Title: Area: 455 sq.Km
1(No Transcript)
2Area 455 sq.Km Population 79,164 Age structu
re 0-14 years 29 (male 11,712 female 11,569)
15-64 years 64 (male 24,879 female 26,038)
65 years and over 7 (male 1,709 female
3,257) Life expectancy at birth total populatio
n 70.95 years male 66.61 years female 75.42
3Languages English (official), French (official),
Creole Economy Based on Tourism Fisheries Te
lephone companies Cable Wireless and TSL
4Introduced 1996 Subscribers 2000 Subscribers
Categories 60 Private/Home Users
28 Business 12 Government U
sers No statistics available, however all 11
secondary schools plus 4 post
secondary schools are connected
International Bandwidth Currently 512kbs
Being upgraded to 2 Mbs
5ISP Currently only 1 (ATLAS), the two Telcos CWS
TSL are not currently allowed to be IS
Ps, Policy Regulator currently work
ing on new policy for IT. Tariffs Two registra
tion packages Corporate 545
4 dial-up accounts Home 136 1 d
ial-up account Monthly charges 20 hrs -
45 30 hrs - 54 Excess charged at 0.09 p
er minute