg
- allow to develop to blastocyst
- then dissociate and culture cells in vitro to
select for proliferating ES cells - now inject these ES cells into host blastocyst,
classic injection chimera technique
41Making ES cells
- all ultimately from ICM of blastocyst (Oct4)
- Oct4 expression declines after culture in vitro
- small start dividing, turn on Oct4, now
immortal and make an ES cell line - seem to lose epigenetic marks of early embryo or
donor nucleus
42problems with NT clones
- gt98 die for various random reasons
- 2 that survive often have immune or other
dysfunctions frequently obese - subtle/long term problems in reprogramming/lack
of imprinting
43Are clones born old?
- Somatic cells senesce
- accumulation of mutations, despite repair
- shortening of telomeres
- Dollys telomeres started short and she died
prematurely (2003, age 6) - but other clones (cows, mice) show re-setting
of telomeres in early embryo
44Other issues
- could mismatched nuclear and mitochondrial
genomes cause problems? we dont know - heterospecific transfers (Loi et al)
- mouflon (wild sheep) are endangered
- inject mouflon nuclei into domestic sheep egg
- same genus, different species
- a way to save endangered species?
The mouflon, Ovis orientalis musimon
45there are natural animal clones
- Parthenogenesis found in
- social insects (drone bees)
- whiptail lizards
- Bdelloid rotifers (60 million years without sex)
- monozygotic twins (share nuclei, mitochondria,
cytoplasm--unlike NT clones)
Cnemidophorus uniparens the desert grassland