Understanding Islam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Understanding Islam


Why the Muslim Faith Is in Conflict With the Christian Faith. Key Passages ' ... To understand the contrast with Christian faith ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Understanding Islam

Understanding Islam
  • Why the Muslim Faith Is in Conflict With the
    Christian Faith

Key Passages
  • For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,
    for it is the power of God to salvation for
    everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also
    for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God
    is revealed from faith to faith as it is
    written, the just shall live by faith. Romans

Key Passages
  • I marvel that you are turning away so soon from
    Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a
    different gospel, which is not another but there
    are some who trouble you and want to pervert the
    gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel
    from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than
    what we have preached to you, let him be
    accursed. As we have said before, so now I say
    again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you
    than what you have received, let him be
    accursed. Galatians 16-9

Key Passages
  • Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test
    the spirits, whether they are of God because
    many false prophets have gone out into the world.
    By this you know the Spirit of God Every spirit
    that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the
    flesh is of God and every spirit that does not
    confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh
    is not of God. And this is the spirit of the
    Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and
    is now already in the world. 1 John 41-3

Key Passages
  • And we have seen and testify that the Father has
    sent the Son as Savior of the world. Whoever
    confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God
    abides in him, and he in God. 1 John 414,15

Keep these verses in mind during our study.
  • Islam (the Muslim faith) has been in the news
  • Iran hostage crisis in the late 70s
  • Twin Towers attack on September 11, 2001
  • Beginning of the present war in Iraq
  • Presently, it is the worlds fastest-growing
  • 1.6 billion Muslims (1/4 of the worlds
  • More than 10 million live in the US.

  • Why should Christians learn about Islam?
  • To better understand current conflict
  • To better understand the faith of some of our
    neighbors, co-workers, or enemies
  • To prepare ourselves to teach the gospel
  • To understand the contrast with Christian faith
  • Do Islam and Christianity have anything in
  • Conflicts are fundamental/monumental/insurmountab

Basic Terminology
  • Islam means to surrender, more specifically,
    to surrender to the will or law of God.
  • Muslim is a follower of God.
  • Islam is the name of the religion, and Muslim is
    the name given to those who follow the Islam
  • Allah is the Arabic language name
    for God that Muslims use.

Founder of Islam--Mohammed
  • Born in 570 A.D., in Meccaa city in present-day
    Saudi Arabia.
  • Muslims believe Abraham and Ishmael rebuilt a
    temple for God in the city of Mecca.
  • Mohammed claimed that, when he was 40, the angel
    Gabriel appeared to him in a vision. Gabriel
    gave Mohammed a scroll and told him to read it.
  • Mohammed was told he was an apostle sent from
  • The angel appeared numerous times with
    revelations, which Mohammed alleged were written
    down. The Quran (Koran) is purported to be a
    compilation of these heavenly messages.

Founder of Islam--Mohammed
  • Rejected and ridiculed in Mecca, in 622 A.D.,
    Mohammed traveled to Medina, where he received a
    message and began to be viewed as a spiritual
  • Arab tribes pledge allegiance to him.
  • Jewish and Arab opposition was crushed.
  • Islamic calendar dated 622 A.D., when acceptance
  • Before Medina, Mohammed was largely a religious
    teacher with a religious message.

Founder of Islam--Mohammed
  • In Medina, he became a strong political leader.
  • Mohammeds message became more and more social
    and political.
  • Mohammed died in 632 A.D.
  • 632661 A.D.war and the spread of Islam
  • 650 A.D. authorized version of Koran printed
  • 680 A.D. civil conflicts
  • 10001450 A.D.Crusades

How Muslims View Mohammed and the Quran
  • Mohammeds position in Islamic beliefs
  • He is believed to be Jesus successor.
  • Both OT and NT prophesy of his coming Jesus
    Himself spoke of him.
  • Accepted Moses, David, and Jesus as
    prophets from God.
  • Accept Torah, OT law, was from God, but
    allege that the Jews corrupted it.
  • Believe God delivered the gospel to Jesus,
    but the apostles corrupted it.

How Muslims View Mohammed and the Quran
  • Mohammeds position in Islamic beliefs
  • Mohammed is viewed as the last and
    final prophet from God.
  • He has delivered a message that wont
    be corrupted or changed.
  • He is viewed as a reformer or restorer
    of true faith in God.
  • That faith is traceable back to Adam.

How Muslims View Mohammed and the Quran
  • How Muslims view the Quran
  • They allege that false teachers have corrupted
    both the Jewish and Christian Scriptures but
    affirm that nothing in the Quran has ever been
  • Quran has 114 chapterssupposedly revealed to
    Mohammed over 23 years.
  • Originally, followers are reported to have
    memorized this material. Not until 40 years after
    Mohammeds death was it written down.
  • Muslims view the Quran as Gods infallible word.
  • It is viewed as truly understood only when read
    in Arabic.

Islam Contrasted With Christianity
  • Quran teaches
  • One person is God thus, Jesus, the Son of God,
    is not Deity.
  • Denies that Jesus was crucified or died for
    mankinds sins.
  • Denies Jesus was the final revealer of Gods
    will. (Hebrews 11-3)
  • Based on the above, Islam denies that Jesus was
    resurrected, that He presently rules and reigns
    in heaven, or that He will return in judgment.

Islam Contrasted With Christianity
  • A persons beliefs and practices are based on the
    authority he accepts
  • Muslims reject the Bible and accept the Quran.
  • Christians accept the Bible
  • So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by
    the word of God. Romans 1017
  • All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
    and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
    correction, for instruction in righteousness,
    that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly
    equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy

Islam Contrasted With Christianity
  • What we have in common
  • Many common principles of morality
  • Gods creation of the world
  • Final judgmentheaven or hellbased on our deeds
  • Man is NOT born in sin as Calvinists teach
  • We have these same things in common with many
    other religions
  • Does this make our differences small?

Islam Contrasted With Christianity
  • Differences most fundamental and irreconcilable
    (ecumenism impossible)
  • Christian faith centers on the death of Gods Son
    for our sins (John 316).
  • Our faith is in Jesus as our high priest, our
    mediatorwe pray through Him.
  • Faith in His death as means of justification
    (forgiveness) is the very heart of the gospel.
  • Believe in Jesus resurrection is evidence for
    our own (spiritually/physically).
  • If we take away what Muslims deny, theres
    virtually nothing left of the Christian faith.

  • If Islam is true, the Bible lies
  • Jesus lied
  • The apostles lied
  • Our faith is vain
  • If the Bible is true, Islam is a false religion
  • Mohammed is a fake--a false prophet and teacher.

There is no middle ground. Faith is based on the
authority we accept.
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