Title: CS 345: Topics in Data Warehousing
1CS 345Topics in Data Warehousing
- Tuesday, November 2, 2004
2Review of Thursdays Class
- Join Indexes
- Projection Indexes
- Horizontal vs. Vertical decomposition
- Bit-Sliced Indexes
- Fast bitmap counts and sums
- Range queries
- Bit Vector Filtering
3Outline of Todays Class
- Pre-computed aggregates
- Materialized views
- Aggregate navigation
- Dimension and fact aggregates
- Selection of aggregates
- Manual selection
- Greedy algorithm
- Limitations of greedy approach
4Physical Database Design
- Logical database design
- What are the facts and dimensions?
- Goals Simplicity, Expressiveness
- Make the database easy to understand
- Make queries easy to ask
- Physical database design
- How should the data be arranged on disk?
- Goal Performance
- Manageability is an important secondary concern
- Make queries run fast
5Load vs. Query Trade-off
- Trade-off between query performance and load
performance - To make queries run fast
- Precompute as much as possible
- Build lots of data structures
- Indexes
- Materialized views
- But
- Data structures require disk space to store
- Building/updating data structures takes time
- More data structures ? longer load time
6Typical Storage Allocations
- Base data
- Fact tables and dimension tables
- Fact table space gtgt Dimension table space
- Indexes
- 100-200 of base data
- Aggregates / Materialized Views
- 100 of base data
- Extra data structures 2-3 times size of base data
7Materialized Views
- Many DBMSs support materialized views
- Precomputed result of a particular query
- Goal faster response for related queries
- Example
- View definitionSELECT State, SUM(Quantity)
FROM Sales GROUP BY State - Query SELECT SUM(Quantity) FROM SalesWHERE
State 'CA' - Scan view rather than Sales table
- View matching problem
- When can a query be re-written using a
materialized view? - Difficult to solve in its full generality
- DBMSs handle common cases via limited set of
re-write rules
8Aggregate Tables
- Also known as summary tables
- Common form of precomputation in data warehouses
- Reduce dimensionality of fact by aggregating
across some dimensions - Result is smaller version of fact table
- Can be used to answer queries that refer only to
dimensions that are retained - Similar to the idea of a covering index
9Aggregate Table Example
- Sales Fact table
- Dimensions (Date, Product, Store, Promotion,
Transaction ID) - Measurements DollarAmt, Quantity
- Create aggregate table with (Date, Store)
- SELECT DateKey, StoreKey, SUM(DollarAmt),
SUM(Quantity)FROM SalesGROUP BY DateKey,
StoreKey - Store the result in Sales2 table
- Queries that only reference Date and Store
attributes can use the aggregate table instead - SELECT Store.District, SUM(Quantity)FROM Sales,
Store, DateWHERE Sales.Date_key
Date.Date_keyAND Sales.Store_key
Store.Store_keyAND Date.Month 'September
2004'GROUP BY Store.District - Replace Sales by Sales2 ? Same query result!
10Aggregate Tables vs. Indexes
- Idea behind covering fact index
- Thinner version of fact table
- Index takes up less space than fact table
- Fewer I/Os required to scan it
- Idea behind aggregate table
- Thinner and shorter version of fact table
- Aggregate table takes up much less space than
fact table - Fewer I/Os required to scan it
- Aggregate table has fewer rows
- Index has 1 index entry per fact table row
- Regardless of how many columns are in the index
- Aggregate table has 1 row per unique combination
of dimensions - Often many fewer rows compared to the fact table!
- Index supports efficient lookup on leading terms
- Useful when filters are selective
- Avoid scanning rows that will be filtered out
- Can build indexes on aggregate tables, too!
11Aggregate Navigation
- Two techniques to manage aggregates
- Let the database management system do it
- Do it yourself
- Let the database do it
- Use materialized view capabilities built in to
the DBMS - Query re-writing happens automatically
- Do it yourself
- Create and populate additional tables
- Perform explicit query re-write (aggregate
navigation) - Pros and Cons of Do-It-Yourself
- Pros
- More flexibility re-writing power
- Better load performance (possibly)
- Cons
- More tables to manage
- Load becomes more complex
- Need to write aggregate navigation code
- Clients need to use aggregate navigator
12Aggregate Navigation
- Clients are unaware of aggregates
- Client queries reference base-level fact
and dimension tables
What aggregates exist?How large is each one?
13Dimension Aggregates
- Methods to define aggregates
- 1. Include or leave out entire dimensions
- 2. Include some columns of each dimension, but
not others - Second approach is more common / more useful
- Example Several versions of Date dimension
- Base Date dimension
- 1 row per day
- Includes all Date attributes
- Monthly aggregate dimension
- 1 row per month
- Includes Date attributes at month level or higher
- Yearly aggregate dimension
- 1 row per year
- Includes only year-level Date attributes
- Each dimension aggregate has its own set of
surrogate keys - Each aggregated fact joins to 1 version of the
Date dimension - Or else the Date dimension is omitted entirely
14Choosing Dimension Aggregates
- Dimension aggregates often roll up along
hierarchies - Day month year
- SKU brand category department
- Store city county state country
- Any subset of dimension attributes can be used
- Promotion dimension includes attributes for
coupon, ad, discount, and end-of-aisle display - Promotion aggregate might include only ad-related
attributes - Customer aggregate might include only a few
frequently-queried columns (age, gender, income,
marital status) - Goal reduced number of distinct combinations
- Results in fewer rows in aggregated fact
- Customer aggregate that included SSN would be
15Aggregate Examples
- Sales fact table
- Date, Product, Store, Promotion, Transaction ID
- Date aggregates
- Month
- Year
- Product aggregates
- Brand
- Manufacturer
- Promotion aggregates
- Ad
- Discount
- Coupon
- In-Store Display
- Store aggregates
- District
- State
16Choosing Fact Aggregates
- Aggregated fact table includes
- Foreign keys to dimension aggregate tables
- Aggregated measurement columns
- For example, Quantity column holds SUM(Quantity)
- Need to choose which version of each dimension to
use - Transaction ID will never be included
- Aggregates with degenerate dimensions are rare
- Number of possible fact aggregates 4 4 6 4
- Dimension with n aggregates ? n2 possibilities
- Include base dimension
- Omit dimension entirely
- n dimension aggregates to choose from
- Constructing fact aggregates for all combinations
would be impractical - How to decide which combinations to construct?
17Aggregate Selection
- Two approaches
- Manual selection
- Data warehouse designer chooses aggregates
- Could be time-consuming and error-prone
- Automatic selection
- Use algorithms to optimize choice of aggregates
- Good in principle however, problem is hard
- Heuristics for manual selection
- Include a mixture of breadth and depth
- A few broad aggregates
- Lots of dimensions at fairly fine-grained level
of detail - Achieve moderate speedup on a wide range of
queries - Lots of highly targeted aggregates with only a
few rows each - Dimensions are highly rolled up or omitted
entirely - Each aggregate achieves large speedup on a small
class of queries - Roughly equal allocation of space to each type
- Consider the query workload
- What attributes are queried most frequently?
- What sets of attributes are often queried
18Constructing Aggregates
- Constructing dimension aggregates
- Determine attributes in aggregate
- Generate unique combinations of those attributes
by SELECT DISTINCT from dimension table - Assign surrogate keys to aggregate table rows
- Constructing fact aggregates
- Build mapping table that maps dimension keys to
dimension aggregate keys, for each dimension - Join fact table to mapping tables and group by
aggregate keys - Constructing aggregates from other aggregates
- Fact aggregate on (Product, Year) can be built
from (Product, Month) aggregate - Faster than using base table
19Data Cube Lattice
State, Month, Color
State, Month
20Sparsity Revisited
- Fact tables are usually sparse
- Not all possible combinations of dimension values
actually occur - E.g. not all products sell in all stores on all
days - Aggregate tables are not as sparse
- Coarser grain ? lesser sparsity
- All products sell in SOME store in all MONTHS
- Thus space savings from aggregation can be less
than one might think - Example Date dimension vs. Year dimension
aggregate - Year table has 1/365 as many rows as Date table
- Fact aggregate with (Product, Store, Year) has
fewer rows than fact aggregate with (Product,
Store, Date) - But more than 1/365 of the rows!
- Some potential space savings are lost due to
reduced sparsity
21Automatic Selection of Aggregates
- Problem Definition
- Inputs
- Query workload
- Set of candidate aggregates
- Query cost model
- Maximum space to use for aggregates
- Output
- Set of aggregates to construct
- Objective
- Minimize cost of executing query workload
- Problem is NP-Complete
- Approximation is required
- Well discuss a Greedy algorithm for the problem
- Due to Harinarayan, Rajaraman, and Ullman (1996)
22Problem Inputs
- Set of candidate aggregates
- Well consider the data cube lattice
- Query workload
- Each OLAP query maps to a node in the lattice
- Union of grouping and filtering attributes
- Workload weight assigned to each lattice node
- Weight fraction of queries in workload that
correspond to this node - Query cost model
- Well use simple linear cost model
- Cost proportional to size of fact aggregate used
to answer query - Justification
- Dominant cost is I/O to retrieve tables
- Dimension tables small relevant to fact
- Oversimplification of reality
- Makes the problem easier to analyze
- Maximum space to use for aggregates
- Well fix a maximum number of aggregates,
regardless of their size - Another simplification for purposes of analysis
A configuration with 3 aggregates
Node cost assignments
- A configuration consists of a set of aggregates
- To compute the cost of a configuration
- For each lattice node, find its smallest ancestor
in the configuration - Cost of that node size of smallest ancestor
- Cost of configuration weighted sum of node costs
24Greedy Algorithm
- Greedy aggregate selection algorithm
- Add aggregates one at a time until space budget
is exhausted - Always add the aggregate whose addition will most
decrease the cost of the current configuration - Performance guarantee for Greedy
- Benefit of configuration C (cost of no-aggregate
configuration) - (cost of C) - BG,k Benefit of k-aggregate configuration
chosen by greedy algorithm - BOPT,k Benefit of best possible k-aggregate
configuration - Theorem BG,k gt BOPT,k 0.63
- Greedy always achieves at least 63 of optimal
benefit - For proof, see Implementing Data Cubes
Efficiently, by Harinarayan, Rajaraman, and
Ullman, 1996
25Example of Greedy Algorithm
Fact table cost 500
- Empty configuration has cost 2500
- 5 queries 500 cost
- Which to add first?
- A cost 1000
- 5200
- B cost 1700
- 2100 3500
- C cost 1698
- 299 3500
- D cost 2100
- 1100 4500
- Add aggregate A first
Number of allowed aggregates 3
26Example of Greedy Algorithm
Fact table cost 500
- Which to add next?
- AB cost 800
- 2100 3200
- AC cost 798
- 299 3200
- AD cost 890
- 190 4200
- Add C next
- Final 3-aggregate configuration ACD
- Cost 688
- 190 299 2200
Number of allowed aggregates 3
27Example of Greedy Algorithm
Greedy Configuration
Optimal Configuration
Total cost 600
Total cost 688
28Practical Limitations
- Sizes of aggregates
- Greedy algorithm assumed sizes of aggregates
known - In reality, computing the size of an aggregate
can be expensive - Essentially, need to construct the aggregate
table - Estimation techniques
- Based on sampling or hashing
- Number of candidates
- n total dimension attributes ? 2n possible fact
aggregates - Considering all possible aggregates would take
too long even for moderate n - Need to prune the search space before applying
greedy selection - Number of aggregates vs. space consumed
- Space consumption is more appropriate limit than
maximum number - Modified greedy algorithm At each step, add
aggregate that has best ratio of (cost
improvement) / (size of aggregate) - Impact of indexes
- Selection of indexes also affects query
performance - Should not be done independently of aggregate
selection - Thursday A more practical technique
29Course Project
- Project is deliberately open-ended
- Some possibilities include
- Survey of research literature
- Read several related research papers write a
report summarizing them - Research project
- Compare alternate approaches to the same problem
- Devise and test a brand new approach to a
difficult problem - Programming project
- Build a tool for some aspect of designing /
querying / loading data warehouses - Implement one of the data structures or
algorithms discussed in class - Other project related to your research /
interests - Should involve concepts from this course in some
30Course Project
- Project timeline
- By Tuesday, Nov. 9
- Send the instructor e-mail with the general topic
youre considering - Its OK if you dont yet know exactly what you
want to do - Receive feedback to help narrow in on a specific
project - By Tuesday, Nov. 16
- Submit project description (1 page or less)
- Describe your plans in some detail
- Tuesday, Nov. 30 and Tuesday, Dec. 2
- 5-10 minute in-class presentations
- Brief overview of your project and your results
- Doing a demo is great, if appropriate
- By Wednesday, Dec. 8
- Submit final project write-up