Title: Activities
1Activities Develop communications activities that
promote awareness of the developmental, health
and safety needs of adolescents and young
adults, including those vulnerable to disparate
outcomes. Identify, mobilize, and coordinate fu
nding, as well as human and other resources, to
promote the health, safety, and well-being of
adolescents and young adults and to reduce health
disparities among members of these age groups.
Develop national, state, and community public/pr
ivate partnerships devoted to improving the
health and well-being of adolescents and young
adults, including those vulnerable to disparate
outcomes. Develop tailored resources, includin
g toolkits, research analyses, research and
policy syntheses, and best practices documents,
and disseminate them to such audiences as policy
and decision makers, parents and community
members, as well as clinical providers and other
professionals who encounter adolescents and young
adults. Provide technical assistance and traini
ng to public and private partners to assure
organizational and professional competency needed
for strategically addressing the health, safety
and well-being of adolescents, young adults and
their families, including those vulnerable to
disparate outcomes.
Outcomes Increased awareness, knowledge, and unde
rstanding of adolescent and young adult health
issues, including disparities, by such key
stakeholders as policy and decision makers,
parents and community members, as well as
providers and other professionals who encounter
adolescents and young adults.
Enhanced individual competencies of professional
s to better address the needs of adolescents,
young adults and their families, including those
vulnerable to disparate outcomes.
Increased institutional capacities and improved
systems responsiveness to meet the needs of
adolescents, young adults and their families,
including those vulnerable to disparate
outcomes. Increased number of public/private pa
rtnerships at national, state, and community
levels that are actively engaged in advancing an
agenda which promotes the health, safety, and
well-being of adolescents, young adults and their
families, including those vulnerable to disparate
outcomes. Enhanced commitment of resources at n
ational, state, and community levels that promote
the health, safety, and well-being of
adolescents, young adults and their families,
including those vulnerable to disparate outcomes.
Goals Elevate national, state, and community focu
s and commitment to the health, safety, and
well-being of adolescents, young adults and their
families. Increase adolescents and young adult
s access to quality health care, including
comprehensive general health, oral health, mental
health, and substance abuse prevention and
treatment services. Improve health and safety o
utcomes for adolescents and young adults in such
areas as unintentional injury, violence, mental
health, substance use, reproductive health, and
nutrition and physical activity.
Eliminate health disparities among adolescents a
nd young adults, and for these age groups
compared to other age groups. As measured b
y the 21 Critical Health Objectives, which were
selected by a consensus process from the 467
Objectives contained in Healthy People 2010, the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
comprehensive, nationwide health promotion and
disease prevention agenda.
In this document, the phrase adolescents and
young adults encompasses young people ages 10
through 24 years.