Title: CAP6938 Neuroevolution and Developmental Encoding Realtime NEAT
1CAP6938Neuroevolution and Developmental
EncodingReal-time NEAT
- Dr. Kenneth Stanley
- October 18, 2006
2Generations May Not Always Be Appropriate
- When a population is evaluated simultaneously
- Many are observable at the same time
- Therefore, entire population would change at once
- A sudden change is incongruous, highly noticeable
- When a human interacts with one individual at a
time - Want things to improve constantly
3Steady State GA One Individual Is Replaced at a
- Start by evaluating entire first generation
- Then continually pick one to remove, replace it
with child of the best
Start Evaluate All
2) Create offpsring from good parents
3) Replace removed individual
1) Remove poor individual
4Steady State During Simultaneous Evaluation
Similar but not Identical
- Several new issues when evolution is real-time
- Evaluation is asynchronous
- When to replace?
- How to assign fitness?
- How to display changes
5Regular NEAT Introduces Additional Challenges for
Real Time
- Speciation equations based on generations
- No remove worst operation defined in algorithm
- Dynamic compatibility thresholding assumes
6Speciation Equations Based on Generations
7How to Remove the Worst?
- No such operation in generational NEAT
- Worst often may often be a new species
- Removing it would destroy protection of
innovation - Loss of regular NEAT dynamics
8Dynamic Compatibility Thresholding Assumes A Next
9Real-time NEAT Addresses Both the Steady State
and Simultaneity Issues
- Real-time speciation
- Simultaneous and asynchronous evaluation
- Steady state replacement
- Fast enough to change while a game is played
- Equivalent dynamics to regular NEAT
10Main Loop (Non-Generational)
11Choosing the Parent Species
12Finally How Many Ticks Between Replacements?
- Intuitions
- The more often replacement occurs, the fewer are
eligible - The larger the population, the more are eligible
- The high the age of maturity, the fewer are
13rtNEAT Is Implemented In NERO
- Download at http//nerogame.org
- rtNEAT source available
- Simulated demos have public appeal
- Over 70,000 downloads
- Appeared on Slashdot
- Best Paper Award in Computational Intelligence
and Games - Independent Games Festival Best Student Game
Award - rtNEAT licensed
- Worldwide media coverage
14Media Coverage
15Media Coverage
16NERO NeuroEvolving Robotic Operatives
- NPCs improve in real time as game is played
- Player can train AI for goal and style of play
- Each AI Unit Has Unique NN
17NERO Battle Mode
- After training, evolved behaviors are saved
- Player assembles team of trained agents
- Team is tested in battle against opponents team
18NERO Training The Factory
- Reduces noise during evaluation
- All evaluations start out similarly
- Robot bodies produced by factory
- Each body sent back to factory to respawn
- Bodies retain their NN unless chosen for
replacement - NNs have different ages
- Fitness is diminishing average of spawn trials
19NERO Inputs and Outputs
20Enemy/Friend Radars
21Enemy On-Target Sensor
22Object Rangefinder Sensors
23Enemy Line-of-Fire Sensors
24Further Applications?
- New kinds of games
- New kinds of AI in games
- New kinds of real-time simulations
- Training applications
- Interactive steady-state evolution
25Next Topic Improving the neural model
- Adaptive neural networks
- Change over a lifetime
- Leaky integrator neurons and CTRNN
Evolutionary Robots with On-line
Self-Organization and Behavioral Fitness by Dario
Floreano and Joseba Urzelai (2000)Evolving
Adaptive Neural Networks with and Without
Adaptive Synapses by Kenneth O. Stanley, Bobby D.
Bryant, and Risto Miikkulainen (2003)