Title: TAMU Pemex Well Control
1TAMU - PemexWell Control
- Normal Pore Pressure
- Subnormal Pore Pressure
- Abnormal Pore Pressure
- Origins of Pore Pressure
- Origins of Pore Pressure
- Origins of Abnormal Pore Pressure
- Bulk Density and Porosity vs. Depth
3Normal and Abnormal Pore Pressures
Normal Pressure Gradients West Texas 0.433
psi/ft Gulf Coast 0.465 psi/ft
Abnormal Pressure Gradients
Depth, ft
? ?
Pore Pressure, psig
40.433 psi/ft 8.33 lb/gal
0.465 psi/ft 9.00 lb/gal
Density of mud required to control this pore
5Lost Returns
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7Pore Pressure
- formation pressure
- formation fluid pressure
- pressure in fluid contained in the pore
spaces of the rock
8Pore Pressure
- Normal pressure gradients correspond to the
hydrostatic gradient of a fresh or saline water
column - Example 2.1. Determine the pore pressure of a
normally pressured formation in the Gulf of
Mexico at 9,000 depth.
9Pore Pressure
TABLE 2.1 -
pn gnD 0.465 psi/ft 9,000 ft pn 4,185
10Normal Pressure
11Subnormal Pressures
- Formation pressure gradients less than normal
gradients for a given area. - Lost circulation problems and differential
sticking are common problems in these areas
12Subnormal pressures due to faulting
13Aquifer outcrops below rig
14Production of oil or gas
15Abnormal Pressures
- Abnormal Pressures are formation pressures
greater than normal pressures - Can cause severe drilling problems
- There are many possible causes of abnormal
16Abnormal Pressure
- All abnormal pressures require some means of
sealing or trapping the pressure within the rock
body. - Otherwise hydrostatic equilibrium back to a
normal gradient would eventually be restored.
17Abnormal Pressure
- Massive shales provide good pressure seals, but
shales do have some permeability, so, given
sufficient time, normal pressures will eventually
be established. - It may take tens of millions of years for a
normal pressure gradient to re-occur.
19Abnormal pressures
- Dense rocks should always be a warning to a
driller that the pore pressure may be changing - Many abnormal pore pressure processes are simply
the reverse of those which effect subnormal
20Abnormal pressures
- For example, the converse to a low piezometric
water level is abnormal pressure resulting from
an Artesian source. - A thick gas sand that is normally pressured at
the bottom of the sand will be abnormally
pressured at the top of the sand.
21Pore pressures do not always increase with depth
22Causes of abnormal pressure
TABLE 2.2 -
24Thick gas sand
3 g 590/1,000 0.590 psi/ft EMW
0.590/0.052 11.3 ppg
2 P 605 - 0.05 300 605 - 15 590 psig
1 p 0.465 1,300 605 psig
25Normal Faulting
9,000 ft
10,000 ft
Top of Transition Zone
Pressure may increase
27Salt Diapirs
Salt diapirs plastically flow or extrude into
the previously deposited sediment layers. The
resulting compression can result in overpressure.
28Salt formations
Normally pressured
Pressure at the bottom of the salt is often
extremely overpressured
30Caprock Mineral Deposition
Possible precipitation of carbonate and silica
31Man-Made Abnormal Pressures
Underground blowout
Faulty cement job
Casing leaks
32Compaction Theory of Abnormal Pressure
- Best fits most naturally occurring abnormal
pressures - In new areas, geologic and geophysical
interpretations along with analogy to known areas
are always important
33Compaction Theory
- During deposition, sediments are compacted by the
overburden load and are subjected to greater
temperatures with increasing burial depth. - Porosity is reduced as water is forced out.
34Compaction Theory
- Hydrostatic equilibrium within the compacted
layers is retained as long as the expelled water
is free to escape - If water cannot escape, abnormal pressures occur
35Compaction Theory
Undercompacted Shales
Water is expelled from the shales
Pore water expelled because of increasing
If the expelled water is not free to escape,
abnormal pressures may result. Sufficient
compaction cannot occur so the pore fluids carry
more of the overburden
36Compaction Theory
The overburden load is supported by the vertical
stress in the grain framework and by the fluid
pore pressure
sob seV pp sob overburden stress seV
matrix stress pp pore pressure
37Compaction Theory
- The average porosity in sediments, generally
decreases with increasing depth - due to the
increasing overburden - This results in an increasing bulk density with
increasing depth, and increasing rock strength
38Compaction Theory
- From a porosity log, we can construct a plot of
bulk density vs. depth - From this (or directly from a density log, we can
calculate overburden stress vs. depth.
39Compaction Theory
TABLE 2.4 -
40Bulk Densities - Santa Barbara Channel
41GOM Bulk Densities
42Pore Pressure Prediction
- Overburden Pressure vs. Depth
- Porosity vs. Depth
- Pore Pressure Prediction
- By Analogy
- By Seismic Methods
- From Drilling Rate Changes
- Factors that Affect Drilling Rates
43Overburden Stress
and integrating
44Example 2.5
- Calculate the overburden stress at a depth of
7,200 ft in the Santa Barbara Channel. Compare
to Eatons prediction. - Assume
- fo 0.37
- rma 2.6 gm/cc
- kf 0.0001609 ft-1
- rf 1.044 gm/cc
Eatons Fig. 2.21 shows a value of gob 0.995
psi/ft So, (sob)eaton 0.995 7,200 7,164
psig Difference 132 psi or 1.9
46Overburden stress depends upon porosity, and
porosity depends on overburden stress
Shales are more compactible than sandstones.
Young shales are more compactible than older
shales. Limestones and dolomites are only
slightly compactible.
47Rule of Thumb
A common assumption for sedimentary deposits is
gob 1.0 psi/ft This is not a good assumption in
young sediments
Eaton predicts that an overburden stress gradient
of 1 psi/ft be achieved at a depth of 20,000 ft
in the GOM
Eaton predicts that an overburden stress gradient
of 1 psi/ft be achieved at a depth of 7,400 ft in
the Santa Barbara Channel
480.84 psi/ft
0.89 psi/ft
Eatons ob stress gradient for Santa Barbara
Eatons ob stress gradient for GOM
1 psi/ ft at 7,400
1 psi/ ft at 20,000
49Shale porosity depends not only on depth e.g. At
6,000 depth f varies from 3 to 18
Note the straight line relationship
on semilog paper
50Eatons porosities from the Santa Barbara
Channel. The straight line is a plot of the
equation f 0.37e-0.0001609D At D 0, f
0.37 At D 10,000 ft f 0.074
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