Title: Folio Instruments Inc'
1 Folio Instruments Inc.
- Testing the finish
- Plastics, Paints, Food, Pharmaceutical
2Examples of Finish
- Straps for pallets tension test
- Enduit du chocolat sur les gâteaux May West
texture - Plasma finish of plastics paint adhesion
- Coatings for government furniture solar fastness
- Wood flooring abrasion resistance
- Jams for Krispy Kernel viscosity for pumping
- Plastic wrap angle de contact angle pour
empêcher lhumidité de perler sur la surface
Printing on plastic COF to prevent rollers from
3Solids testing
- Thickness and environment
- Color fastness and Corrosion
- Wash ability Abrasion - Adhesion
- Tension - Compression - COF
- Impact Bending - Hardness
- Temperature Pressure - Humidity recorders
- Image analysis
4Liquids Testing
- Contact Angle
- Viscosity
- Surface tension
- Dispersion
- pH
- Test Charts
- I know you heard what I said - but did you hear
what I meant - Measurement - a number which can mean different
things to different people - Measurement is a dimension in test space
7(No Transcript)
8Non-Destructive Dry FilmCoating Thickness Gages
PosiTector 6000
PosiTector 100
PosiTector 200
9PosiTector 6000
- Simple, Durable, Accurate gages use magnetic and
eddy current principles to measure coating
thickness on both ferrous and non-ferrous metals,
accurately and quickly. - 1 accuracy
10PosiTector 100
Large graphic display provides simple yet
detailed analysis of coating thickness data
11PosiTector 200
- Proven non-destructive ultrasonic technique
conforms to ASTM D6132 - Internal memory stores up to 1000 readings
- Certificate of Calibration showingtraceability
to NIST included with every gage.
12PosiTector UTG
- Ultrasonic Thickness Gage measures the wall
thickness of materials such as steel, cast iron,
plastic and more. - Ideal for measuring wall thickness and the
effects of corrosion and erosion on tanks, pipes,
or any structure where access is limited to one
13PosiTector DPM
- Dew Point Meter measures and records climatic
parameters. - Measures air temperature, surface temperature,
relative humidity, dew point temperature and
difference between surface and dew point
temperatures. - Ideal for surface preparation as required by ISO
14Weathering 5-10 years
- 4 major causes of degradation sunlight
moisture oxygen heat. - Physical effects weight loss - increased Tg,
water absorption causes blistering gloss
color embrittlement peeling checking
cracking erosion. - Chemical degradation break bonds - crosslink's
formation of hydrophilic groups. - Angle, duration and intensity vary.
- Used to evaluate inhibitive additives.
15Sunshine Moisture p 25
- ASTM D UV color fastness with condensation
spray - Assumes UV RAYS only cause degradation- Choice of
UV a or UVb - D822- Carbon Arc- complete solution
- 2 years in 500 hours
- Available with controlled humidity immersion
(rain) - For exterior items Lighting, fences, furniture,
16Weathering of PP Decorative TrimExposure in the
desert over one year
17Corrosion 500 Hrs - Year
- ASTM D Salt-Spray B117
- ASTM D Pro-hesion- addition of ammonium sulfate
and peristaltic pump to B117 for more realistic
results - For exterior items Lighting, fences, furniture,
18Environmental considerations
- Downward pressure on using chromate or lead rust
19Influence of Weathering on Gloss
20WEAR (Abrasion) WASH ABILITY p1
- ASTM D 4213 Wash ability ability to hold color
- Scrub Resistance D 2486
- Dry and wet surfaces
- of cycles to wear through
- ASTM 4060 Taber Abrasion
- Effects of sand, dirt, rubbing on organic
coatings - Related to the hardness of the surface
- Wear Index - weight lost or rev/mil
22Examples and Cal kit
23(No Transcript)
- Linear Abraser testing
- Evaluating results
- Weight loss
- Visual inspection
- Scratch depth (width)
- Coating adhesion
- Performance measure
- Evaluation technique is dependent on the type of
25Attachments Nuckle - Coin Fingers Scratch
- Rub
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27Adhesion p 2
- ASTM D3359 Adhesion on metal based on Cross hatch
- Make an X pull off, compare to a chart
- Pull off tester D4541
- Less subjective
- Valid for plastics
28Scratch Mar resistance
- Hoffmann scratch testing
- More controlled adhesion testers
- Balanced beam for mar resistance (scuffing)
- Coatings has some elasticity to reform structure
- Ie sliding a glass across a table
- D 4366- NA standard Pendulum tester very
sensitive - measures the dampening compared to
known substance ie glass, lead - Lead pencil cheap -portable and easy
30Other hardness
- For metals, wood, hard surfaces
- Measurement of the diameter to calculate the
31Durometers D2240 p13
- Shore Fits in your pocket
- Recognized worldwide
- Different set up depending on the material
- Barcol - for soft metals, linoleum, leather
32(No Transcript)
33Bitumen as a coating
- Ring And Ball softening points
- Penetration or consistency
- Impact tester- Gardner ability to resist high
frequency force - Based on energy
- Hardness - ability to resist dimensional
deformation - Also used as a rough test for PVC strength
- Mandrell testing - ability to resist deformation
caused by substrate elongation D522
35Rupture testing
- Impact resistance of films
36COF p19
- Dynamic Force/ unit area required to keep in
motion - Static force/area to allow movement
- Measure of resistance to slippage
- Important for printing to prevent jamming of
rollers - Silicone agents added can evaporate or be
37Process Temperature, Pressure Humidity
- Autoclaves - heaters - sterilizers are
bottlenecks for production - Temperature probes allow optimization
- Recordings can be kept for audit trail
- Cold spots can be located.
38Force testing p 8
- Force - the ability to resist deformation or
destruction - Many different ASTM methods
- Slip Peel - Adhesion - Anchorage
- Many different grips available.
39Mechanical Properties
- Force - the ability to resist deformation or
destruction - Many different ASTM methods
40Mechanical Properties
- Stress - force per unit area
- Strain change in length as a percentage of
original - Yield - point at which permanent deformation is
in place - material will flow at same stress or
41ASTM D638
- Standard application
- Pull
- Anchorages furniture - Sea Doo
- Function of temperature
- Samples may be made by compression or injection
molded or cuts
42Mechanical Properties
- Material Obeys Hookes law as a spring for a
while and then flow is irreversible - Proportional limit is point of change
43- Modulus of elasticity ratio stress/strain before
proportional limit - Proportional limit - point where material stops
behaving only as a spring - Ultimate strength - maximum unit stress material
with stands - Secant modulus -stress/strain at any point
44- Also look at elongation at yield
- Elongation at break
- Tensile strength at yield
- Tensile strength at break
- Soft but tough - PET
- Hard and brittle -phenolic
- Hard and strong -Acetal
- Hard and tough - polycarbonate
46Flexural properties D790
- Ability to with stand bending
- Both compressive and tension forces
- More realistic for certain applications
- Load at 5 deflection or breakage
- Flexural modulus -stiffness
- Stress Relaxation
- Load required to keep a fixed deformation over
time - Creep
- Fixed load is applied and deformation is measured
over time - Recovery
- Imitates chewing action
- Specific indexes for the food industry
- Very popular on goods that are canned or frozen
50Image analysis
- Allows 35 - 100x magnification
- Allows storage and printing
- Allows dimensions -distance - area -
circumference - Allows industrial sample holder
51New European regulations
- Chrome
- Lead
- Mercury
- Others
52Liquid materials
53 Dispersion p10
- Particles may have attractive or repulsive forces
- Dispersion is different than mixing
- Particle size will influence K/S which is
absorption characteristics color -gloss -
orange peel - High energy is required
- Usually due to hydrophobic nature
- Effects surface finish - DOI
54Fineness of Dispersion
- Degree of dispersion by using a grind gage
- Also used to determine cleanliness
- D1316 for inks
55Test Charts p4
- Standard background for visual or instrument
evaluation - Sagging - Leveling - Gloss - Color - Contrast
ratio - Opacity - Strength - Flocculation Floating - RUB Up - Leveling
- Automated device provides higher reproducibility
- Available in wood , metal, glass
- Karl Fisher- Referee method
- KF Coulometric- simple for low level
- Microwave - easy calibration fast -
- Formulation Plastics - bubbles
- Food Specifications
57Zeta Potential
- Charge of particles is factor
- Potential is a function of pH
- Factor in sedimentation
58pH- Neg Log of H Concentration
- 0-7 acidic 7-14 basic
- Probes are non-linear so calibration in range of
use is critical - Pure water is 7
- Function of temperature - compensation available
59MSDS- Flash Point
- Temperature at which vapor supports combustion
- Classification for shipping
- Storage conditions
- D93 Pensky for viscous materials requiring
stirring - D56 Tag for pure solvents
- D3278 Setaflash - small sample size can be used
instead of D93
- The deformation of a body under certain stress
- Mechanical study of deformation
- Elastic Component energy storage
- Viscous component permanent deformation
61Viscosity Measurement
- The relationship between force (shear
stress) and speed (shear rate)
62Basic Terms
- Shear stress
- Force/ Area
- Pa or Dynes/cm
- Zahn - Ford D1200
- Rotational concentric cylinder Brookfield
- Rotational Cone and Plate
- Tubes - Cannon- Fenske
- Vibrating Rods
- Units of measure
- Poise (P) or (P x 100) for centipoise
- Absolute measurement/Brookfield viscometers
- Stokes (S) or (S x 100) for centistokes
- Kinematic measurement/Tubes and cups
- Krebs units
- KU or Stormer for paint consistency
- Seconds refers to the tubes or cups
65Newtonian Liquids
- Viscosity is constant with shear rate
- No shear thinning occurs
- Simple equation
- Shear stress
- viscosity shear rate
- Viscosity slope
66Kinematic Viscometers
- Easy to use
- Inexpensive
- Portable
- Many ASTM methods
- Very precise
- Shear rate is caused by weight of material
- Somewhat dimension -less or relative
67Examples Kinematic Viscometers
68Problems with Kinematic Viscometer p23
- Only 1 point
- Cannot compare different density materials
- Usually no temp control
- Typically low precision on mfg. Material must
have consistent density - Shear rate is hard to adjust, material should be
Newtonian - Results hard to compare between methods
- But cheap portable
69Absolute Viscometers Concentric Cylinder
(Brookfield type)
- Shear can be adjusted to imitate production
conditions - Geometry more easily defined Absolute
- Values can be compared
- Valid for pseudo plastic materials
70Pseudo plastic
- Viscosity decreases with shear rate
- Material aligns itself with increasing speed
- Typically has a yield point
- Can be characterized by equations
- Material breaks down by absorbing energy
- Once the force is removed, energy is dissipated
the material regains original structure
72Example Alcan- Mud
- Used a brookfield 1 point to prevent mud from
flowing to fast - Bud mud slid
- Purchase of a 100K viscometer
- Got same value but solution was
- Measure 2 points and calculate slope- or 3 points
for add degree of freedom
- Requires laminar flow
- Particles must not interfere
- No slippage
- Weisenberg effect at high speeds
- More expensive
- Concentric cylinder harder to clean
74Cone Plate
- Small sample sizes
- Easy to clean
- High shear rates due to small gap 10000s-1
- Able to handle a wider variety of materials
- Brush ability
75Approximate Comparison
- Equations which characterize the curve based on
speed - Poisson, Casson, Exponential etc
- Require many different points
77 The complete Solution
- Allows many data points
- Includes software for control and acquisition
- Has many models to choose from Yield Stress
Calculations (Bingham Plastic, Casson, Chocolate
Casson), Power Law Consistency Index
Calculations, Paste Analysis
78Surface Energy p 9
- Surface Energy interaction in the First Ten
Angstroms of the interface - Contact angle - Index for wet ability
- Used by formulators to modify the surface
- Wood preservatives - laminates, anti grafitty,
waxes, fabrics
79Problem with Dyne pens
- Specific to inks
- Example water
- Water on glass slides as and adhesive.
- Water on wood preservative
80Fundamentals Of Adhesion
- Diffusion - molecular weight, structure, time
- Chemical - functional groups
- Mechanical- locking- roughness- porosity
- Electrostatic
- Acid - Base
81Surface Tension
- Surface tension - Used by formulators to modify
the liquid - Can determine if liquids are miscible
- Oscillating ST- Foaming
- Dynamic - with time
- Applications Inks on pape r- spreading
82Instruments solve problems !