Department of Public Instruction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Department of Public Instruction


Australia 562 Slovenia 546. Netherlands 557 Ireland 539. Czech ... Slovenia 560 Sweden 535. Austria 558 US 534. Hungary 554 Germany 531 South Africa 326 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Department of Public Instruction

Department of Public Instruction
Office of Educational Accountability
Abdallah Bendada
(608) 266-1723
1- Definition and purposes 2 min
2- Participants 1 min 3- Policy 2 min 4-
Results 2 min 5- Items and activity (Team wo
rk) 3.75 hours 6- Changes 3 min
TIMSS (Third International Mathematics and
Science Studies) is a collaborative research
project sponsored by the International
Association for the Evaluation of Educational
Achievement (IEA). In 1994-95, achievement tes
ts in mathematics and science were administered
to carefully selected samples of students in
classrooms around the world.
Population 1 Students enrolled in the two
adjacent grades that contained the largest
proportion of 9-year-olds students grades 3 and
4 in many countries Population 2 Students enroll
ed in the two adjacent grades that contained the
largest proportion of 13-year-old students
grades 7 and 8 in many countries. (the core)
Population 3 Students in their final year of
secondary education. As an additional option,
countries could test two special subgroups of
these students Students taking advanced course
s in mathematics Students taking advanced cours
es in physics
Japan Korea, Republic of Kuwait Latvia
Netherlands New Zealand Norway Portug
al Scotland Singapore Slovenia Thailan
d United States
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Canada
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • England
  • Greece
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Iran, Islamic Republic
  • Ireland
  • Israel

  • The tests were developed through an international
  • Efforts were made to ensure that the tests
    represented the curricula.
  • The final forms of the test were endorsed by the
    NRCs of all the participating countries.
  • The TIMSS tests were prepared in English and
    translated into the local languages.
  • Total testing time is 198 minutes for each
  • Total number of students sampled in the USA is
    8026 (tested 7087)
  • Rubrics were developed by the Norwegian TIMSS
  • Percentage is based on the score points rather
    than the items correct.

Distribution of Science Items (Population 1)
Content Items Earth Science 17 Life
Science 41 Physical Science 30 Env
ironmental/Nature of Science 9
Total 97
  • Performance Expectation Items
  • Understanding Simple Information 44
  • Understanding Complex Information 30
  • Theorizing, Analyzing, and Solving Problems 14

  • Routine Procedures and Science Processes 06
  • Investigating the Natural World 03

  • All test items were calibrated according to the
    Item Response Theory.
  • Each item response in the raw score has its
    equivalency in the scale score.
  • Scale scores are presented and compared.

750 500 250
Population 1 - Science
Higher than US Not different than US Lower
Korea 597 Japan 574 England 551
US 565 Canada 549 Austria 565 Singapore
547 Australia 562 Slovenia 546 Nethe
rlands 557 Ireland 539 Czech republic 557 Sc
otland 536 More Countries Inter
national Average 524
Population 2 - Science
Higher than US Not different than US Lower
Singapore 607 England 552 Spain 517
Wisconsin Czech republic 574 Belgium (fl) 550
France 498 Japan 571 Australia 545 Korea
565 Slovak Republic 544 More Countries
Bulgaria 565 Russian Federation 538
Netherlands 560 Ireland 538
Slovenia 560 Sweden 535 Austria 558 US 534
Hungary 554 Germany 531 South Africa 326
More Countries International Average 516
Population 3 - Science General Knowledge
Higher than US Not different than US Lower
Sweden 559 Germany 497 Cyprus 448
Netherlands 558 France 487 South Africa 326
Iceland 549 Czech republic 487
Norway 544 Russian Federation 481
Canada 532 US 480 New Zealand 529 Italy 475 A
ustralia 527 Hungary 471 Switzerland 523 Lithua
nia 461 Austria 520 Slovenia 517 Denmark 50
9 International Average 500
Population 3 - Physics
Higher than US Not different than US Lower
Norway 581 Austria 435 none
Sweden 573 US 423 Russian Federation 545 De
nmark 534 Slovenia 523 Germany 522 Australia
518 Cyprus 494 International Average 501
Latvia 488 Switzerland 488 Greece 486 Canada
485 France 466 Czech republic 451
  • The US starts strong in science and mathematics
  • By high school, the US is at the bottom
  • Top US students in Population 1 and Population 2
    are above the international average
  • Top Wisconsin Students in Population 2 are at the
    top just below Singapore, when Wisconsin is
    considered as the 41st country.

  • TIMSS stands for Trends In Mathematics and
    Science Studies.
  • New scale scores will be implemented
  • Guessing
  • Difficulty level
  • Distinction

1. What features do all insects have?
Number of legs Number of Body Parts
a. 2 4
b. 4 2 c. 6 3 d 8 3
Answer c Content category life Science Obje
ctives Tested Content Upper Level 45 Lower
Level 43 International Difficulty 615 Popu
lation 2
2- When you bend your arm at the elbow, the
bones and the muscles in your arm are acting as a
system. What simple machine does this system
represent? a. Inclined plane b. Pulley system c
. Wedge d. Lever
Answer d Content category life Science Obje
ctives Tested Content Upper Level 54 Lower
Level 51 International Difficulty 561 Popu
lation 2
3- Maria collected the gas given off by glowing
piece of charcoal. The gas was then bubbled
through a small amount of colorless limewater.
Part of Marias report stated, After the gas was
put into the jar, the limewater gradually changed
to a milky white color. This statement is
a. an observation b. a conclusion c. a generaliz
ation d. a hypothesis e- an assumption of inves
Answer a Content category Physical science
Objectives Tested Content Upper Level 50 L
ower Level 43 International Difficulty 594
Population 2
4- The source of energy for the earths water
cycle is the a. wind b. Suns radiation c. Eart
hs radiation
d. Suns gravity
Answer b Content category Earth Science Obj
ectives Tested Content Upper Level 41 Lowe
r Level 38 International Difficulty 644 Pop
ulation 2
5- Juanita did several experiments to germinate
corn. She summed up her results as follows
1- Moist grains of corn germinate in light.
2- Moist grains of corn germinate in dark?
What can you conclude from her results?
Correct Response 1. Light is not required for mo
ist corn germination. 2. Corn can germinate also
in the dark. 3. Corn needs water and not light to
germinate. 4. Moist grains of corn can germinate
in the light and the dark. 5. Other responses th
at include the dark and water.
Answer Constructed response
Content category life Science
Objectives Tested Content Upper Level 38 L
ower Level 30 International Difficulty 678
Population 2
6- which species have been on the Earth for the
shortest amount of time? a. Humans b. Insects c
. Fish
d. Reptiles
Answer A Content category life Science Obje
ctives Tested Skill Upper Level 66 Lower L
evel 61 International Difficulty 505 Popula
tion 2
7- The words cloth, thread, and fiber can be
used in the following sentence
cloth consists of threads which are made of
fiber Use the words molecules, atoms, and cells t
o complete the following sentence
. consist of which are made of .
Answer cells, molecules, atoms
Content category chemistry Objectives Tested
Skill Upper Level 32 Lower Level 21 Int
ernational Difficulty 726 Population 2
8- Which is an example of a chemical reaction?
a. The melting of ice b. The grinding of salt cry
stals to powder c. The burning of wood d. The ev
aporation of water from a puddle
Answer c Content category chemistry Objecti
ves Tested Content Upper Level 47 Lower Le
vel 35 International Difficulty 635 Populat
ion 2
9- Which form of solar radiation causes
sunburn? a. Visible b. Ultraviolet c. Infrared
d. X-rays e. Electromagnetic waves
Answer b Content category physics Objective
s Tested Content Upper Level 68 Lower Leve
l 59 International Difficulty 495 Populatio
n 2
10- Animals are made up of many atoms. What
happens to the atoms after an animal has died?
a. The atoms stop moving b. The atoms disintegrat
e into the environment c. The atoms rearrange the
mselves to form other compounds
d. The atoms no longer exist once the animal has
Answer c Content category chemistry Objecti
ves Tested Content Upper Level 26 Lower Le
vel 22 International Difficulty 761 Populat
ion 2
11. How are warm-blooded animals different from
cold-blooded animals? A. Warm-blooded animals hav
e a higher metabolism in warm weather.
B. Warm-blooded animals are more aggressive in
captivity. C. Warm-blooded animals always have a
higher blood temperature. D. Warm-blooded animals
normally maintain a fairly constant internal
temperature at all air temperatures.
E. Warm-blooded animals are found only in warm
Answer D Content category Life Science Obje
ctives Tested Content Upper Level 52 Lower
Level 45 International Difficulty 600 Popu
lation 2
12- Which gas could cause a glowing splint to
burst into flame? A. Neon B. Oxygen C. Nit
D. Carbon dioxide
Answer B Content category Chemistry Objecti
ves Tested Content Upper Level 50 Lower Le
vel 39 International Difficulty 610 Populat
ion 2
13- How could you find out how old a tree is
after it is cut?
1- Response includes counting rings in the trunk
and explicitly refers to "one per year" or "year-
ring. 2- Count the rings in the trunk, one per
year 3- Response includes counting the rings i
n the trunk, but there is no mention of one ring
per year. (partially correct)
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Life Science
Objectives Tested Skill Upper Level 74 Low
er Level 72 International Difficulty 413 Po
pulation 2
14- The diagram below shows an example of
interdependence among aquatic organisms. During
the day the organisms either use up or give off
(a) or (b) as shown by the arrows.
A. (a) is oxygen and (b) is carbon dioxide.
B. (a) is oxygen and (b) is carbohydrate.
C. (a) is nitrogen and (b) is carbon dioxide.
D. (a) is carbon dioxide and (b) is oxygen.
E. (a) is carbon dioxide and (b) is carbohydrate.
What are a and b
Answer D Content category Life Science Obje
ctives Tested Content Upper Level 59 Lower
Level 51 International Difficulty 551 Popu
lation 2
15- The male insects in a population are treated
to prevent sperm production. Would this reduce
this insect population? A. No, because the ins
ects would still mate. B. No, because it would n
ot change the offspring mutation rate.
C. Yes, because it would sharply decrease the
reproduction rate. D. Yes, because the males wou
ld die.
Answer C Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 55 Lower Level 50 International
Difficulty 570
Population 2
16- The following diagrams show a flashlight
battery and a bulb connected by wires to various
Which of the bulbs will light?
A. 1 and 2 only B. 2 and 3 only C. 3 and 4 on
D. 1, 2, and 3 only E. 2, 3, and 4 only
Answer B Content category Physics Upper Lev
el 78 Lower Level 69 International Diffi
culty 429
Population 2 Software
17- A student put 100 mL of water in each of
these open containers, and let them stand in the
sun for one day. Which container probably lost
the most water due to evaporation?
Answer D Content category Physics Upper Lev
el 81 Lower Level 76 International Diffi
culty 383
Population 2
18- Fossil fuels were formed from
A. uranium B. sea water C. sand and gravel
D. dead plants and animals
Answer D Content category Earth Science Upp
er Level 62 Lower Level 55 International
Difficulty 526
Population 2
19- Which is made with the help of bacteria?

A. Yogurt B. Cream C. Soap D. Cooking oil
Answer A Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 40 Lower Level 33 International
Difficulty 665
Population 2
20- The drawing shows an apple falling to the
ground. In which of the three positions does
gravity act on the apple? A. 2 only B. 1 and 2
only C. 1 and 3 only D. 1, 2, and 3
Answer D Content category Physics Upper Lev
el 55 Lower Level 49 International Diffi
culty 571
Population 2
21- What is the main function of chloroplasts in
a plant cell? A. To absorb light energy and ma
nufacture food B. To remove waste materials by a
ctive transport C. To manufacture chemical energ
y from food D. To control the shape of the cell
Answer A Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 54 Lower Level 50 International
Difficulty 557
Population 2
22- A uniform rod is pivoted at its center. It
is acted on by two forces in the same plane. Each
force has the same size, equal to 10 N. In which
case is there a turning effect?
Answer E Content category Physics Upper Lev
el 49 Lower Level 44 International Diffi
culty 600
Population 2
23- The diagrams show different trials Abdul
carried out with carts having different-sized
wheels. He started them from different heights
and the blocks he put in them were of equal
mass. He wants to test this idea The heavier a c
art is, the greater its speed at the bottom of a
ramp. Which three trials should he compare?
A. G, T, and X B. O, T, and Z C. R, U, and Z
D. S, T, and U
Answer D Content category Physics Upper Lev
el 37 Lower Level 30 International Diffi
culty 677
Population 2
24- The diagram shows five different Celsius
thermometers. The body temperature of sick people
ranges from about 36 C to 42 C. Which
thermometer would be most suited for accurately
measuring body temperature? A. thermometer A B.
thermometer B C. thermometer C D. thermomete
r D E. thermometer E
Answer A Content category Nature of Science
Upper Level 61 Lower Level 54 Internati
onal Difficulty 525
Population 2
25- Which BEST explains why green marine algae
are most often restricted to the top 100 meters
of the ocean? A. They have no roots to anchor t
hem to the ocean floor. B. They can live only whe
re there is light. C. The pressure is too great f
or them to survive below 100 meters.
D. If the algae lived below 100 meters they would
be eaten by animals.
Answer B Content category Life Science Upp
er Level 53 Lower Level 47 International
Difficulty 574
Population 2
26- Some high heeled shoes are claimed to
damage floors. The base diameter of these very
high heels is about 0.5 cm and of ordinary heels
about 3 cm. Briefly explain why the very high h
eels may cause damage to floors.
Correct Response 20 Refers to greater pressure o
n the floor because of smaller area of the
heels. 21 Refers to weight or force acting on sm
aller area or heel size, without using the term
pressure. 11 Refers to an increasing force ins
tead of pressure with a smaller area.
29 Other correct. Example The weight on .5 cm
heel is more forceful than on an evenly balanced
3 cm heel.
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Physics Upper Level 87 Lo
wer Level - International Difficulty 337 Pop
ulation 3
27- One measure of a countrys industrial
creativity that is sometimes used is the number
of patents applied for annually relative to the
number of researchers in the country. (Note a
patent is the legal right to exclusive use of a
new idea, product or process.) The following
table shows these data for six countries
A. Do these data support each of the following
statements? (Yes or No ) 1 The more researchers
a country has, the more patents will be applied
for. 2 German industrial research is superior t
o that in the U.S.A.
Answer No, No Content category Science Liter
acy Upper Level NA Lower Level - Interna
tional Difficulty 476
Population 3
28- It takes 10 painters 10 years to paint a
steel bridge from one end to the other. The paint
that is used lasts about 2 years, so when the
painters have finished painting at one end of the
bridge, they go back to the other end and start
painting again. Why MUST steel bridges be paint
Correct Response Part a 10 Explicitly refers
to rusting or corrosion.
19 Other correct.
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Science Literacy
Upper Level 74 Lower Level - Internationa
l Difficulty 436 Population 3
29- It is often claimed that cooked vegetables
are not as nutritious as the same kinds of
vegetables uncooked. What could be done to find
out if this statement is true?
A. Compare the weight of the vegetables before
and after they are cooked. B. Compare the colo
r of the cooked and uncooked vegetables.
C. Test the acidity of the water in which the
vegetables are cooked. D. Compare the vitamin
content of the cooked and uncooked vegetables.
Answer D Content category Science Literacy
Upper Level 87 Lower Level - Internationa
l Difficulty 337
Population 3
30- The sketch below shows two windows. The left
window has been cracked by a flying stone. A
tennis ball, with the same mass and speed as the
stone, strikes the adjacent, similar window, but
does not crack it. What is one important reason w
hy the impact of the stone cracks the window but
the impact of the tennis ball does not?
Refers to kinetic energy of the ball being used
partly to compress the ball and kinetic energy of
the stone being used to break the glass, since
the stone cannot be compressed.
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Science Literacy
Upper Level 57 Lower Level - Internationa
l Difficulty 528 Population 3
31- When a small volume of water is boiled, a
large volume of steam is produced. Why?
A. The molecules are further apart in steam tha
n in water. B. Water molecules expand when heate
d. C. The change from water to steam causes the
number of molecules to increase.
D. Atmospheric pressure works more on water
molecules than on steam molecules.
E. Water molecules repel each other when heated.
Answer A Content category Heat Upper Level
65 Lower Level - International Difficulty
Population 3
32- A jar of oxygen gas and a jar of hydrogen
gas are at the same temperature. Which of the
following has the same value for the molecules of
both gases? A. the average velocity B. the av
erage momentum C. the average force D. the ave
rage kinetic energy
Answer D Content category Heat Upper Level
41 Lower Level - International Difficulty
Population 3
33- This item refers to the following diagram. A
ray of light passes from P to Q through a
semicircular glass block in air. Which arrow
shows the direction in which the refracted ray of
light would travel after leaving Q?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
Answer A (n1sinQ1 n2sinQ2)
(Snells Law, n1n2 q2q1)
Content category Waves Upper Level 37 Lowe
r Level - International Difficulty 664 Popul
ation 3
34- By what process do most stars release
energy? A. Electromagnetic induction resulting
from strong magnetic fields B. Rapid rotation of
the star C. Radioactivity in the interior of th
e star D. Nuclear fusion in the interior of the
star E. Heat which was stored when the star was
Answer D Content category Nuclear Physics U
pper Level 59 Lower Level - International
Difficulty 541
Population 3
35- A car manufacturer carries out a series of
tests on a new model. Two cars, P and Q, of equal
mass, moving at the same speed, are on a
collision course as shown in Figure 1. A third
car, R, of the same mass as the others and moving
at the same speed, is on a collision course with
an immovable wall of very high mass, as shown in
Figure 2. In both cases the cars come to rest
after collision. The amount of kinetic energy
transformed into energy of deformation and heat
in the case of car P is A. greater than that o
f car R. B. equal to that of car R. C. less th
an that of car R. D. insufficient information.
Answer B Content category Mechanics Upper L
evel 30 Lower Level - International Diffi
culty 719
Population 3
36- A block oscillates with negligible friction
on the end of a spring as shown in the figure
below. The minimum and maximum lengths of the
spring as it oscillates are, respectively, x min
and x max.Which one of the following graphs
represents the total mechanical energy (T) of
the block and spring system as a function of x?
Answer E Content category Mechanics Upper L
evel 36 Lower Level - International Diffi
culty 676
Population 3
37- The water level in a small aquarium reaches
up to a mark A. After a large ice cube is dropped
into the water, the cube floats and the water
level rises to a new mark B. What will happen t
o the water level as the ice melts? Explain your
Correct Response 20 Same level. Response refers
to the fact that the volume (or mass) of the
water displaced by the ice is equal to the volume
(or mass) of the water produced when the ice is
melted (Archimedes' principle).
Example Level is the same because the ice
displaces the same volume of water as when it
melts. 10 Other explanation without mentioning of
Archimedes' principle.
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Heat Upper Level 14 Lower
Level - International Difficulty 782 Popula
tion 3
38- As the ride starts to rotate about its
central vertical axis the floor drops slowly but
the rider does not. The rider is pressed against
the rough inside wall of the rotating cylinder
and remains at rest with respect to the wall. The
riders feet are not in contact with the floor.
Which one of the following diagrams best
represents the real forces acting on the ride
Answer A Content category Mechanics Percent
Correct 20 International Difficulty 802 P
opulation 3
39- Draw a diagram to show the paths of alpha
particles, beta(-), and gamma rays as they pass
between two parallel metal high-voltage plates in
a vacuum.
Alpha particles are deflected towards the
negative plate, the beta(-) towards the positive
plate, and the gamma rays are not deflected.
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Nuclear Chemistry
Percent Correct 27 International Difficulty 7
46 Population 3
40- The figure shows the trajectory of a ball
bouncing on a floor, with negligible air
resistance. Draw arrows on the figure showing the
direction of the acceleration of the ball at
points P, Q and R.
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Nuclear Chemistry
Percent Correct 16 International Difficulty 8
40 Population 3
41- This table shows the temperature and
precipitation (rain or snow) in four different
towns on the same day.
Where did it snow?
A. Town C B. Town B C. Town CD D. Town BC
Answer B Content category earth Science Upp
er Level 44 Lower Level 32 International
Difficulty 632
Population 1
42- Which one of these refers only to living
things? A. clouds, fire, rivers B. fire, riv
ers, trees C. rivers, birds, trees D. birds, t
rees, worms E. trees, worms, clouds
Answer D Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 74 Lower Level 63 International
Difficulty 475
Population 1
43- Your temperature is taken when you are NOT
sick. Which temperature is CLOSEST to what the
thermometer would show? A. 29C B. 37C C.
100C D. 212C
Answer B Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 48 Lower Level 37 International
Difficulty 620
Population 1
44- The picture shows a block of wood floating
in fresh water. If this block were placed
in salt water from the ocean, which
picture shows what would happen?
Answer D Content category Physical Science
Upper Level 34 Lower Level 30 Internatio
nal Difficulty 665
Population 1
45- A baby chick grows inside an egg for 21 days
before it hatches. Where does the baby chick get
its food before it hatches? A. It is fed by the
mother hen. B. It doesnt need any food. C. I
t makes its own food. D. It uses food stored in
the egg. E. It eats the egg shell.
Answer D Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 43 Lower Level 35 International
Difficulty 625
Population 1
46- Which of the boxes X, Y, or Z has the LEAST
mass? A. X B. Y C. Z D. All three boxes
have the same mass.
Answer A Content category Physical Science
Upper Level 62 Lower Level 52 Internatio
nal Difficulty 529
Population 1
47- This is a drawing of a birds foot.
Where would you be MOST likely to
find such a bird? A. a forest B. a meadow C.
a cornfield D. a desert E. a lake
Answer E Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 71 Lower Level 61 International
Difficulty 468
Population 1
48- Keisha is pushing her bicycle up a hill.
Where does Keisha get the energy to push her
bicycle? A. From the food she has eaten B.
From the exercise she did earlier
C. From the ground she is walking on
D. From the bicycle she is pushing
Answer A Content category Physical Science
Upper Level 52 Lower Level 45 Internatio
nal Difficulty 751
Population 1
49- A powder made up of both white specks and
black specks is likely to be A. a solution B.
a pure compound
C. a mixture D. an element
Answer C Content category Physical Science
Upper Level 61 Lower Level 52 Internatio
nal Difficulty 534
Population 1
50- A girl wanted to play on a seesaw with her
little brother. Which picture shows the best way
for the girl, who weighed 50 kg (kilograms), to
balance her brother, who weighed 25 kg?
Answer D Content category Physical Science
Upper Level 46 Lower Level 38 Internatio
nal Difficulty 606
Population 1
51- The pictures show a bean plant at different
stages of growth. (The pictures are not drawn on
the same scale.) In what order do these stages t
ake place? A. 2, 1, 3, 4 B. 2, 4, 1, 3 C. 3,
2, 1, 4 D. 4, 2, 3, 1 E. 4, 3, 2, 1
Answer B Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 69 Lower Level 60 International
Difficulty 505
Population 1
52- A beam of light strikes a mirror as shown.
Which picture best shows what the reflected light
would look like?
Answer A Content category Physical Science
Upper Level 56 Lower Level 49 Internatio
nal Difficulty 551
Population 1
53- In a box there is a mixture of iron filings
and sand. Which is the easiest way to separate
the iron filings from the sand?
A. Pour water on the mixture B. Use a magnifyin
g glass C. Use a magnet D. Heat the mixture
Answer C Content category Physical Science
Upper Level 55 Lower Level 46 Internatio
nal Difficulty 566
Population 1
54- When this caterpillar
becomes an adult, what will it look like?
Answer B Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 85 Lower Level 82 International
Difficulty 382
Population 1
55- Which picture shows plants commonly found in
a desert?
Answer A Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 88 Lower Level 82 International
Difficulty 381
Population 1
56- Each of the three magnets shown has been
dipped into the substance below it.Which of the
substances could be coffee?
A. A only B. B only C. C only D. A and B only
Answer C Content category Physical Science
Upper Level 50 Lower Level 41 Internatio
nal Difficulty 601
Population 1
57- To find out whether seeds grow better in the
light or dark, you could put some seeds on pieces
of damp paper and A. keep them in a warm, dark
place B. keep one group in a light place and anot
her in a dark place C. keep them in a warm, light
place D. put them in a light or dark place that
is cool
Answer B Content category Environmental Scie
nce Upper Level 36 Lower Level 29 Inter
national Difficulty 661
Population 1
58- What is the BEST reason for including fruits
and leafy vegetables in a healthy diet?
A. They have a high water content. B. They are
the best source of protein. C. They are rich in m
inerals and vitamins. D. They are the best source
of carbohydrates.
Answer C Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 65 Lower Level 58 International
Difficulty 513
Population 1
59- When an animal breathes faster and its heart
beats faster, the animal is MOST likely
A. cold B. frightened C. resting D. sleeping

Answer B Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 73 Lower Level 65 International
Difficulty 484
Population 1
60- Which picture does NOT show an insect?
Answer C Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 43 Lower Level 41 International
Difficulty 619
Population 1
61- The picture shows a pencil that is lying on a
shelf in front of a mirror. Draw a picture of the
pencil as you would see it in the mirror. Use the
patterns of lines on the shelf to help you.
(No Transcript)
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Physical Science
Upper Level 47 Lower Level 37 Internatio
nal Difficulty 599 Population 1
62- A watering can is almost filled with water as
shown. The watering can is tipped so that the
water just begins to drip through the spout.
Draw a line to show where the surface of the
water in the can is now.
Answer Content category Physical Science U
pper Level 21 Lower Level 15 Internation
al Difficulty 755
Population 1
63- Some children were trying to find out which
of three light bulbs was brightest. Which one of
these gives the best START toward finding the
answer? A. One bulb looks brightest to me, so I
already know the answer. B. All the bulbs l
ook bright to me, so there cannot be an
answer. C. It would help if we had a way to
measure the brightness of a light bulb.
D. We can take a vote and each person will vote
for the bulb he or she thinks is the
Answer C Content category Physical Science
Upper Level 43 Lower Level 33 Internatio
nal Difficulty 633
Population 1
64- A stream of alpha particles is directed at a
very thin sheet of gold. Explain why most of the
alpha particles pass through the sheet?
Explains that the diameter of a gold atom (or the
distance between the nuclei) is very large
compared to the diameter of a nucleus and an
alpha particle. (Collisions with electrons will n
ot have significant effects.) Example Within an
atom there is almost only empty space because the
nucleus is small, and an atom is very large
compared to an alpha particle.
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Nuclear Chemistry
Percent Correct 10 International Difficulty 8
05 Population 3
65- Two boxes of mass m and 2m are allowed to
slide down inclined planes X and Y, starting from
rest at the same height. The two planes are of
different slope and offer negligible friction to
the motion of the boxes. Which one of the
following statements is NOT correct?
A. At the top of the planes one of the boxes
had half the potential energy of the other box.
B. The boxes have the same speed
at the bottom of the inclined planes.
C. The boxes take the same time
to reach the bottom of the inclined planes.
D. The box on plane X has greater
acceleration than the box on plane
Answer C Content category Mechanics Percent
Correct 39 International Difficulty 650 Pop
ulation 3
66- Which one of the following statements about
liquid evaporation is correct? When a liquid
evaporates A. the temperature in the air above
the liquid decreases. B. fast-moving liquid mol
ecules near the surface escape to the air and
the liquid gets warmer. C. the gas pressure of t
he substance directly above the liquid depends
only on the atmospheric pressure.
D. fast-moving liquid molecules near the surface
escape to the air and the liquid gets colder.
Answer D Content category Heat Percent Corr
ect 54 International Difficulty 570 Populati
on 3
67- Machine A and Machine B are each used to
clear a field. The table shows how large an area
each cleared in 1 hour and how much gasoline each
used. Which machine is more efficient
in converting the energy in gasoline to work?
Explain your answer.
Correct Response 10 A. Because it uses less gas p
er hectare. 11 A. Because 3/8
19 A. Other correct.
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Physics Upper Level 36 Lo
wer Level 29 International Difficulty 688 P
opulation 2
68- When a bird sings, it is most likely singing
in order to A. frighten away other types of bi
rds B. mark the birds territory against the sam
e type of bird C. attract insects D. wake up o
ther animals
Answer B Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 67 Lower Level 62 International
Difficulty 498
Population 2
69- The crews of two boats at sea can
communicate with each other by shouting. Why is
it impossible for the crews of two spaceships a
similar distance apart in space to do this?
A. The sound is reflected more in space. B. T
he pressure is too high inside the spaceships.
C. The spaceships are traveling faster than
sound. D. There is no air in space for the sound
to travel through.
Answer D Content category Physics Upper Lev
el 70 Lower Level 67 International Diffi
culty 473
Population 2
70- Which of the following is NOT a mixture?
A. Air B. Silica gel C. Orange juice D. S
alt Water
E. Coal
Answer B Content category Chemistry Upper L
evel 40 Lower Level 38 International Dif
ficulty 688
Population 2
71- Fill in each circle in this food web with
the correct plant or animal from the list.
Remember that the arrows point from the energy
provider to the energy user. 1. Owl 2. Rose 3
. Grass 4. Rabbit
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Life Science
Upper Level 67 Lower Level 61 Internatio
nal Difficulty 490 Population 2
72- Some students used an ammeter A to measure
the current in the circuit for different
voltages. The table shows some of the res
ults. Complete the table. Voltage (volts) Curr
ent (milliamperes) 1.5 10 3.0 20 6.
Answer 40 milliamp Content category Physics
Upper Level 54 Lower Level 47 Internati
onal Difficulty 571
Population 2
73- When oil is burning, the reaction will
A. only release energy B. only absorb energy
C. neither absorb nor release energy D.
sometimes release and sometimes absorb energy
depending on the oil
Answer A Content category Chemistry Upper L
evel 51 Lower Level 41 International Dif
ficulty 604
Population 2
74- A girl had an idea that plants needed
minerals from the soil for healthy growth. She
placed a plant in the Sun, as shown in the
diagram below. In order to check her idea she
also needed to use another plant. Which of the f
ollowing should she use?
Answer D Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 45 Lower Level 40 International
Difficulty 624
Population 2
75- Years ago farmers found that corn plants grew
better if decaying fish were buried near by. What
did the decaying fish probably supply to the
plants to improve their growth?
A. energy B. minerals C. protein D. oxyge
n E. water
Answer B Content category Life Science Uppe
r Level 50 Lower Level 47 International
Difficulty 584
Population 2
76- One of the principal causes of acid rain is
A. waste acid from chemical factories being pum
ped into rivers B. acid from chemical laboratori
es evaporating into the air C. gases from burnin
g coal and oil dissolving in water in the
atmosphere D. gases from air conditioners and
refrigerators escaping into the atmosphere
Answer C Content category Environmental Upp
er Level 35 Lower Level 31 International
Difficulty 704
Population 2
77- Filtration using the equipment shown can be
used to separate which materials?
A. A solution of copper sulfate and water B. A
solution of sodium chloride and water
C. A mixture of alcohol and water
D. A mixture of mud and water
E. A mixture of sand and sawdust
Answer D Content category Chemistry Upper L
evel 52 Lower Level 44 International Dif
ficulty 605
Population 2
78- A bar magnet is cut in two with a hacksaw.
Write an N or an S in each box on the diagram
to show the polarity of the cut ends.
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Physics Upper Level 56 Lo
wer Level 49 International Difficulty 564 P
opulation 2
79- Which is a chemical change?
A. Element 1 is hammered into a thin sheet. B.
Element 2 is heated and turns into a liquid.
C. Element 3 turns a greenish color as it sits
in air. D. Element 4 is ground up into a fine, s
lippery powder.
Answer C Content category Chemistry Upper L
evel 38 Lower Level 32 International Dif
ficulty 670
Population 2
80- Air is made up of many gases. Which gas is
found in the greatest amount? A. Nitrogen B.
C. Carbon dioxide D. Hydrogen
Answer A Content category Chemistry Upper L
evel 43 Lower Level 28 International Dif
ficulty 656
Population 2
81- The graph shows the moving
along a straight line. If the ant keeps
moving at the same speed, how far
will it have traveled at the end of
30 seconds? A. 5 cm B. 6 cm C. 20 cm D.
30 cm
Answer B Content category Physics Upper Lev
el 83 Lower Level 78 International Diffi
culty 358
Population 2
82- A flashlight close to a wall produces a
small circle of light compared to the circle it
makes when the flashlight is far from the wall.
Does more light reach the wall when the
flashlight is further away? ___ Yes ___ No
Explain your answer.
Correct Response 10 No. Explains that the same
amount reaches the wall. 11 No. Explains that the
same amount of light reaches the wall but
more spread out. 12 No. Less light reaches the w
all because of light absorption by
the air. 19 Other correct.
Answer Constructed Response
Content category Physics Upper Level 23 Lo
wer Level 18 International Difficulty 770 P
opulation 2
83- Jane and Mario were discussing what it might
be like to live on other planets. Their science
teacher gave them data about the Earth and an
imaginary planet, Athena. The table shows these
Write down one important reason why it would be
difficult for humans to live on Athena if it
Correct Response 10 States that there would be t
oo much carbon dioxide. Example Too hot (greenho
use effect). 11 States that there would be too l
ittle oxygen to breathe. 12 Refers to bound rota
tion, that is, the periods of revolution around
the planets own axis and rotation around its
sun are the same. Hence, one side of the planet
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