Title: Bus Shelter Publicity For Entertainment At Andheri-Global Advertisers
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2Bus Shelter Publicity For Entertainment At
Buses are the main intra-city transport medium
in most Indian cities. All metropolitan cities
like Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad,
Calcutta and Chennai have well developed bus
networks that transport lakhs of commuters
through the year. Bus media is economical, works
well if one wishes to target specific
demographics or neighborhoods and is a
high-impact medium if used wisely. Global helps
you use bus media to get the best value for your
advertising rupee. We have a special bus media
cell that assists you from media plan stage to
post campaign. Our media plans are free, our bus
media rates are competitive as we follow value
for money.
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amit_at_globaladvertisers.in www.globaladvertisers.in
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