Title: Introduction to Dudu-osun black soap
1Introduction to Dudu-osun black soap
By- www.ginika.com
Dudu-osun Black soap originates from West Africa
and is very popular for its efficacious effects
on the skin. It is known by many names one of
them is African black soap, as it is called by
the people of Ghana.
3Ingredients Properties
The color of this soap varies from light brown to
deep black, depending upon indigenous
ingredients, secret recipes and the method of
production. Palm oil, palm kernel oil, cocoa
butter, coconut oil and shea butter are commonly
used as the main key ingredient.
4How it is made?
It is made from the ash of harvested plants like
cocoa pod leaves or palm leaves. At first, the
leaves and barks are dried in the sun and then
roasted in a pot at a constant temperature.
Constant temperature is required because it
will insure color, smell and body. After that
water and other necessary oils (Palm oil, coconut
oil, palm kernel oil e.t.c) are added to the
solution and kept for one day.
- It is good for all skin types.
- Can cure all skin diseases like eczema, acne,
pimples. - Protect you skin from sun's UV rays.
- It doesn't contain any harmful chemicals.
- Softens stretch marks and other spots
- It helps preventing weak hair from breaking and
falling. -
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