Title: PowerPoint Template
1Another Piece In The Feldstein - Horioka Puzzle
Sabie Anca mihaela
- In the literature of open-economy macroeconomics,
defining and measuring capital mobility has been
one of the most important issues. The traditional
approach to testing the capital mobility
hypothesis was proposed by the seminal paper of
Feldstein and Horioka (1980). The idea behind
their thesis is quite simple if an economy is
well internationally integrated, then, its
accumulation of capital should not be constrained
by national savings. The equation which
summarizes their work is the following - Feldstein and Horioka studied the relationship
between saving and investment rates by using
cross-section data for 16 OECD countries over the
1960-1974 period and concluded that 85 to 95 of
the national saving was invested locally. The
high correlation was interpreted as capital being
immobile even among developed countries. This
came to be known as the FeldsteinHorioka
puzzle - Their conclusion has sparked a huge literature on
trying to explain this puzzle and to reconcile it
with the overwhelming evidence of high capital
3Literature Review
- The Feldstein-Horioka result of a high
saving-investment association has remained
remarkably robust in OECD cross-sections although
the coefficient on saving has shown some tendency
to decline over recent years. The result persists
in panels and time-series and has been remarkably
robust to the addition of other variables and
different estimation methods in the OECD. - However, there is less evidence for a close
relationship between saving and investment in
non-OECD samples, particularly in less developed
countries. Overall, the studies indicate that the
degree of capital mobility is higher for
developing economies. - As stressed by Blanchard and Giavazzi (2002),
even in a fully integrated economy - an economy
in which investment decisions do not depend on
domestic saving - some shocks will move saving
and investment in the same direction, generating
a positive correlation between the two. If these
shocks dominate, the correlation will be high. - The Feldstein-Horioka result may not be
informative about capital mobility since a range
of theoretical models can generate high
saving-investment correlations even under perfect
capital mobility (Coakley et al., (1998)).
4Aims of the Paper
- To investigate the existence of the
saving-investment correlation in a group of
developed economies, respectively 22 OECD
countries and a group of developing economies, 10
Central and Eastern Europe countries - To determine its evolution over time
- To investigate whether controlling for global
shocks (either homogenously or heterogeneously
transmitted across countries) could provide an
explanation for the puzzle.
5The Model
- In line with the work of Giannone and Lenza
(2004), the following representation of saving
and investment rates will be considered
6The Model
- Following Feldstein and Horioka, the linear
relationship between the idiosyncratic components
represents the degree of capital mobility
where ß is the saving-retention coefficient
conditional to idiosyncratic shocks or, in terms
of long run fluctuations,
7The Model
- Equations (3) and (4) could be rewritten in terms
of observable saving and investment rates as
8The Model
- Methodologies commonly used in the
Feldstein-Horioka debate - Original long-run regression or the between
model - Panel regression with country fixed effects
- Panel regression with country fixed and common
time effects, which assumes homogeneity in the
transmission of global shocks
9The Data
- The research focused on 2 groups of countries
- 22 OECD countries Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Canada, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France,
United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand,
Portugal, Sweden and United States. - 10 CEE countries Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland,
Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. - Data frequency is annual and the sample ranges
from 1970 to 2007 for the first panel, and from
1993 to 2008 for the second - Investment is Gross Capital Formation. Saving is
the sum of Consumption of Fixed Capital and Net
Saving. Saving and investment rates are
calculated as the ratio of Saving and Investment
to GDP. - Data sources OECD
10OECD - The Between Model
Using Feldstein and Horiokas original
regression, the puzzle is further documented.
Although the correlation has obviously decreased
over time, all 3 saving-retention coefficients
are high and significantly different from zero.
Therefore, even in the last two decades, the
capital appears to be far from mobile among these
OECD countries.
11Panel Regression with Cross-Country Fixed Effects
Again, the results do not suggest that the
puzzle has disappeared, decreasing only slightly
when compared to the between model estimators.
For the last subsample though, there appears to
be evidence of increased capital mobility,
although the coefficient is still statistically
different from zero. The tests reject the null
hypotesis that the fixed effects coefficients are
the same across countries. This suggests that
there is unobserved heterogeneity in the data and
one should use a model with fixed effects.
12Panel Regression with Country and Period Fixed
This method relies on the quite strong
assumption that the responses to the common
factors are identical across individuals in the
panel. The results suggest that, even when
controlling for global comovements by assuming
homogeneity of their transmission mechanisms
across countries, the saving retention
coefficient is significantly reduced, even if it
still remains statistically different from zero
in all 3 samples. The redundant fixed effects
tests suggest that all the corresponding effects
are statistically significant.
13The Factor Model
- In order to estimate equation (5) the global
factors will be extracted directly from saving
and investment rates by cross country aggregation
(since the idiosyncratic components are driven by
country or region specific shocks, by worldwide
aggregation they are ruled out). As shown by
Forni, Hallin, Lippi and Reichlin (2002), the
unobserved factors can be estimated provided that
the number of countries under analysis is large,
and they are estimated by means of the first r
principal components. - The criteria used for choosing the number of
factors is the one proposed by Forni and Reichlin
(1998), who suggest retaining only the principal
components that explain more than a certain
threshold percentage of the panel variance
following their example, the threshold is set at
14Principal Component Analysis
- The first principal component explains about
54 and the second principal component about 15
of the variance of domestic saving and investment
rates. Therefore, the first two principal
components will be retained as they capture,
overall, about 69 of the panel variance. The
hypothesis of strong cross-country linkages
between saving and investment rates of OECD
countries is confirmed.
15Factor Augmented Panel Regression
The following factor augmented panel regression
is estimated
The results show that, once taken into account
the heterogeneity of the transmission mechanism
of global shocks, the Feldstein-Horioka
coefficient only slightly decreases when
estimated for the whole sample period or for the
first subsample, but is considerably reduced,
becoming insignificantly different from zero, for
the last two decades. This suggests that assuming
an homogenous transmission mechanism has biased
upwards the estimated coefficient.
16Factor Augmented Panel Regression
Indeed, the homogeneity restriction is strongly
rejected by the data, as the Wald tests confirm.
Also, the high number of significant coefficients
on the second principal component provides
further evidence that the first factor was not
able, alone, to account for the effects of global
shocks on saving and investment rates in OECD
Significant at 5 level, Significant at 10
17Factor Augmented Panel Regression
- In addition, by looking at the percentage of
the variance of domestic saving and investment
rates explained by global factors, it is obvious
how their impact varies considerably across
18Economic Interpretation of the Principal
In order to find an economic interpretation for
the principal components, we try to assess their
relation with some economic aggregates. The first
principal component is found to be very similar
to global OECD investment rate, with a
correlation coefficient of 0.86.
In what concerns the second principal component,
one should search for an aggregate driven by
global shocks but not collinear with the global
OECD investment rate. Therefore, we try to assess
its correlation with two proxies of the world
interest rate, G7 long run interest rate and US
long run interest rate, which are found to be
0.78, and 0.71, respectively.
19Synthesis of the Results
Type of regression  Sample   Sample   Sample Â
Type of regression 1970-2007 1970-1989 1990-2007
Between model (Long Run Regression) 0.59 0.68 0.41
Between model (Long Run Regression) 0.11 0.11 0.12
Panel Regression with cross-section fixed effects 0.50 0.52 0.28
Panel Regression with cross-section fixed effects 0.03 0.03 0.03
Panel Regression with cross-section and period fixed effects 0.32 0.40 0.23
Panel Regression with cross-section and period fixed effects 0.02 0.03 0.05
Factor Augmented Panel Regression 0.27 0.28 -0.03
Factor Augmented Panel Regression 0.03 0.05 0.05
20Other Methods for Estimating Idiosyncratic
- Since the factors didnt explain much of the
correlation on the sample 1970-2007, the
idiosyncratic relation was re-estimated using
other two methods developed for filtering out
unobservable common factors in the panel
regression the common correlated effects (CCE)
estimator of Pesaran (2006) and the projected
principal components (PPC) estimator of
Greenaway-McGrevy, Han and Sul (2007). - Pesaran (2006) suggests filtering out common
factors by including the cross-sectional averages
of the regressand and regressors in the panel
regression. His common correlated effects (CCE)
estimator of ß can be obtained by least squares
estimation of the following regression -
- where
and are used as proxies for the
common factors to and .
21Other Methods for Estimating Idiosyncratic
- The PPC estimator proposed by Greenaway-McGrevy,
Han and Sul (2007) consists of - estimation of the factor number using a modified
Bai and Ng (2002) selection criteria - For the panel the number of common
factors h can be estimated consistently by
minimizing the information criterion. -
- Han et. al. suggest using
of zit to account for possible serial correlation
in the idiosyncratic error. - estimation of the common factors for each
variable using the principal component method - partialling out all common factors from each
cross-sectional unit for each variable - estimating the idiosyncratic equation
In terms of point estimates, the coefficient is
somewhat lower in the PPC case but overall, the
results sustain the existence of a weakened, but
significant correlation between saving and
investment ratios for the whole time period.
Estimation 1970-2007
Factor Augmented Panel Regression 0.27
Factor Augmented Panel Regression 0.03
Common Correlated Effects 0.28
Common Correlated Effects 0.11
Projected Principal Component 0.23
Projected Principal Component 0.09
23Models Estimation for CEE Countries
- The majority of the studies focusing on
non-OECD samples show that there is less evidence
for a close relationship between saving and
investment in these economies, the savings
coefficients for developing economies being
generally smaller than those found for
industrialized economies. - The between estimator though suggests that
there is less than perfect capital mobility in
the CEE countries -
Again, using Feldstein and Horiokas original
regression, there appears to be a high
correlation between saving and investment rates
even among this group of developing countries.
24Panel Regression with Cross-Country Fixed Effects
The saving retention coefficient remains
significant and comparable with the one estimated
for the OECD countries for the last subsample,
indicating that the CEE countries are neither
perfectly integrated into nor perfectly separated
from the world capital market, according to the
Feldstein-Horioka criterion. The result is also
comparable to the one obtained by Kohler (2005),
who finds a point estimate of 0.32 using a panel
regression with cross-country fixed effects.
The redundant fixed effects tests strongly
reject the null hypotesis that the fixed effects
coefficients are the same across countries.
25Panel Regression with Country and Period Fixed
The Feldstein-Horioka coefficient becomes
insignificantly different from zero when common
time effects are assumed. The result may in fact
suggest that the shocks are homogenously
transmitted across the region, yielding similar
effects on the countries in the panel. This
may be the sign that Eastern European countries
financial markets are quite open and countries
are able to invest without having to comply with
the strict constraint of domestic saving.
The redundant fixed effects tests suggest that
all the corresponding effects are statistically
- Overall, the results show that, irrespective of
the method employed to test for the existence of
the puzzle, the saving-investment correlation has
decreased over time, therefore providing evidence
of increased capital mobility in the recent
years. - When allowing for heterogeneous responses of
saving and investment rates to global shocks
across OECD countries, the correlation between
saving and investment decreases and becomes
insignificantly different from zero in the last
two decades. Imposing the homogeneity restriction
(which is rejected by the data), biases upwards
the estimated correlation. - The results from the CEE countries suggest that
the shocks propagate homogenously across
countries, and again, once controlling for these
shocks, the saving-investment correlation is
insignificant. Although future research using
longer time series would have to further check
these results, they yet suggest that these states
are integrated into the international capital
markets to a degree similar to other OECD
countries. Problematic is that the panel approach
only measures the degree of capital mobility for
a group of countries and not for each country
separately. Therefore, the degree of capital
mobility might have been biased by a small number
of highly integrated countries. - These findings are consistent with the empirical
evidence that international capital mobility has
increased in the last two decades, and that the
Feldstein-Horioka puzzle seems to be
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