Title: Monitoring and Evaluation: MATERNAL HEALTH PROGRAMS
1Monitoring and Evaluation MATERNAL HEALTH
Photo credit Media for Development International
2Learning Objectives
- At the end of this session, participants will be
able to - Describe a conceptual framework for maternal
health - Identify the main interventions/approaches to
improve maternal health - Discuss core output and outcome indicators
recognize their strengths and limitations - Develop an ME plan for a maternal health
3Maternal Health Problem
Annually, 585,000 women die of pregnancy related
Every Minute...
- 380 women become pregnant
- 190 women face unplanned or unwanted pregnancy
- 110 women experience a pregnancy-related
complication - 40 women have an unsafe abortion
- 1 woman dies from a pregnancy-related complication
4Global Causes of Maternal Mortality
5WHY Do These Women Die?
Three Delays Model
- Delay in decision to seek care
- Lack of understanding of complications
- Acceptance of maternal death
- Low status of women
- Socio-cultural barriers to seeking care
- Delay in reaching care
- Mountains, islands, rivers poor organization
- Delay in receiving care
- Supplies, personnel
- Poorly trained personnel with punitive attitude
- Finances
6Global Targets
Target 6 of the MDGs To reduce the maternal
mortality ratio by three-quarters between 1990
and 2015.
7Interventions to Reduce Maternal Mortality
- Antenatal care
- Traditional birth attendants
- Risk screening
- Skilled attendant at delivery
8RecommendedBirth Preparedness, Including
Complication Readiness
- Preparing for Normal Birth
- Skilled attendant
- Place of delivery
- Finance
- Nutrition
- Essential items
- Readiness for Complications
- Early detection
- Designated decision maker(s)
- Emergency funds
- Communication
- Transport
- Blood donors
9ANC Recommendations (I)
- Goal-directed visits by skilled provider
- Four visits for normal pregnancy
- Counseling
- Nutrition, FP, danger signs, breastfeeding,
HIV/STIs - Detection/management of existing diseases
10ANC Recommendations (II)
- Detection/management of complications
- Prevention
- All women
- Tetanus toxoid vaccination
- Iron folate supplementation
- Select populations
- Malaria intermittent preventive treatment
- Routine hookworm treatment
- Iodine supplementation
- Vitamin A supplementation
11Sample Results Framework for Maternal Health
12Logical Framework
- I. Behavior Change
- Birth Preparedness
- Attendant at birth
- Complication Readiness
- Collaboration
- Transport
- Finances
- Blood (walking donor)
- Community availability of emergency transport
- Trained providers in EmOC
- Increased access to mat. health services
- Increased competence of skilled birth attendants
- Skilled attend-ance at birth
- Increas-ed know-ledge of danger signs
- Finance
- Equipment
- Supplies
- Transport
- Manpower
Maternal and newborn Survival
- II. Policy/Advocacy
- Policy environment for quality, access
- III. Essential Ob. Care
- In-service pre-service training in EmOC
13ME Challenges (I)
- Establishing causality
- Maternal health is multifactorial
- Improvements in overall health status are not
necessarily followed by concomitant changes in
mortality - Considerable time lag to measure mortality change
14ME Challenges (II)
- Rarity of maternal deaths
- Data collection costs
- Confidence intervals
- Identifying deaths related to early pregnancy and
induced abortion - Establishing trends in maternal mortality
- Reliable cause-of-death data are difficult to
15ME Challenges (III)
- Evaluation study design
- Incomplete vital registration systems
- Selectivity bias with health services data
- Estimating denominators for facility-based
maternal mortality rates - Rural-urban differences in maternal mortality may
reflect differences in fertility patterns
16Defining Maternal Death
- According to the Tenth Revision of the ICD
- Maternal Death
- A maternal death is the death of a woman while
pregnant or - within 42 days of termination of pregnancy,
irrespective of the - duration and the site of the pregnancy, from any
cause related - to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its
management but not - from accidental causes (WHO 1993).
- NOTE 2 criteria
- Temporal relationship to the pregnant state
- Causal relationship to the pregnant state
- Pregnancy-related death time of death
definition - Irrespective of cause.
- Late maternal death The death of a woman from
direct or indirect obstetric - causes more than 42days but less than one year
after termination of pregnancy.
17Maternal Mortality Indicators
- Maternal mortality ratio
- Maternal mortality rate
- Life-time risk of maternal morality
- Proportion maternal
18Maternal Mortality Ratio
MMRatio N of maternal deaths in a specified
period 100,000 N of live births in
same period
Interpretation MMRatio 50-250 per 100,000
live births Problems with quality of
care MMRatio gt 250 per 100,000 live
births Problems with quality of care access
19Maternal Mortality Rate
MMRate N of maternal deaths in a specified
period 1000 N of women of reproductive age
- Relationship Between MMRate MMRatio
- MM Rate MM ratio GFR
- MM Ratio MMRate / GFR
- General fertility rate (N of live births in a
period) / (N of women of reproductive ages in a
period) 1,000
20Relation Between Rate and Ratio
- MM Rate MM ratio GFR
- MM Ratio MMRate / GFR
- Example the maternal mortality rate is 2 per
1,000 women 15-49 years and the general fertility
rate is 200 per 1,000 women 15-49, what is the
maternal mortality ratio? - Ratio .002/.2 100,000 1,000 per 100,000
live births
21Other Maternal Mortality Indicators
- Life time risk of maternal mortality (N of
maternal deaths over the reproductive life span)
/ (women entering the reproductive period) - Proportion maternal proportion of all female
deaths due to maternal causes (N of maternal
deaths in a period/Number of all female deaths in
same period) 100
22Where Do Maternal Mortality Data Come From?
- Vital registration data - MM Rate and MM Ratio
- Health service data maternity registers - MM
Ratio - Special studies
- Hospital studies tracing deaths, interviews
- Research, longitudinal studies, verbal autopsy
- Surveys censuses
- Direct estimation - Rate and Ratio
- Sisterhood method (indirect) Rate and Ratio
23Sisterhood (Indirect) Method to Estimate
Maternal Mortality
- Questions are asked to female respondents 15-49
about the number of sisters and how many have
died during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium
(no questions about age of sisters) - Gives life time risk and proportion of adult
female deaths due to maternal causes - Gives deaths covering 40 year-period, centering
on 12 years before the survey - What are the advantages of this method?
24Direct Maternal Sibling Method to Estimate
Maternal Mortality
- Questions are asked to female (and male)
respondents 15-49 about the sisters born to the
same mother - age of surviving siblings
- age at death of siblings who died
- number of years ago the sibling died
- whether the sister died during pregnancy,
childbirth and puerperium (no questions about age
of sisters) - Gives maternal mortality rate for 7-year period
prior to the survey gives age-specific mortality
rates - Gives maternal mortality ratio, using the general
fertility rate - What are the advantages of this method?
25Maternal Mortality Not Easy to Measure
- Estimates not precise
- Estimates refer to periods several years before
survey - Surveys are expensive
- Difficult to assess change due to wide confidence
intervals on estimates - Maternal mortality should be measured once every
7-10 years
26Measuring Maternal Morbidity
- Misclassification of illness
- Reliability
- Small numbers
27Measuring Quality of Maternity Care
- No satisfactory standard tools for health
facility comparisons - Finding adequate outcome indicators of quality
- Case fatality rate?
- Near-miss morbidity?
- Output data more sensitive measures of quality
than outcome data
28Measuring Utilization of MH Services
- Percent of births attended by skilled health
personnel - N of live births attended by skilled health
personnel - Total no. of live births
- Percent of women 15-49 attended at least once
during pregnancy by skilled health personnel
29UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA Process Indicators
- Availability of Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC)
- Geographical distribution of EmOC facilities
- of births attended in an Emergency Obstetric
Care facility - Cesarean section rates
- Met Need for Obstetric Care
- Case Fatality Rate (from hospitals)
30Indicators of Services Availability
- Facilities
- Basic Emergency Obstetric Care facilities per
500,000 population (4) - Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care facilities
per 500,000 population (1) - Distributions
- Geographic distribution
31Basic and Comprehensive EmOC Facilities
EmOC Facilities Provide the first 6 Services
- Antibiotics (intravenous or by injection)
- Oxytocic Drugs (ditto)
- Anticonvulsants (ditto)
- Manual Removal of Placenta
- Removal of Retained Products
- Assisted Vaginal Delivery
- Surgery (Cesarean Section)
- Blood Transfusion
32 of births attended in an Emergency Obstetric
Care facility
- (Number of live births attended in an EmOC
facility)/(All live births) (gt 15) - The numerator is the sum of births taking place
in EmOC facilities. The denominator is
restricted to live births simply due to the fact
that data on pregnancies are not available (often
estimated from census or other pop-based data).
33Experience with births in EmOC facilities
- Requires collecting and summing information
across facilities in a geographic area - Questions as to how important/feasible it is to
ask health facility staff to adjust population
totals - Requires knowledge as to the state of services
being offered at multiple health facilities (ie,
reaching criteria for Basic, Comprehensive
obstetric care)
34Population-based C-section Rates
- (N of caesarian section operations in geographic
area per time period)/(N of live births) (5-15) - NOTE must be interpreted entirely differently
than hospital-based caesarian section rates. In
Referral Hospitals, one may see C-Section Rates
of 25-35 and that may be appropriate because of
its referral status.
35Case Fatality Rate
- Percent of women with obstetric complications in
a specific facility who die (1) - Strengths limitations
- Definition of a fatality is straight forward
- Easy to understand/interpret
- Is best used in hospitals with a large volume of
births/deaths - Follow up requires more in-depth investigation
(maternal death audits or other qualitative
36Met Need for EmOC
- Percent of women with major obstetric
complications who are treated (in a given
geographic area and time period) (100) - (N of women w/ ob.complications in
facilities)/(15 of estimated live births in
catchment area)
37Experience With Met Need
- Assumes that the recorded complication was
treated - Requires data on complications (RE
standardization of definitions, is it
necessary?) - Will often require changing the delivery room
register (adding a column) - Changing the register should be viewed as an
intervention in and of itself - Whose responsibility is it to act on the results?
38Utilization of UN Process Indicators
- Gives you an indication of where the problems lie
and where action is needed. - Also, these indicators are sensitive to change
within months, you can know if your project is
making a difference
39Availability of EmOC
- Problems
- Does Indicator 1 show you need more EmOC
facilities? - Does Indicator 2 show you need better
distributed EmOC facilities?
- Action
- Most countries already have enough facilities
they may just need to upgrade services to ensure
1 Comprehensive and 4
Basic EmOC facilities per 500,000 population
40Utilization of EmOC
- Does Indicator 3 show that births in your EmOC
facilities are fewer than 15 of all births in
the population? - Does Indicator 4 show that Met Need is less
than 100? (I.e. that not all women who
experience obstetric complications are using EmOC
facilities) - Does Indicator 5 show that less than 5 of all
births in the population are by Cesarean section?
41Utilization of EmOC
Action Collect More Information First
- Do you have enough qualified staff?
- Do you need to train staff on management of
emergency obstetric complications? - Does hospital management need improvement?
- Whats the supply situation like?
- Whats the equipment situation like?
If all the above is in place, conduct focus
groups in the community to find out why women are
not coming for care
42Quality of EmOC
- Find out if your EmOC facilities are really
functioning - Check staff numbers, skills, management capacity,
supplies and equipment - Lobby the health ministry for more support get
community to lobby with you
- Does Indicator 6 show that more than
1 of women treated for obstetric complications
are dying at your EmOC facilities?
43Summary on Process Indicators
- UN process indicators only part of picture
- Maternity record keeping important
- Non-standard format
- Incomplete, illegible, missing records
- Non standard definitions of obstetric
complications - Misclassification or non-recording of maternal
44Conclusions re Evaluation
- In maternal health, no indicator of service
provision or use is unequivocally linked to a
reduction in maternal mortality - Maternal mortality unsuitable for documenting
change at programme level - Attributing changes to the programme per se may
be difficult, and providing scientific proof of
programme effectiveness may be not be achievable.
Source Ronsmans, 2001, HSOP 17, p 337
- Campbell, O., Filippi, V., Koblinsky, M.,
Marshall, T., Mortimer, J., Pittrof, R.,
Ronsmans, C., and Williams, L. 1997. Lessons
Learnt A decade of measuring the impact of safe
motherhood programmes. London London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. - Stanton, C., Abderrahim, N., and Hill, K. 2000.
An assessment of DHS maternal mortality
indicators. Studies in Family Planning 31(2)
111-123. - Thaddeus, S. and Maine, D. 1994. Too far to
walk maternal mortality in context. Social
Science and Medicine 38(8) 1091-1110. - UNICEF, WHO, and UNFPA. 1997. Guidelines for
Monitoring the Availability and Use of Obstetric
Services. New York UNICEF
46Supplemental Slides I Measuring Service
Utilization by Women With Complications
- Count number of women with specific complications
in the health facilities - Derive expected number of complications in a year
- standard guesstimate 15 of all deliveries have
complications - estimate from self-reported data by women on the
occurrence of complications in a survey (OVER
METHOD) - Specific prevalence of complications based on
47Supplemental Slides (II)OVER METHOD
- Prevalence of specific complications, known from
other studies (Pitroff, 1997) - breech at delivery 31.7 per 1,000 deliveries
- twin pregnancy 28.4 per 1,000 deliveries
- placental abruption10 per 1,000 deliveries
- placenta praevia 3 per 1,000 deliveries
- Example - In a district with an estimated 10,000
deliveries in a year, 40 breech deliveries were
reported by the health facilities. What is the
coverage of breech deliveries by health
48Supplemental Slides (III)OVER METHOD
- Problem
- Example - In a district with an estimated 10,000
deliveries in a year, 40 breech deliveries were
reported by the health facilities. What is the
coverage of breech deliveries by health
facilities? - Prevalence of breech at delivery
- 31.7 per 1,000 deliveries (Pitroff, 1997)
- Answer
- 10,000 31.7/1000 317 breech deliveries are
expected coverage is 40/317 13