- Political Science 4396
- Dr. Arthur K. Smith
- Fall Semester 2006
3Central America and the Caribbean
4Prevailing Myths About the Cuban Revolution
- ? The Ernesto Che Guevara version That a
handful of bearded rebels with a rural peasant
base singlehandedly took on and defeated a
standing army, thereby overthrowing the dictator
and bringing the revolutionaries to power. - ? That 1959 represented a watershed year for
the Cuban Revolution, a break with the past
rather than the culmination of more than six
decades of virtually continuous struggle. - ? That Fidel Castro had his hands in all of the
major and minor decisions of the 26th of July
Movement during the insurrection and was
responsible for all of its failures and
5Questions to be considered
- ? What are the historical antecedents of the
Cuban Revolution? - ? Did M-26-7 prevail in 1958 primarily through
- guerrilla warfare, or were other tactics
equally - crucial to victory?
- ? What has been the role of the United States in
shaping - Cuban political and economic history?
- ? What role will the U.S. play in the
post-Fidel era? - ? How best to understand the role of Fidel Castro
as - Cubas revolutionary leader?
- ? How best to understand the recent temporary
transfer - of power to Raul Castro?
- ? What role has been and will be played by the
Cuban - exile community?
- ? What is likely to happen after Fidels death?
6Cuba in the Early Spanish Colonial Era, 1492-1800
- ? Structure of Spanish Colonial Administration
- ? Spains conquest of the New World
- ? Contrast with Englands colonization of
- North America
- ? Role of Cuba in Spains colonial economy
- ? Mercantilism
- Dominant economic system from about
the 16th through the 18th centuries - Rise of the nation-state in Europe
- Fueled rise of imperialism
- ? From about 1531 to 1660, Spain extracted from
its LA colonies - some 181 tons of gold and 16,000 tons of
silver (official figures) - ? Effects on Spains politics and
economy - ? Inflation, undermined aristocracy,
strengthened powers of - monarchy, retarded growth of
independent commercial class - Havanas role in Spains mineral
exploitation of Latin America -
7Cuba in the Early Spanish Colonial Era, 1492-1800
- ? Peninsulares vs. Criollos in Spanish colonial
America - ? Decline of mining, rise of plantation
economy - ? Importation of African slaves
- ? Spains restrictive policies for Cuba
from 16th through 19th - centuries
- ? Occupation of Havana by the English in
1862 - The world context England, France, Spain, and
the United States - at the end of the 18th century and beginning
of the 19th century - ? Industrial revolution in England, expansion
of world trade - ? American and French Revolutions, the
Enlightenment - ? Slave uprising in Sainte Domingue,
Hispaniola (Haiti) - ? Legitimacy crisis in Spain and Portugal
- Napoleonic wars
- ? Three kinds of legitimacy
- ? Traditional
- ? Charismatic
- ? Rational-Legal
8Cuba in the Early Spanish Colonial Era, 1492-1800
- ? Insularity of Cuba from LA wars of
independence (Simon Bolivar - and Jose de San Martin)
- Effects of these events on Cuba
- Cuba became a refuge for displaced
peninsulares and immigrants - from Spain
- Before proceeding with examination of Cuba in
the 19th century, - review Introductory Chapter in Julia Sweigs
Book - ? Prevailing myths to be examined and
evaluated - ? The Ernesto Che Guevara version
That a handful of bearded - rebels with a rural peasant base
singlehandedly took on and - defeated a standing army, thereby
overthrowing the dictator - and bringing the revolutionaries to
power. - ? That 1959 represented a watershed
year for the Cuban - Revolution, a break with the past
rather than the culmination - of more than six decades of virtually
continuous struggle. - ? That Fidel Castro had his hands in all
of the major and minor - decisions of the 26th of July Movement
during the insurrection - and was responsible for all of its
failures and successes.
9Cuba in the Late Spanish Colonial Era, 1800-1898
- ? Cuba in the 19th Century Rise of the Sugar
Culture - ? Great Power Politics
- ? Pax Britannica
- ? U.S. Manifest Destiny
- ? The Monroe Doctrine
- ? Cubas attractiveness to the U.S. (refer
to map) - ? Offer to buy Cuba from Spain, the
Ostend Manifesto - ? Decline of Spain as an Imperial Power
- ? Emergence of the United States as a Great
Power - ? Influence of Alfred Thayer Mahan
- ? Social Darwinism
- ? The First Rebellion in Spains Cuba,
1868-1878 - ? Grito de Yara (1868)
- ? Cuba Libre
- ? Jose Marti
10Cuba in the Late Spanish Colonial Era, 1800-1898
11Cuba in the Late Spanish Colonial Era, 1800-1903
- ? 1878 Settlement by Spain led to shaky peace
- ? Promised reforms, amnesty,
emancipation of slaves - (finally fulfilled in 1886)
- ? Growth of trade in sugar tobacco
with U.S. - ? Trade agreement cancelled by
Spain in 1894 - ? Hurt sugar growers in Cuba,
caused resentment in - the U.S.
- ? Final war of independence,
1895-1898 - ? Roles of Jose Marti, Antonio
Maceo, Calixto Garcia - ? General Valeriano Butcher
Weyler - ? Reconcentrados, free fire
zones - ? Forces provoking American
intervention - ? Economic, strategic,
humanitarian - ? The Yellow Press
- ? Sinking of the USS Maine
(February 15, 1898) -
12Cuba in the Late Spanish Colonial Era, 1800-1908
- ? Spanish-American War
- ? Remember the Maine
- ? War declared on April 11, 1898
- ? The Teller Amendment
- ? Theodore Roosevelt, the Rough
Riders - ? The Treaty of Paris (December 10,
1898) - ? Contrast between U.S. Cuban
historical perspectives - on the war
- ? American Military Rule, 1898-1902
- ? Conditions in Cuba were deplorable
- ? Benevolent reconstruction, Dr.
Leonard Wood - ? Debates in both Cuba U.S. about
future relationship - ? Annexation vs. Independence
- ? Elections of 1900 in the U.S.
- ? TR as war hero, Republican
candidate for VP - ? Assassination of McKinley,
rise of TR - ? Constitutional Assembly in Cuba
(1900) -
13Cuba in the Late Spanish Colonial Era, 1800-1903
- ? The Platt Amendment (Secretary of State Elihu
Root) - ? Limits on Cuban sovereignty, naval
stations, U.S. right - to intervene for the preservation of
Cuban - independence, the maintenance of a
government - adequate for the protection of life,
property, and - individual liberty.
- ? Adopted by U.S. Congress as rider
to army appropriations - act of 1901
- ? Added to new Cuban constitution in
June 1901 - ? Election of 1st President of Cuba, Tomas
Estrada Palma - ? End of U.S. military rule (May 1902)
- ? Beginning of U.S. Protectorate
(1902-1934) - ? Estrada Palmas first term, 1902-1906
- ? Good start, trade treaty of 1903 with
U.S. - ? 20 reduction in tariff duties for
Cuban sugar - ? U.S. settles on only Guantanamo
Bay as naval base - ? Traditional Cuban corruption
14Growth of the Sugar Culture and the U.S.
Protectorate, 1902-1925
- ? Framework for political analysis
- ? Power contenders
- ? Power capabilities
- ? Political currencies
- ? Three types of legitimacy
- ? Role of the military in Latin
American countries - ? Golpes de estado
- ? Rise of U.S. policy of Gunboat Diplomacy
- ? Diplomatic recognition of new
governments - ? De jure vs. de facto recognition
- ? Recognition used as a power tactic
by U.S. governments - ? Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine
- ? Panama Canal
- ? 1st Test of Platt Amendment in 1906
- ? Estrada Palmas Moderates vs.
Liberals (Jose - Miguel Gomez, Alfredo Zayas)
- ? TR sent William Howard Taft, then
appointed Charles Magoon as - governor to supplant the elected
president - ? New elections in 1909 brought Gomez to
15Growth of the Sugar Culture and the U.S.
Protectorate, 1902-1925 (2)
- ? Rise of venality after 1909, repeated U.S.
interventions to maintain order - ? Pattern of U.S. protectorate established
- ? President Mario Garcia Menocal (1913-1921)
continued - corruption
- ? Fraudulent reelection in 1917 (U.S.
troops put down - revolt by opposition)
- ? Cuba followed U.S. in declaring
war on Germany in - 1917
- ? U.S. bought Cuban sugar during
WWI, but prices - collapsed after war ended
- ? The Dance of the
Millions - ? Economic collapse, all
Cuban-owned banks failed - ? Alfredo Zayas elected president in
1921 in midst of - continuing economic turmoil
- ? Gen. Enoch Crowder sent by U.S.
in painless intervention - ? Economic recovery until 1923,
when Crowder left - ? Quick return to corruption
- ? Election of Gerardo Machado in 1925
16The Machado Years, 1925-1933
- ? Promising beginning for Machado Government
- ? Diversified economy, public works, easy
loans from - New York banks
- ? Era of Dollar Diplomacy replaced
Gunboat Diplomacy - ? But Machado built his own corrupt
political machine - ? Reelected in 1928, but opposition
grew - ? University of Havana played
major role in opposition - ? ABC society of some 40,000
members - ? Machado porrista thugs,
reign of terror - ? Public order deteriorated, but
U.S. President - Hoover resisted calls for
intervention - ? The Great Depression set in
and deepened throughout - most of the world
- ? New U.S. President Franklin Delano
Roosevelt (1933) - ? The Good Neighbor policy of FDR
replaced Dollar Diplomacy -
17The Machado Years, 1925-1933 (2)
- ? Sumner Welles sent by FDR as ambassador to
Cuba to - apply pressure on Machado
- ? ABC called a general strike in August
1933, Cuban - army leaders demanded changes
- ? Machado took flight to Bahamas
- ? Provisional government brokered by
Welles, but - lasted only three weeks
- ? Overthrown by the revolt of the
sergeants - ? Tradition of military golpes
de estado in LA - ? Sergeant Fulgencio Batista
deposed officer corps - and seized power, promoted
himself to colonel - and army chief of staff
- ? Batista appointed Professor
Ramon Grau San Martin - as Provisional President
- ? Grau lasted only 4 months
(U.S. withheld recognition) - ? de facto vs. de jure
recognition - ? But Grau decreed end
of Platt Amendment as law in Cuba
18The Revolt of the Sergeants and the Rise of
Fulgencio Batista, 1933-1944
- ? Platt Amendment then formally abrogated by
U.S. (1934) - ? Batista ruled Cuba from behind the scenes from
1934-1940 - ? Succession of seven puppet presidents
- ? Notably Carlos Mendieta, Miguel
Mariano Gomez, and - Federico Laredo Bru
- ? Cuban economy shaky during 1930s
- ? Impact of worldwide depression
- ? General strike in 1935, but
Batistas army suppressed it - ? Batistas behind-the-scenes dictatorship
characterized - as mild, suave, and sweet
- ? Social reforms under Laredo Bru
- ? Womens suffrage, sugar
cooperatives, trade - unionization (Confederation of
Cuban Workers) - ? U.S. presence lessened, but rising
anti- - Americanism among intellectuals
- ? Rise of Fascism in Europe, the New
Deal in - the U.S. Spanish civil war
19The Constitution of 1940, WWII, and the Post-War
Years, 1945-1952
- ? Constituent Assembly elected in November 1939
- ? Constitution of 1940 was a very
progressive document - ? Cross between presidential and
parliamentary systems - ? Prime minister responsible to
president congress - ? No immediate reelection of
president (4 year term) - ? Civil liberties, workers rights,
unions, agrarian reform, - industrialization, Cubanization of
the national economy - ? Batista elected President in 1940,
supported by his - Democratic Socialist coalition and
the PSP - ? Opposed by Grau San Martin
(Autenticos) - ? Batista a strong, democratic, popular
president from 1940-44 - ? Cuba declared war on Axis Powers on
Dec. 9, 1941 - ? Recognized USSR in 1943
- ? U.S. provided aid, plus U.S.
purchased entire sugar crop - at favorable prices
- ? Zafra averaging about 5 million
tons annually
20The Constitution of 1940, WWII, and the Post-War
Years, 1945-1952 (2)
- ? Batista was a masterful politician at this
time - ? Actually gave Cuba the best government it
had ever had - ? Public works projects, support of
army, upper and middle classes, - organized labor, Communists
- ? Role of COMINTERN in 1930s and
1940s - ? PSP was strongly tied to
Moscow and the USSR - ? Cuban intellectuals still
disaffected, but isolated - ? But Batista took care to enrich himself
(commissions, kick-backs) - ? In 1944, he allowed free elections and
turned over power to Grau - San Martin and the Autenticos
- ? Batista went to live in Florida
- ? Graus government from 1944-48 was a big
disappointment - ? Set new records for graft and
corruption - ? Havana became a mecca for U.S.
tourists, gambling, prostitution, - narcotics, mafia
21The Constitution of 1940, WWII, and the Post-War
Years, 1945-1952 (3)
- ? By 1947-48, Cuba seemed to be coming apart
- ? Students at University of Havana rioted,
armed themselves - ? Political assassinations were common
- ? Emergence of Fidel Castro
- ? Father Angel Castro, from Galicia
(Gallego) b. Dec. 4, 1892, - emigrated to Cuba in 1912
- ? Worked for United Fruit Company,
started own hacienda10,000 - acres in Oriente
- ? Married, but fell for housemaid
Lina Ruz - ? Six children with Lina Ruz,
Fidel b. Aug. 13, 1926 - ? Rustic upbringing, athletic,
sometimes violent, brawling Catholic - schools in Santiago and
Havana - ? To University of Havana in
fall 1945 to study law
22The Constitution of 1940, WWII, and the Post-War
Years, 1945-1952 (4)
- ? Elections of 1948 (Carlos Prio Socarras
vs. Senator Eduardo Chibas two - other candidates)
- ? Autenticos vs. Ortodoxos
- ? Prio won a plurality of the votes
- ? Corruption became even worse,
especially Prio himself - ? But Cuban economy growing (sugar,
Korean War, tourism) - ? Buildup to national elections of 1952
- ? Growing sentiment for Batista to
return to power (elected to Senate) - ? Chibas growing in popularity, but
dramatic suicide on radio show - ? Roberto Agramonte became Ortodoxo
candidate, Batista likely - to lose the election
- ? Cuartelazo of March 1952, Camp
Columbia - ? Prio Socarras deposed
- ? Elections cancelled
23Fulgencio Batistas Second Coup, 1952
- ? Batistas return to power initially greeted
with widespread relief - ? U.S. recognized new government some two
weeks later - ? But old progressiveness quickly devolved
into dictatorship - ? Press muzzled, university closed, congress
dissolved, military law - declared
- ? Link with Meyer Lansky and the U.S.
mafia, which invested in - hotels, gambling, prostitution
- ? Role of frustrated intellectuals such as
Fidel Castro - ? Student factions, growing violence and
government repression - ? Broader context of dictatorships in
Latin America - ? The Bogatazo in Colombia (April
1948) and Fidel Castro - ? Jorge Eliecer Gaitan
assassinated, period of La Violencia, Gustavo - Rojas Pinilla (1953-57)
- ? Rafael Leonidas Trujillo
(Dominican Republic, 1930-61) - ? Cayo Confites expedition
24Fulgencio Batistas Second Coup, 1952 (2)
- ? Marcos Perez Jimenez (Venezuela,
1948-58) - ? Juan Domingo Peron in Argentina
(1943-55) - ? Manuel Odria in Peru (1948-56) and
APRA - ? Alfredo Stroessner in Paraguay
(1954-89) - ? Anastasio Somoza Garcia in
Nicaragua (1933-56) - ? Getulio Vargas in Brazil (elected
1950-54, but former military - dictator from 1930-45)
- ? But there were a few bright spots in
L.A. for democratic reform - ? Chile and Mexico changed
governments regularly - through elections
- ? The Bolivian Revolution of 1952
(Victor Paz Estenssoro and - the MNR)
- ? Jose Pepe Figueres and the
National Liberation Party (PLN) - in Costa Rica
- ? Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala
(1950-54) - ? The Caribbean Legion
- ? Role of the Organization of
American States (OAS) - ? U.S. policy of containment of
communism -
25The Moncada Raid,July 26, 1953
- ? Fidel Castros political ambitions as an
Ortodoxo - ? Frustrated by Batistas coup
- ? Turned to violent overthrow of
government as only remaining - route to power
- ? Planning and Organization of the Moncada Raid
- ? Fidels budding movement of disaffected
and marginalized Cubans - ? Fidelistas grew to a movement of
about 1,200 by June 1953 - ? Raising money, gathering armaments
- ? Ideology? Communist?
- ? Charismatic legitimation, mantle of
Marti - ? Stance of PSP as Fidelista movement
grew - ? Focus on Moncada army barracks in Santiago de
Cuba - ? Planned as early as February 1952 with
Abel Arcos - ? Hope was that dramatic and heroic feat
would spark nationwide uprising - ? Romantic, Morir por la Patria es
Vivir - ? 165 men and two women, Batistiano uniforms
- ? But everything went wrong from the
start, army troops rallied -
26The Moncada Raid,July 26, 1953 (2)
- ? Fidel gave order to retreat, escaped
with about 18 others to - Sierra Maestra
- ? Those captured were tortured and most
were executed - ? Moncada raid was a military failure but a
political success - ? Brutality of Batista regime was crystalized
for nation to see - ? Fidel catapulted into leadership role
on grander scale - ? As dust settled, Fidel and Raul gave
themselves up - ? Brought to trial in September 1953
(some 24 conspirators in all) - ? Fidel defended himself,
cross-examined accusers - ? Lengthy summation included his
justification for the Moncada attack and - his political agenda
- ? Manifesto called for restoration of the
Constitution of 1940 - ? Ownership of land by tenants,
sharecroppers, and squatters - ? Right of workers to share of profits
of business enterprises, - including sugar mills and
plantations -
27The Moncada Raid,July 26, 1953 (3)
- ? Confiscation of property that had
been secured through - graft and fraud
- ? Castigated foreign ownership of land
(esp. United Fruit - Company)
- ? Rejected absolute freedom of
enterprise, guarantees for investment - capital, law of supply and demand
- ? Castros speech held out a bright and
shining vision of the future - ? History will absolve me
28Castros Imprisonment, Exile in Mexico, and
Return to Cuba, 1953-1956
- ? Fidel sentenced to 15 years, Raul to 13,
- 20 others given 10 years
- ? Boniato Prison on the Isle of Pines
- ? While in prison, Fidel continued to
work on his Manifesto - ? More radical than Ortodoxos, but
far short of Communist - ? Fairly well treated as a political
prisoner, allowed to communicate with - wife Mirta and lover Naty Revuelta and
to maintain unity among his - imprisoned followers
- ? Meanwhile, Batista increasingly confident,
held elections in 1954 - ? Batista himself the only legal candidate
- ? Even allowed release of Fidel and his
Moncada raid comrades from - prison in May 1955 as part of deal with
Ortodoxo Party - ? Fidel dallied briefly in Havana, then left
for voluntary exile in Mexico City - ? Mexico in the 1950s under President
Adolfo Ruiz Cortines and the PRI
29Castros Imprisonment, Exile in Mexico, and
Return to Cuba, 1953-1956 (2)
- ? Immediately focused on organizing M-26-7
- ? Forged linkages with important Cuban
exiles, including Carlos - Prio Socarras
- ? But already jockeying for leadership of
anti-Batista forces - ? Already focused on landing in Oriente
in tradition of Marti - ? M-26-7 in Mexico City quickly grew to
about 70 followers - ? Rigorous paramilitary training,
organization into cells - ? Met Che Guevara in July 1955
- ? Fidel and Che complemented each
other as revolutionaries - ? Raul Castro, Alberto Bayo (veteran of
Spanish civil war), and - Frank Pais completed core group of
leaders - ? Pais least well known, but perhaps
most important after Fidel - ? His ANR (Accion Nacional
Revolucionaria) became the - in-Cuba wing of M-26-7
- ? Role was to mount
diversionary uprising in Santiago during - planned landing in Oriente
30Castros Imprisonment, Exile in Mexico, and
Return to Cuba, 1953-1956 (3)
- ? By fall 1955, Fidel was actively raising money
for M-26-7 - ? Visits to Cuban exiles in New York, Tampa,
New Jersey - ? There was in April 1956 an abortive military
coup against Batista - ? Easily put down, but effect was to
eliminate from Batistas army - its most professionalized officers
(mostly trained in U.S.) - ? Followers of Prio Socarras assaulted army
barracks in Matanzas - ? Fidel watched from afar, pleased at these
failures - ? In July 1956 Fidel met with Jose
Antonio Echeverria, leader of - anti-Batista group Student
Revolutionary Directorate (DRE) - ? Formed in 1955, middle- and
upper-middle-class youths - ? Idealistic, pro-democracy, but
supported violent overthrow - of Batista
- ? Fidel met with Prio Socarras in
McAllen, Texas, and won - financial support
31Castros Imprisonment, Exile in Mexico, and
Return to Cuba, 1953-1956 (4)
- ? Events in Fidels personal life
- ? Ex-wife Mirta Diaz-Balart remarried
- ? Fidel concerned about his son
Fidelito, then six years old - ? Naty Revuelta bore him a daughter in
March 1956 - ? Affairs with various other women
- ? Death of Fidels father, Angel, in
October 1956 - ? Purchase of the Granma, aged 38-foot yacht in
Tuxpan, Mexico, - in early November
- ? M-26-7 group filtered in to Tuxpan, about
88 in all - ? Granma set out for Cuba on November 25,
dangerously overloaded - ? Stormy passage to Oriente, rampant
seasickness, voyage delayed - ? Batista was aware of M-26-7
plans - ? On November 30, Fidel learned of
failure of Frank Paiss - diversionary attack in Santiago
- ? Landing on December 2
32Castros Imprisonment, Exile in Mexico, and
Return to Cuba, 1953-1956 (5)
- ? On December 5, after having moved inland some
22 miles, the M-26-7 landing party was ambushed
by Cuban army - ? Most were killed, about 12 survivors
scattered, including - Fidels top leadership (Che was
slightly wounded) - ? Survivors reunited after about 11
grueling days in the rugged - Sierra Maestra
- ? Now the real guerrilla struggle began
- ? Early raid on army outpost at La Plata was
successful - ? Word quietly and slowly got out to
Fidelistas, and the band of - guerrillas started to grow
- ? Strategy and tactics of guerrilla warfare
- ? Unconventional, asymmetrical
- ? Numerous successful examples known at
that time, among - them
- ? China (Mao Tse-tung, mid-1940s)
33Castros Imprisonment, Exile in Mexico, and
Return to Cuba, 1953-1956 (6)
- ? Yugoslavia (Josip Broz Tito in early
1940s) - ? Viet Nam (General Vo Nguyen Giap,
early 1950s) - ? Mexico (Emiliano Zapata, mid
1910s)) - ? Nicaragua (Augusto Cesar Sandino,
late 1920s)) - ? Cubas own war of independence
against Spain (1895-98) - ? Political vs. military victory
- ? Measures of success are different
- ? Hit and run tactics
- ? Avoidance of set-piece battles
against conventional forces - ? Common setting Rural vs. urban
- ? Support of peasants (or campesinos) is
crucial - ? Roles of propaganda and terrorism
- ? Purpose To de-legitimize regime and
create conditions - for its fall
34Castros Imprisonment, Exile in Mexico, and
Return to Cuba, 1953-1956 (7)
- ? Question Was Cuba a modern, transitional, or
underdeveloped country in 1957-58? - ? Metaphor of growth
- ? Heuristic
- ? But possibly teleological or
deterministic - ? Example Karl Marxs economic
determinism -
35The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958
- ? What was Cuba like in early 1957?
- ? Dimensions of political (as contrasted
with economic) modernization - ? Secularization
- ? More than simply independence of
the political from religious - how people conceive their role in
the process of change - ? Integration
- ? Individuals owe primary allegiance
to nation, rather than religion, - tribe, or region
- ? Social Mobilization
- ? Individuals and groups actively
seek ways to resolve problems - ? Participation
- ? People conceive of political
action - ? Institutionalization
- ? Activity channeled through
political institutions and accepted - rules
36The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (2)
- ? Dimensions of economic modernization
- ? Industrialization, urbanization, education
- ? Concept of economic and political dependency
(Dependency Theory) - ? Means of production (land, labor, capital,
technology) - ? Primary vs. secondary products
- ? Doctrine of comparative advantage in
international trade - ? Efficiency lies in specialization
- ? But specialization in primary products
means specialization in - land and labor rather than in capital
and technology - ? Rostows Revolution of Rising Expectations
- ? Cuba in the 1950s not as backward or as
underdeveloped as has been often portrayed,
especially in comparison to the rest of Latin
America - ? By 1953 census, about 60 percent of
labor force in - nonagricultural occupations
37The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (3)
- ? Third in LA in average daily consumption of
food (after Argentina and Uruguay) - ? Ranked near top in LA in number of
radios and television sets - ? Foreign ownership of sugar mills was in steady
decline, from 66 in 1939 - to only 36 in 1958
- ? By contrast, Cuban-owned sugar mills
increased from 56 to 121 in the - same period
- ? Cuban-owned percentage of total sugar
production had increased from - 22 to 62
- ? By 1958, Cubas per capita income was among
the highest in LA - ? Comparable worldwide to Italy, Hungary,
Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania - ? Cuban workers in cities enjoyed relatively
good pay and benefits - ? But agricultural workers were worse
off, underemployed and seasonally - unemployed because of sugar culture
- ? Cuba was fairly highly urbanized, with nearly
60 living in cities - ? Status of education was inadequate but
improving - ? Literacy rate of about 78 in 1953,
ranking Cuba 4th in Latin America
38The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (4)
- ? In social structure, Cuba marked by steady
growth of middle class - (professional, semi-professional, managerial,
and proprietary - groups)
- ? In relation to total population, Cubas
middle class among - strongest in L.A.
- ? On average, then, Cuba generally ranked quite
high among L.A. - countries
- ? But average rankings concealed wide
disparities and inequalities - ? In summary, the picture of Cuba in late 1950s
as a backward, - poverty-ridden land was not completely
accurate, especially in - relation to L.A.
- ? But relative to U.S. and Western Europe,
Cuba was clearly - underdeveloped
- ? In per capita income, Cuba ranked far
below Mississippi, the - poorest state
- ? And below all Western European nations
except Portugal - ? Wealth and land ownership concentrated
in the hands of the few - ? And Cuba had its share of major problems
- ? Economy sluggish, growth in GNP was slow
39The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (5)
- ? Overreliance on sugar (75-80 of Cubas
exports) - ? U.S. citizens owned or controlled many
public utilities, much of - the banking system, and about 36 percent
of sugar industry - (albeit U.S. share was in steady decline)
- ? Cubas trade overwhelmingly was with
U.S. (about 60) - ? But while the perception was much
higher, U.S. financial - interests controlled only six percent
of the gross Cuban GNP - ? Cubans had a love-hate relationship with the
U.S. - ? Despised U.S. materialism, its pragmatism,
and its historic - influence in Cuban affairs
- ? Many Cubans ashamed of what Havana had
become by 1950s - ? But Cubans also desirous of sharing in the
profits that U.S. - investments and tourists brought
- ? And copying American ways and customs
(e.g., slang words, - baseball, even racial prejudice)
- ? Cubans so prosperous that Cuban
tourists spent more in - the U.S. than U.S. tourists spent in
Cuba - ? U.S. support of Batista dictatorship was not
set in concrete
40The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (6)
- ? My point The Cuban Revolution was born not
so much out of grinding - poverty, racial inequalities, economic
underdevelopment, or - U.S. imperialism
- ? As out of the fact that development of a
more modern Cuba - was not proceeding fast enough to satisfy
peoples rising - expectations, especially among middle
class - ? Cuba was a transitional nation that had
taken off toward - modernization
- ? Dimensions of political modernization
Uneven progress - ? Secularization
- ? Integration
- ? Social Mobilization
- ? Participation
- ? Institutionalization
- ? Tensions in society exacerbated by a
tradition of aggressive - nationalism with a strong anti-Yanqui
twist - ? A particularly violent revolutionary
tradition - ? Influence of Cold War conflicts
elsewhere in the world
41The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (7)
- ? Why is it important to understand this?
- ? The Myth of the Cuban Revolution
promulgated by - Castro, Guevara, and others (e.g., C.
Wright Mills, - Jean Paul Sartre, Leo Huberman, Regis
Debray, Paul - Sweezy, to mention a few)
- ? Cuba was widely portrayed as an island
inhabited by a largely - rural population living in misery and
filth, illiteracy, and - exploitation
- ? Whose conditions of life were so
abysmal that the country - simply exploded under the leadership
of Fidel Castro - to create a new social order through
revolution - ? The facts belie much of the myth, and the
truth is much - more complicated
- ? But while the period from 1953-1958 was
prosperous, - Batistas dictatorship was becoming
progressively more - tyrannical and brutal
42The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (8)
- ? Never had Cubans been richerat least, those
who held office, who - were granted concessions, who owned land
and good businesses - ? And among the richest was ex-sergeant
Fulgencio Batista - ? Under Batista, Cuba had virtually
everythingexcept liberty - ? The opportunity to participate in
politics was closed to all but the - few batistianos
- ? Meanwhile, back in the Sierra Maestra, the
fidelistas were working at - guerrilla warfare
- ? Basic strategy (January 1957-February
1958) was to attack army - posts, withdraw immediately, then prepare
ambush for the pursuing - army troops
- ? The M-26-7 rebel band grew slowly,
with most new recruits coming - not from guajiros but rather from
among young urban students and - intellectuals
- ? Mostly from Santiago and recruited
by Frank Pais - ? Pais had been arrested and jailed
after the abortive uprising scheduled - to coincide with the Granma
landing, then was acquitted (May 1957) - ? Very few guajiros recruited to
fight, but support of the guajiros was
cultivated - with land reform and as source of
food and supplies
43The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (9)
- ? Turning point came when Frank Pais
sent Herbert Matthews to Castro - in the mountains in February 1957
- ? Veteran New York Times war
correspondent - ? Fortuitous, Matthews the right
man at exactly the right time - ? Matthews three stories in New York Times
revealed that Fidel was not - only alive but was actively engaging
Batistas army - ? Fidel adept at guerrilla theatre
during Matthews visit - ? Romantic portrayal by Matthews caused a
sensation in U.S., - but also in Cuba
- ? Batista scoffed at fidelista threat, and
PSP publicly denounced Castro - ? M-26-7 leaders agreed to complement Sierra
activities with urban underground - ? Frank Pais played the role of
coordinator - ? More than Fidel, Pais was the actual
architect of organization and - national strategy for M-26-7
- ? Sierra and Llano tactics worked in
concert - ? Activities in the Sierra were
dependent on Llano for virtually everything -
44The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (10)
- ? M-26-7 resisted alliances with other
leading anti-Batista groups - ? M-26-7 portrayed as something new
and independent - ? Again, the goal of strategy
during this period Nationwide general strike, - supported by armed struggle in
both the Sierra and the Llano - ? Cells were organized in all six
provinces, but Pais was headquartered - in Santiago
- ? Llano employed a strategy of
sabotage through urban guerrilla warfare - to prepare the way for the
planned general strike - ? M-26-7s relationship with the PSP (i.e., the
Communists) was delicate - ? Many M-26-7 members were anti-Communist,
democratic left - ? PSP had been closely linked to
Batista since 1930s - ? But if the objective was to be a general
strike, PSP cooperation was - vitally needed
- ? PSP exercised much control over
labor unions in CTC - ? M-26-7s relationships with the Autenticos
(OA, still led by Prio Socarras) and the - Student Revolutionary Directorate (DRE) were
even more difficult - ? But on March 13, 1957, both of these rival
groups staged an assault - on Batistas palace in Havana
45The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (11)
- ? More than 40 killed, including Jose
Antonio Echeverria, the leader of the DRE - ? Thus a major potential rival to
Fidel was removed - ? M-26-7 profited from this in
various ways, including weapons - ? Government crackdown after
the assault on Batistas palace - Repression of dissidents
damaged both OA and DRE - ? At the same time, another
organization, called the Joint Civic Institutions
(CIC), - was rallying many professional
groups in opposition to Batista and - to the elections he planned for
1958 -
- ? Appearance of the Manifesto of the Sierra
Maestra - ? Published in Bohemia magazine on July
28, 1957 - ? Fidel was the primary author, but
Frank Pais was influential in - striking a moderate rather then
radical tone - ? Building tactical coalition with
Raul Chibas, Felipe Pazos, - Roberto Agramonte, Justo Carrillo
(Ortodoxos-Historicos) - ? Key element of the Manifesto at this
time M-26-7 granted power to the CIC to - name a provisional government
46The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (12)
- ? Rejected elections as a solution
until Batista overthrown - ? But the Manifesto set free
elections and constitutional goverment - as central post-Batista
goals - ? Elections were to be
held within one year after Batistas defeat - ? Called for formation of the
Civic Revolutionary Front to bring about - Batistas downfall
- ? Manifesto set forth a
post-overthrow program of reforms that closely
reflected - longstanding platform of
Ortodoxo party - ? Manifesto was effective in
discrediting the elections planned for 1958 as a - competing strategy for ending
Batistas rule - ? Roles of women such as Celia Sanchez, Vilma
Espin, Haydee Santamaria - ? Celia was Fidels lover and a key
organizer/strategist - ? Vilma (later to become Rauls wife)
was a staunch communist and key - plotter against Pais as Fidels
rival for power within M-26-7
- ? Pais (only 23 years old) was betrayed
from within M-26-7 and assassinated by - Batistas police in Santiago (late July
1957) - ? Spontaneous and widespread mourning,
work stoppages in Oriente - ? Government overreacted with
47The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (13)
- ? Paiss death cleared way for Fidel to
assert not only his undisputed leadership of - M-26-7
- ? But also the supremacy of the Sierra
strategy over that of the Llano - ? The August 5 general strike was
organized by ND leaders - ? Abortive, not supported by PSP
- ? September 5 naval mutiny in Cienfuegos,
easily suppressed by Batistas army - ? Effect was elimination of most
M-26-7 allies within military - ? During fall 1957, M-26-7 sowed terror
across Cuba by burning cane fields - ? Meanwhile, the remains of the DRE
opened up a guerrilla front of its own - in Escambray mountains in central
Cuba, with some 800 members - ? Poorly coordinated, eventually
not very effective - ? And Raul Castro opened up a second
front in Oriente in March 1958 - ? Very effective militarily, carried
out some 247 actions against Cuban army through
- the end of December
- ? Raul also resorted to political
kidnappings as terror tactic - ? Including busload of 47 U.S.
sailors returning to base at Guantanamo -
48The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (14)
- ? U.S. support of Batista was now becoming
ambivalent - ? U.S. imposed an arms embargo in March
1958 - ? State Department concluded that Batista
must go - ? Attracted by the transitionist plan
outlined in the Sierra Manifesto - ? Pact of Miami and the Cuban
Liberation Junta - ? The PSP also decided to hedge its bets,
sending younger members - to join M-26-7 in guerrilla warfare
- ? PSP leader Carlos Rafael Rodriguez
traveled to Sierra in May/June and - remained there with Fidel
- ? M-26-7 llano leaders called for a
nationwide general strike on April 9, 1958 - ? Strike failed, even though it nominally
had Fidels support - ? In May 1958, Batista ordered a major
offensive, sent 10,000 troops - to Oriente with air force bombers
- ? Army suffered some tactical defeats,
some defections among its troops - ? U.S. pressure forced Batista to
stop use of bombing - ? In effect, the U.S. government was
abandoning Batista to his fate
49The 26th of July Movement in the Sierra Maestra
and in the Llano, 1956-1958 (15)
- ? On August 7, Cuban army began a disorderly
retreat, marking - beginning of final stage of the
insurrection - ? Guerrillas of M-26-7 now about 800 in
number, and had been reorganized - into four columns
- ? First and second columns,
commanded respectively by Fidel and Raul, - stayed where they had been in the
Sierra - ? Third, commanded by Che Guevara,
went to the Escambray - mountains in Las Villas province
- ? Fourth, led by Camilo Cienfuegos,
sent to Pinar del Rio, at the - western tip of Cuba (but never
arrived, and actually fell in with Che)
- ? Oriente province was now virtually
completely under rebel control - ? And forces under Che and Camilo
Cienfuegos threatened to - cut the island in two in Las Villas
province - ? As fall 1958 progressed, the Cuban army
melted away from desertions - ? By December 1958, both the U.S. government
and Batistas army leaders - realized that Batista had to go
- ? On December 31, city of Santa Clara (Las
Villas) fell to Che and Camilo - ? And Fidels column was laying siege
to Santiago - ? That same night, Batista fled the island
50The Revolution Takes Power, January 1959-December
1960, Part I
- ? Why did Castro win?
- ? Five basic reasons
- 1. Military action
- 2. The revolutionary potential of the
island - 3. Programmatic content of the Sierra
Manifesto (promise of - liberal democracy)
- 4. Castros personal characteristics and
his effective elimination - of potential rivals for power
outside M-26-7 - 5. Lack of support for Batista across
spectrum of power contenders - ? Fidel began an unhurried victory march from
Santiago to Havana - ? Che and Camilo had already moved forces
into Havana on January 1 - ? Occupied La Cabana Fortress and Camp
Columbia - ? Mobs roamed Havana, trashing hotels
and casinos - ? On January 8, Fidel rode in on a tank to a
heros welcome - before a crowd of more than a million
wildly cheering Cubans
51The Revolution Takes Power, January 1959-December
1960, Part I (2)
- ? Without regard for earlier pledge to have the
CIC (Joint Civic Institutions) - appoint a provisional government, Castro
quickly assumed power to rule by - decree
- ? Often used mass meetings in the square in
Havana, lengthy speeches, - and rhetorical pleas for mass approval
- ? Unfettered by any legal or
constitutional limitations - ? Even before Castro arrived in Havana on
January 8, M-26-7 announced - a new government headed by Judge Manuel
Urrutia LLeo as provisional president - ? Revolutionary Cabinet (formed under
Art. 40 of the 1940 Constitution) - ? Fidel as CinC of the armed forces
- ? Roberto Agramonte (Ortodoxo) as
foreign minister - ? Osvaldo Dorticos (PSP) became
minister in charge of drafting - revolutionary laws
- ? Others Armando Hart (Education),
Jose Miro Cardona (Prime - Minister), Luis Orlando Rodriguez
(Interior), Angel Fernandez - Rodriguez (Justice), Manuel Ray
(Communication), and Faustino - Perez (Recovery of Misappropriated
Funds) - ? Except for Agramonte Dorticos, no
one named from rival opposition groups - ? U.S. formally recognized the new
government on January 5
52The Revolution Takes Power, January 1959-December
1960, Part I (3)
- ? Despite appearances of a provisional
government in accord with the - Constitution of 1940, Fidel Castro very much
in charge from the outset - ? In effect, there were two governments in
operation - ? Fidel took over top three penthouse floors
of the Havana Hilton - ? Governed through public speeches,
radio and television addresses, - and claims of popular mandates
- ? Grafted Code of the Sierra Maestra onto
existing Cuban law to - legalize capital punishment
- ? Then on January 22, 1959, Fidel
launched a series of public - show trials of Batistiano war
criminals - ? Crowds shouted Paredon, i.e., to
the execution wall - ? U.S. public opinion, favorable
at first when Batista overthrown, - was revulsed by the ongoing
spectacle of kangaroo trials - and executions
- ? Catharsis for Cuban people, also
decimated military officer corps - ? Retrials of 43 earlier
acquitted airmen indicative of strategy - ? M-26-7 leadership began to split over
issues such as trials, - planning for the elections that had been
promised within one year - ? Struggle between Communists and
democratic leftists
53The Revolution Takes Power, January 1959-December
1960, Part I (4)
- ? Three basic and interrelated issues had to be
faced - 1. What was to be the political structure of
the revolution? - ? Could fundamental revolutionary
changes be carried out through - the promised liberal democracy, or
was a dictatorship necessary? - 2. Could a viable revolutionary regime be
formed solely from the - non-Communist elements of M-26-7?
- ? Or was it necessary to have the
organizational skills and - alliance of the PSP?
- 3. Would the U.S. tolerate a regime bent on
revolutionary change - in Cuba?
- ? Despite negative impacts on U.S.
business interests and diplomacy? - ? The new regimes basic shift to the left was
notable almost immediately - ? Why did it happen this way?
- ? Was Castro always a Communist?
- ? Does the answer lie in Castros
perverse personality? - ? What is clear is that he had been deeply
committed to fundamental - social and economic change in Cuba for
many years - ? Apparently Castro made two early
decisions - 1. His desired reforms could not be
carried out gradually, but rather
54The Revolution Takes Power, January 1959-December
1960, Part I (5)
- ? From July through November 1959, Castro relied
increasingly on members - of the PSP
- ? PSP offered several things that Castro
needed - ? Strong sense of organization and
discipline, and a packaged ideology - ? Belief in a hierarchical power
structure - ? Powerful international allies,
especially the USSR - ? Castro learned from the experience
of the Arbenz government in - Guatemala
- ? U.S. business interests were
going to be adversely affected by reforms - ? U.S government therefore was
likely to intervene - ? A strong ally outside Cuba was
needed to counterbalance the U.S. - ? The pace of revolutionary changes in Cuba in
1959-60 was extraordinary - ? How was it possible? Four factors seem
especially relevant - 1. Fidels great aura and charisma
- ? Cubans disposed to follow him
wherever he wanted to go - 2. Economic structure of the island
itself - ? Cuban workers (both in industry
and in sugar production) already organized - 3. Cubas unusually nationalist and
radical traditions - 4. No established institutions in Cuba
were strong enough to challenge Castro
55The Revolution Takes Power, January 1959-December
1960, Part I (6)
- ? The regimes major socioeconomic changes
combined three fundamental goals - 1. Income expansion
- 2. Income redistribution
- 3. Structural change
- ? Agrarian reform was decreed in May 1959 with
creation of INRA - ? Redistributive, set maximum size of
holdings at 402.6 hectares (995 acres) - ? Vital minimum of 27 hectares (66.7
acres) - ? Reform law did not outlaw private property
- ? And most land devoted to sugar
production was to be held collectively - ? Pace of redistribution was rapid
- ? About 3.8 million hectares distributed
by mid-1961 - ? Results were mixed
- ? Production was significantly lowered
- ? Shift from market-oriented
agriculture to subsistence - ? Need for rationing
- ? But consumption was more equitable
- ? And agricultural workers much better off
- ? Unemployment eliminated, eight-hour
workdays, job security - ? Second agrarian reform law promulgated in
1963 (TBD later)
56The Revolution Takes Power, January 1959-December
1960, Part I (7)
- ? Economic diversification and industrialization
- ? Conversion of some sugar fields to other
crops - ? Largely unsuccessful, detrimental
effect on economy - ? Strategy of industrialization through
import substitution - ? Focus on light industries making
consumer goods - ? Financed with loans from USSR, PRC,
and Eastern Europe - ? Also largely unsuccessful,
abandoned in 1963 - ? Problems Shortages of experienced
managers, skilled workers, - and raw materials, poor planning,
unavailability of replacement parts - ? Much more costly to manufacture
than to import goods - Effects of U.S. trade
embargo - ? Diversion of capital from cities to
countryside - ? Ideologically driven, but
counter-intuitive and economically - counter-productive
- ? Urban workers disadvantaged in some
ways, but benefited - from rent controls, new education and
health programs - ? Cordon de la Habana was a safety
valve - ? Education and health systems were
nationalized - ? TBD later
57The Revolution Takes Power, January 1959-December
1960, Part I (8)
- ? Governments management of Cuban economy was
inept - Che Guevara played a major role in central
planning - ? Inherited an economic recession at outset
of 1959, including depleted - national treasury and 50 million budget
deficit from 1958 - ? Peso depreciated in value from 1
dollar to 30 cents by February 1959 - ? World price of sugar already in decline
- ? By June 1959, sugar price reached
lowest leve