Title: ICTs and Innovation, The Role of African Universities
1ICTs and Innovation, The Role of African
- Farouk Kamoun
- Cristal Multimedia Networking Research
- Ecole Nationale des Sciences de lInformatique
- University of Manouba, Tunis, Tunisia
- Science with Africa
- Addis Ababa, UNECA, 3-7 March 2008
- What is Innovation?
- Why is Innovation so Important Knowledge
- Role of Universities in Innovation Systems
- Can ICT Improve Role of University in
- African Universities Innovation A Tunisian
- Vision African Universities Key Players in
Innovation Systems
- Conclusion
3What is Innovation?
- Innovation the process of making changes to
something established by introducing something
new may refer to both radical or incremental
changes to products, processes or services
(Wikipedia) - Definitions often vary! Innovation is not the
same as invention
- Innovation isn't what innovators do....it's
what customers and clients adopt. (Schrage -
- Invention (discovery of new ideas) followed by
innovation (implementation of new techniques)
drives economic growth (Mokyl)
4Innovation a Typology
- Classification According to
- object
- technological Innovation
- Organizational Innovation
- market Innovation (Introduction of products in
new markets)
- Size of Change
- Breaking Innovation  radical innovation
- incremental Innovation noticeable improvements
but no shake up of the actual situation
5University and Innovations Findings
- University good at research
- From research to Innovation there is a gap!! Only
a few universities bridge it
- University good at producing assimilating and
disseminating new knowledge
- Industry good at developing know how at making
products and selling them!
- Need Bring knowledge and Know how closer to each
other to foster innovation Build bridges
- Geographical Proximity is important for knowledge
spillovers and linkages
- University a key player in National, Regional,
Innovation Systems (NIS)
6Why is NIS so Important Knowledge Economy (KE)
- A Knowledge Economy (KE) is one that utilizes
knowledge as the key engine of economic growth.
It is an economy where knowledge is acquired,
created, disseminated and used effectively to
enhance economic development (WorldBank) - Four pillars of the Knowledge Economy framework
- Economic Incentives Institutional Regime
- Education Human Resources
- Innovation System
- Information Infrastructure
- A new measure of economic development Knowledge
Economy IndexKEI
74 Pillars of KE (World Bank)
- An economic incentive and institutional regime
that provides good economic policies and
institutions that permit efficient mobilization
and allocation of resources and stimulate
creativity and incentives for the efficient
creation, dissemination, and use of existing
knowledge. - Educated and skilled workers who can continuously
upgrade and adapt their skills to efficiently
create and use knowledge.
- An effective innovation system of firms, research
centers, universities, consultants, and other
organizations that can keep up with the knowledge
revolution and tap into the growing stock of
global knowledge and assimilate and adapt it to
local needs. - A modern and adequate information infrastructure
that can facilitate the effective communication,
dissemination, and processing of information and
8Role of universities in innovation systems
- Major Roles of University as key player in NIS
- Antenna for adopting external knowledge
- and mediator for local knowledge circulation (U
is inserted in global knowledge communities)
- Source of highly qualified labour
- In university-industry linkages U increasingly a
knowledge source and innovation partner (RD
collaborations, contracts)
- Incubator for academic spin-off companies
(transfrom inventions in products)
9How can ICT Improve Role of University in
- ICT a key enabler for Innovation within the
- Access to universal Knowledge
- Innovation in Education e-learning, distance
learning, life long learning, continuing
- Networking with research communities, WG's,
Standardization bodies)
- ICT a key enabler for the University to play its
role in NIS
- Information on scientific activities WEB
(expertise, events), a hub (crossroads) of
cultural and scientific activities
- Diffusion of Knowledge
- U-Industry linkages (formal and informal
- Linkage with Alumni
10Role of University in ICTs
- ICT fast evolving area, 2 dimensions
- Technological innovations
- Application and user oriented innovations
- U role in Technological innovations (more
- Highly qualified and up-to-date skills and
- Strong U-I linkages
- Many U Inventions converted to innovations
products (start-ups)
- U role in Application oriented Innovations
- Management, commerce, health, environment, energy
- A way to go for African Universities!
11The African Scene Tunisia's Case
- Huge Investment in Higher Education
- Increase in Number of Students from 44,000 in
1987, 415,000 in 2007 to reach a peak of 492000
in 2011.
- About 11 of Students majoring in ICT
- Big Challenges Professors, Keeping Quality
- Elaboration of Resarch and Technological
Development Policy (late 1990's)
- Launching of Ministry of Research
- Creation New Research Institutions, Technological
- Launching of Research Labs and Units within
universities (in 1999) with autonomous budgets
- In 2008
- 1.20 of GDP devoted to research
- more than 20 institutions, 6 technological parks
(4 more to come)
- More than 150 laboratories, 500 Research Units
- About 27000 Researchers (16,500 equivalent full
time researchers)
12Tunisia's Case Some Findings
- University
- Good research activities with recognized
- Good Linkages with Research Labs mainly in Europe
- Availability of skills but challenged with
increasing number of students
- Industry
- Facing major challenges competition,
- There are plenty of real challenging problems to
be solved (waste products olive oil, chemical
fertilizer out of phosphate, increase added value
of local industry ) - Linkages
- Very few U-I Linkages , very few joint projects
- Few Contributions to innovative solutions to
- A general Impression of very little direct
impact on economy
- Expectations
- Some Impatience to show impact on economy!!!
- Could produce a boomerang effect on research
13Recent Tunisian Initiatives
- At National Level
- Symposium on Research open to all stakeholders.
To define strategic priorities, Improve Research
productivity and Impact on Economy (Nov 07)
- At a Regional Level University of Sfax
- Organization of a seminar "the university and the
regional development"
- Launching of a task force "innovation
competitiveness" bringing together academics and
industrialists to develop a local strategy and
action plans based on 2 surveys - Collect information on actual research results
and academic skills
- Identify Business Needs, Real Problems
- Objectives
- Match Ind. Problems and Univ. Skills
- Valorization of Research Results, Identify New
Research Domains
- Build Linkages and Foster Innovation
- Build U-I Trust
14Where does Africa stand?
15Vision African Universities Key Players in
Innovation Systems
- Excellence in Education and Training
- Develop Research and Get Involved in
International Projects
- Information Communication on Education,Research,
Skills (web, brochures, seminars..)
- Build Linkages with Socio-Economic Stakeholders
to foster Innovation
- Create in each University Council on Innovation
and competitiveness
- Work with stakeholders to identify their needs
and build confidence
16Support Actions At country level
- Endow U with Advanced ICT infrastructures
- High Speed Internet, Campus full Connectivity and
accessibility to all students and Staff
- Create financial incentives, grants, that enable
companies to call upon university skills and
expertise? Academia will get to learn about and
solve real problems and bring back to the
university more research oriented topics! - Launch Calls for proposal of Joint projects
- Falicitate Project Management Procedure and
Unleash Academia Creativity!
17Support Actions At African level
- Launch African Research and Innovation Programs
Dealing with Strategic Issues with Emphasis on
Problem Solving
- Support Countries in Developing a better
understanding of Innovation processes and
mechanisms and to integrate Innovation in their
ST policies
18 Conclusion
- The winners in these global games will be
those who can put together the worlds best in
design, manufacturing, research, execution,
and marketing on the largest scale. - Rarely are all of these elements found in one
country or on one continent.
- Welch,J.F.Jr.Evolving Industrial Alliances,
- The Bridge, 1987,17(4),p.10
- Thank you for your attention