Title: GIS Applications at WFO Oxnard
1GIS Applications at WFO Oxnard
Jayme Laber Senior Service Hydrologist
2Samples of GIS Products at WFO Oxnard
3QPF Locations
4TWEB Routes
5Forecast Zones
6Burn Area Perimeters
7Mapping Burn Areas
- Need to obtain burn area perimeter shapefiles
from fire agencies - USFS typically will have burn intensity
shapefiles - no standard projection used by agencies
- Will need to know the original projection and
then re-project into Geographical Coordinates,
NAD 83 (for display in D2D) - Burn area shapefiles available from the USGS
GEOMAC ftp site - ftp//ftp.geomac.gov/outgoing/
- State and local fire and emergency management
agencies may also have shapefiles
8Displaying Custom Shapefiles in D2D
- Copy shapefile to AWIPS
- /data/fxa/nationalData
- Copy the three files associated with the data
- .shp, .shx, and .dbf
- Need to be in Geographic Coordinates, NAD 83
- Modify the 4 configuration files in
/data/fxa/customFiles - localDataKeys.txt
- localDepictKeys.txt
- localProductButtons.txt
- otherBackgroundMenus.txt
9Shapefiles in D2D cont.
- Modify the localDataKeys.txt file
10Shapefiles in D2D cont.
- Modify the localDepictKeys.txt file
11Shapefiles in D2D cont.
- Modify the localProductButtons.txt file
12Shapefiles in D2D cont.
- Modify the otherBackgroundMenus.txt file
13Shapefiles in D2D cont.
- Initialize the new files for D2D
- cd to /awips/fxa/data/localization/scripts
- run ./mainScript.csh f auxFiles radar tables
maps - This script needs to run on each lx and xt
machine. - For more information contact your ITO or AWIPS
focal point - Also a good instructional document from the NCRFC
14National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) and
GIS use by Local Customers
15Customer Collaboration on NDFD and GIS
- Local customers evaluating and using NDFD
information - Los Angeles City Fire Department
- GIS-based Incident Planning/Action Map System
- Army Corps of Engineers LA District
- Use of QPF grids
- Southern California Edison
- Max and Min Temperature grids
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Los Angeles County Joint Regional Intelligence
Center - Disaster preparedness
- ClearMesh Networks
- 3 Hourly T/Td grids
- City of Oxnard
- Southern California Geographic Area Coordination
Center (GACC)
16Southern California EdisonThe power of the NDFD
in GIS!
WFO LOX provided assistance in using NDFD in
their interruptible power program
(rolling blackouts) Cannot disrupt power for
areas over 105o or below 25o Previous
system One meteorologist forecasting for
over 400 individual cities
May 1, 2007
Fiscal Year 07 Midterm Review - LOX
17Southern California EdisonThe power of the NDFD
in GIS!
GIS allows them to show areas where power cannot
be disrupted In this case, this graphic shows
all areas over 105o Saves them time and money!
May 1, 2007
Fiscal Year 07 Midterm Review - LOX
18Wind Speed and Direction in ArcGISVarying wind
vector symbol sizes and colors
Piru (2003)
Fire boundaries
Simi (2003)
Topanga (2005)
19Southern California Geographic Area Coordination
Center (GACC)
20Shapefile Access via Webwww.wrh.noaa.gov/lox/gis
21Relative Flash Flood Potential
Index(FFPI)Developed by CBRFC
Assign grid cell FFPI values of 1-10 Based on
attributes of the data layer
Soil Type
Land Use
Output Mean of all the data layers
23Relative Flash Flood Potential Index (FFPI) for
- Developed by CBRFC and adapted to the LOX HSA
- Installed an open-source GIS application at each
operational forecast desk - Quantum GIS
- Very similar to ESRIs ArcExplorer
- Allows user to customize view
- Pan, zoom, turn layers on or off
24Downtown Los Angeles
25Chuchupate (cuddy valley)
26Carrizo Plain
27Saddleback Butte