Title: Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Intensity and ENSO
1Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Intensity
and ENSO
- Suzana J. Camargo and Adam H. Sobel
- ???, ???, T8
2Outline of Nino3.4 index and ACE (Accumulated
Cyclone Energy)
ACE index the sum of the squares of the
estimated 6-hourly maximum sustained surface wind
speed for all tropical cyclones (m/s)2 in the
Western North Pacific (0-17N, 140E-180)
3ACE highly correlated with Nino3.4
4Lag correlation between ACE and ENSO indices
5ACE as revealed for monthes or ENSO seasons
6ACE per TC distribution
7ACE for divided TC categories (continued)
8ACE for divided TC categories (continued)
9ACE for divided TC categories (Correlations)
10Numbers of the divided CT categories
11Total days of TC for ENSO seasons
12Lifetime of TC for ENSO seasons
13Contributions of each component of ACE lifetime
and intensity
14Number of intense hurricane days and NINO3.4 JASO
15Maximum wind speed per tropical cyclone
Lifetime of TC ?
Number of TC
Number of HITC ?
Intensity of TC ?