Table of various hostparasite relationships - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Table of various hostparasite relationships


Table of various host-parasite relationships. Considerations: Host type vs host ... Class: Sarcodina (amoeba) motile by 'pseudopods' several genera: Entamoeba, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Table of various hostparasite relationships

Table of various host-parasite relationships
Considerations Host type vs host that gets
sick H / R / V relationships Pathogen
Intermediate Definitive Source/vector Taenia
animal man pork,
beef Trypanosome arthropod man T.
cruzi reduviid bug T. brucei tse tse
fly Plasmodium man ??? mosquito
mosquito Giardia none man or
ingest feces other animal Entamoeba
none man ingest feces See Figure
20-1 on page 1081
About protozoans
Microscopic unicellular wall-less Eukaryotes -
Protista Size 1uM (Cryptosporidium) to 150uM
(Balantidium) trophs of most
protozoans 10-30uM (Giardia, Trichomonas) Class
ification 4-6 phyla? in the Kingdom Protista
grouped primarily by mode of motility,
microscopic morphological characteristics
pathological affect on host tissue, and???.
Reproduction both asexual sexual (especially
Sporozoans). Significant life cycle stages of
intestinal protozoans
-trophozoite active, feeding reproduction
the cell -cyst dormant,
resiliant stage NOTE some
Sporozoans, especially circulatory pathogens such
as Plasmodium have other pathologically
significant stages in their life cycle.
Nutrition aerobic heterotrophic respiration
Brief protozoan taxonomy/classification
A mess!!! several bases of classification, no
universal agreement many systems frequent
changes. The system below is the old 4-class
system based on mode of motility. Intestinal
unless noted otherwise. Kingdom protista ?
Phylum protozoa ? Class Sarcodina (amoeba)
motile by pseudopods several genera
Entamoeba, Iodamoeba, Endolimax, Naegleria (CNS),
Acanthamoeba (CNS)
reproduction is asexual in human pathogens
??? Class Mastigophora (flagellates) motile
by flagella 92 several genera
ex. Giardia, Chilomastix, Dientamoeba,
Trypanosoma (circ), Leishmania (circ),
Trichomonas (intestinal T. hominis STD T.
vaginalis) reproduction is asexual in
human pathogens ??? images?
Protozoan taxonomy continued
Entamoeba pseudopods formed by cytoplasmic
flagellated protozoans
Protozoan taxonomy continued
  • Class Ciliophora (ciliates) motility cilia 1
    genus Balantidium
  • reproduction is asexual in human pathogens
  • Class Sporozoa (now commonly called
  • -reproduction both sexual asexual
  • -part of the life cycle occurs inside gt1 certain
    host cell types
  • -usually 2 or more hosts
  • -many genera
  • -several forms (vs only troph cyst) see slide
  • -some forms motile by gliding, hitching a ride
    in infected cells, etc. but none have organelles
    of locomotion
  • ex, Cryptosporidium, Isospora, Sarcocystis,
  • circ Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, Babesia,
  • Pneumocystis? Is it protozoa (via drug
    sensitivity) or
  • fungi (via DNA homology) or is it
    protista fungi???
  • images ?

Protozoan taxonomy continued
Plasmodium merozoites hitchin a ride in RBCs
Balantidium coli
Toxoplasma tachizoite Plasmodium sporozoites
Protozoa life cycle stages/terms
  • Trophozoite stage of active feeding and
    reproduction, commonly the pathogenic protozoan
    form. Formed by asexual fission (mitosis), or
    also by gamete fusion in the Sporozoans.
  • Cyst stage of inactivity most resiliant stage
    hard to kill. Multiplication occurs within
    cysts of some protozoa excystation releases
    multiples, ex. Entamoeba, Giardia.
  • Variations of the basic life cycle on the
    following slide occur in members of the
    non-Sporozoan classes.
  • ?

Standard non-Sporozoan intestinal life cycle
  • Entamoeba histolytica and other strictly asexual
    parasites in left column of Fig 20-1. Also see
    Fig 20-2, pg 1083

. .
Sporozoa life cycle stages/terms
  • Oocyst results from fusion of gametes in the
    Sporozoa. Infective stage in most cases passed
    in host feces in case of intestinal protozoans,
    or in blood in gut of the mosquito vector in the
    case of Plasmodium. Sporozoites form in oocyst
    in host via mitosis (asexual fission).
  • Sporozoite special term for trophozoite in
    Sporozoans. Formed by mitosis within oocyst
    infects new host cells intestinal mucosa cells
    in intestinal protozoans, or hepatocytes in case
    of Plasmodium. Mitosis (schizogeny) of these
    cells results in formation of merozoites.
    Merozoites can continue mitosis asexual
    reproduction, or
  • Merozoite results from mitotic fission
    (schizogeny) of sporozoites. May infect same cell
    type as sporozoite or a different host cell RBCs
    causing clinical malaria in the case of
    Plasmodium. can also go through meiosis to form
  • Gametocyte result of merozoite cell fission via
    Meiosis. Fusion of these results in formation of
    oocyst. ?

Standard ??? intestinal Sporozoa life cycle see
fig 20-5, 1094
  • Oocyst passed in feces
  • Mitosis results in sporozoites
  • Oocyst/sporozoites injested
  • Sporozoites infect intestinal mucosa cells
  • Schizogeny results in merozoites
  • Merozoites continue asexual cycle or
  • Meiosis results in gametes
  • Gametes fuse to form oocyst
  • Oocyst passed in feces ?
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