Title: Flight
- insects were the first organisms to develop
active flight - insects were flying c 100My before pterosaurs!
2importance of flight
- flight was the breakthrough underlying the
evolutionary success of insects - about 99 of insect species belong to the
Pterygota the winged insects - flight has enabled these relatively small animals
to overcome the effects of distance - can use rare or dilute resources, therefore can
specialise, can find mates over large distances
3origins of flight
- selection pressures?
- gliding (or at least righting)
- thermoregulation?
- sexual displays?
- structures?
- paranotal processes
- gills
- leg-base sclerites
4selection pressures?
- gliding (or at least righting)
- insects as herbivores - hitting fruiting bodies
- long way down
- presence of (large numbers) of chelicerate
predators - thermoregulation?
- Kingsolver temp. control IS important
- sexual displays?
- ? can justify anything ...
- paranotal processes
- historical explanation discredited
- cant explain articulations, muscles etc
- gills
- gills arent aerofoils, selection pressures
wrong - flight preceeds aquatic larvae
- leg-base sclerites
- currently accepted as best explanation
6Paranotal processes conceptual model
parallels many vertebrate gliders
7Wings derived from larval gills - based on serial
gills of Ephemeroptera larvae
8Wings derived from leg-base sclerites - based on
muscle attachments, nerve circuitry
9flight capabilities
- Prodigous flight capacity of insects
- Common eggfly, Painted Lady, Meadow Argus
regularly fly from Australia to N.Z - NZ Red Admiral to near Palmer Pen.
- Pantala flavescens - circumtropical migrant
Australia/Pacific Is to NZ - Aphids, other 'aerial plankton, cross oceans
10mechanisms that drive insect wings
- direct and indirect flight muscles
- innervated and fibrillar muscles
- energy preserving elastic processes
11direct and indirect flight muscles
- 2 totally different forms of flight muscle
organisation - direct Odonata, Orthoptera, etc. etc
- indirect Diptera, Hymenoptera etc. etc
- direct flight muscles work the wing bases
- indirect flight muscles distort the thorax as an
elastic box
12Direct flight muscles
13Indirect flight muscles
14Weis Foghclick mechanism
How it fitstogether
15innervated and fibrillar muscles
- two totally different ways of operating flight
muscleinnervated - synchronousfibrillar -
asynchronous - synchronous - Lepidoptera, Odonata etcwing beat
frequency 12 - 30 Hz - asynchronous - Diptera, Hymenopterawing beat
frequency 190 - 1100 Hz
16fibrillar muscles
- contract in response to being stretched
- contracting dorso-ventrals stretch longitudinals
- contracting longitudinals stretch dorso-ventrals
- 1 nerve pulse -gt 40 (or more) muscle contraction
cycles - nerve pulse can switch off engine
17energy preserving elastic processes
- Insect muscles are supposed to be about 8
efficient cf 15 in homeotherms how do they do
it? - energy-preserving elastic processes
-resilindistortion of thoracic sclerites- both
store and return energy to the flight system
- 'scientists have proved that the bumblebee
can't fly' - refers to some 'back of an envelope'
calculations done by an aerodynamicist in the
1930s - classical steady-state aerodynamics
19classical aerodynamics
- calculations used to design planes
- steady-state
- aerofoils and Bernoulli's ppl
- critical angle and breakdown of lift
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22insect wings as aerofoils
- traditional method of analysis
- supination/pronation
- arc of wing movement
- under steady-state aerodynamics an insect wing
can provide lift for 85 of the stroke cycle
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26insect wings as dynamic structures
- turbles forming aerofoil
- effects of setae/scales
- flexing of wing
- dragonfly ... nodus, pterostigma
- changing aerofoil shape through stroke or along
wing (or both)
27Slick air-air interface -reduces friction,
postpones onset of turbulent drag
28Some of the dynamic flexing axes in a dragonfly
29Butterfly wing rigidity caused by discoidal cell
30Stick insect - no transverse bracing
- 'spoiling' of second aerofoil
- link with hooks (Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera)
- flap out of phase (Orthoptera)
- one functional pair of wings (Diptera,
Strepsiptera, some Ephemeroptera, some
Hymenoptera, Coleoptera)
32scale effects
- insects are flying in a different physical
environment to (say) aircraft, or even birds - scale effects
- Reynolds number length speed density /
viscosity - can visualise flow by operating at same Reynolds
33different ways of flying
- above critical angle turbulence doesn't destroy
lift until aerofoil has travelled several chord
lengths - unsteady flows can generate rotational flows
(vortices) which generate very great lift
34unsteady state aerodynamics
- very high lift generated by vortices
- strongly implicated in insect flight
- known mechanismsclap and fling - Weis Fogh
1973peel - Ellington 1984leading edge
vortices - Ellington 1996others suspected - quantitative analysis at front end of computing
envelope ...
35ANTERIOR VIEW Clap-and-fling, wings clap
together at top of stroke, then fling apart
this generates strong circulation about
wing. Originally proposed for small wasps, now
widely recognised (e.g. pigeons taking off)
36DORSAL VIEW Peel wings peel apart from front
edge (peel maintains a constant angle). Like the
fling this generates air circulation around the
wing. Easiest place to see Big greasy butterfly
37Leading edge vortex vortex established over
front edge of wing, part of toroidal vortex.
Generates very significant lift. Can also recover
energy from vortex of preceding stroke.
38different flight mechanisms
- ref Wootton 1990 Sci Am article
- document dragonfly flight mechanisms
- note capacity to switch physical
lift-generating processes - animal doesnt care
about theory selected for results - many insects are grossly over-equipped for flying
Trailing vortex
Bound vortex
Vortices around a dragonfly wing - X-section
40flight envelope
- a dragonfly can switch from forward flight at 100
body-lengths/s to backwards at 3 body-lengths/s
within a few body lengths - dragonflies can hover with their wings beating
vertically - dragonflies are unstable in all axes - allows
enormous manoeuvrability
41Flier type dragonfly wing stroke perp to body
Percher type dragonfly note acute angle
- Ellington C.P. 1984 The aerodynamics of hovering
insect flight. (parts I - VI) Phil. Trans. R.
Soc. Lond. B. 305 - Ellington, C.P., van den Berg, C., Willmott, A.P.
and Thomas, A.L.R. (1996). Leading-edge vortices
in insect flight. Nature 384 626-630. - Somps, C. Luttges, M. 1985 Dragonfly flight
novel uses of unsteady separated flows. Science
228 1326-1329 - Wootton, R.J. 1990. The mechanical design of
insect wings. Sci. Am. 263(5) 66-72
43- Dickinson papers 2000, 2001, 2002 and web site
(hovering flight of Drosophila) - Srygley coauthor free flight in a butterfly
(Nature, Dec 2002) but see also German work
1986 on free flying hawk moths - Rüppell dragonfly flight analysis of high-speed