Title: Managing Growing Pains
1Managing Growing Pains Sustaining Branch Growth
National Federation of Community Development
Credit Union 30th Annual Conference San Juan,
Puerto Rico
presented by Helen C. Godfrey, Pres/CEO
Shreveport Federal C.U. Provision Concepts, Inc.
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3Top 100 Credit Unions in Net Worth to Assets as
of 12/31/03
Shreveport FCU is 82 within credit union 50 -
100 million
4February 2004 Credit Union Times report,
Shreveport is 56 in the country in Return on
Assets within credit unions over 50-million
Shreveport FCU 56
- presented by
- Ms. Helen C. Godfrey
- Shreveport Federal Credit Union
5- Leaders who embrace growth within their
organizations thrive in the midst of chaos and
are not disoriented when the rules change, i.e.
technological environment that continually
reshapes the landscape-legislative and regulatory
environment that shifts at the speed of light
6- These leaders create organizations that are
strong enough and resilient enough to weather
unpredictable downturns or onslaughts.
7How To Manage Growth
- Acknowledge the past, appreciate the legacies and
understand the value of both They are foundation
for the futureNOT THE FUTURE
8Steps to Managing Growth - 1
- Make a commitment to learn more about the members
and their needs and desires when meeting with
members at meetings, trips, in the lobby, at
plants, anywhere.
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101 Place Member at Center of all decisions
- Listen to the member
- Respond to the member
- Deliver what the member wants
- Managers and other leaders can not thrive by
imposing their own views or any groups views on
the marketplace. - Ask the tough questionWhat are the members
needs and preferences?
11Cultivate closer relationships with members
- Use the internet and other means collect
e-mails as conscientiously as you collect
nameswould you open an account without a name?
Use the e-mail blast to keep member connected.
12Some areas have the tendency to not view
themselves as customer service entities (i.e.
collections department, accounting bookkeeping
departments, maintenance people, secretaries,
13Service Recovery
- Let employees know you value recovery instead of
blame employees must be comfortable in the fact
that if they make a mistake, they will be okay as
long as they make it right with the members - Practice service recovery internally if you
dont apologize to each other when you make
mistakes, youll never do it effectively with
142 Manage Growth Through Information and
- Someone, somewhere has a better idea and our role
is to find that idea, learn it and apply it as
fast as possible! Encourage input and ideas from
everywhere in the organization!
15Four Characteristics of a Learning Organization
- Information is shared and accessible
- Learning is emphasized and valued
- Mistakes and failures are not punished (they are
identified, rectified and used as education)
DONT REPEAT THEM - People are expected to learn constantly
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17Book Club
- Team leader and team choose book(s) to be read
- Lead team to read books and have discussion
- Team leader lead book club discussion
18Implement Accurate ALM Strategy
- Understand that ALM is the major portion of what
we do - Manage assetsidentify them, cash, loans, fixed
assets, - Manage liabilitiesidentify them,
deposits,equity, payables, etc - Set targets that will move you to your goals
19Strategic Planning
- Conduct a member survey and use the results at
the next planning session - Use the CUNA E-Scan and discuss trends,
opportunities, and challenges - Conduct and present economic and/or financial
analysis, including comparisons to peer credit
unions - Present strategic information in topic specific
areas such as delivery channels or serving
small businesses
20- Set a definitive strategic direction and be sure
that everyone in the organization know what that
direction is (the Mission)) - Job descriptions should reflect expectations of
management, staff and board and the entire
organization must understand and respect roles. - The Vision and Image is articulated through the
organization. - Make sure there is a stated set of Values to
guide the company. This will help keep all key
players on the same page as to how we accomplish
our mission, vision and image.
21Succession Planningnot just for CEOStaff
Board should have a plan
- Prepare people for promotion
- Management team training corps
- Establish a talented pool of people
- Prepare them for where they are going rather than
where the are - Stay FUTURE focused
22- Hire good attitudes and teach information
- Train leaders and good customer service
- Tell people why we do what we do as well as what
we do - Title and position are not supreme value all
leadership wherever it is - If you are not on fire, you will never kindle
fire in others
235 Create a Performance Driven Culture
- Profit is a by-product of customer service
- It is not an end in and of itself
- Its something that is produced by your efforts
the way you treat each other and the way you
treat the members
24Have an aggressive plan to increase
- Products per member (minimum 31 three products
to one member) - Loans generates income
- Regular Member deposits available to invest
in loans
25Measure, Measure, Measure
- Financial performance report
- Callahans
- Monthly Benchmarks (each branch leader must know
the net increase required of their
department/branch in order for the team to make
the corporate goals)
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27Budget Comparison by Branch
28Budget Balance Sheet
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