Title: A Survey of Applications
1 A Survey of Applications
2The NHD in The National Map
3Web Access to Water Quality Data - EPA
4BASINS Water Quality Modeling - EPA
5Natural Resource GISat the U.S. Forest Service
6SPARROW Water Quality Mapping
Utility of New England SPARROW Model Results for
TMDL Applications An Example from the
Connecticut River Basin
7SPARROW Model Results
Predicted Total Nitrogen Catchment Yield
Contributions to Total Nitrogen from each source
Point Source
8Spatial Detail of the SPARROW Network
Saco River Cataloging Unit Example
9NHD Applications in Streamflow Prediction
10Streamstats Applying the NHD
11Streamstats Applying the NHD
12Streamstats Applying the NHD
13Androscoggin River Basin, NH-ME
Stream-Flow Assigned to NHD Reaches
14Linking Streamgages to the NHD in Utah
15(No Transcript)
16 Mapping Flow Volume from Streamgages
17Mapping Flow Volume from Streamgages
18Addressing of User-Supplied Events
19Water Quality Monitoring
St. Johns River Water Management District
Integrated Water Resource Monitoring
20(No Transcript)
21Anadromous Fish Mapping in Alaska
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
- Location of Observation
- Trap sites, reach, etc
- Stream location
- Species
- Other information habitat notes, stream
location, changes to channel, other species
observed, etc.
22Anadromous Fish Mapping in Alaska
World Wide Web Internet Map Service (IMS)
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
23Creating BLM Proper Functioning Condition (PFC)
Riparian Data Events in the NHD BLM Lands in
24Creating BLM Proper Functioning Condition (PFC)
Riparian Data Events in the NHD
Performed by WYGISC Under contract from BLM
25Pipeline Safety Analysis - Nationwide
26Pipeline Safety Analysis - Nationwide
27Analysis of Isolated Lakes in Michigan
135 / 332 lakes are connected to the 124,000 NHD
197 / 332 lakes are considered seepage lakes
28Creating Lake Alkalinity Events
29Analysis of Lake Alkalinity in Michigan
30Indexing and Analysis of Dams in Michigan
10.2 miles upstream from Lake Michigan
31Prototype of Aquatic Invasive Species Habitat
32Aquatic GAP Analysis in Missouri
Goal Identify riverine ecosystems and
associated biotic assemblages not adequately
represented in existing conservation lands
33Species Habitat Indexed to the NHD
Missouri Aquatic GAP Project Modeled Aquatic
Species Distributions
- Distribution models were developed for 316
34Riparian Forest Buffers in Chesapeake Bay
35NHD Used to Help Characterize the Landscape for
Water Quality Protection Programs
36Underground Flow in Karst Topography - Kentucky
37Metropolitan Drainage Mapping in New York
38User Demand for Improved NHD Content
Culvert would complete flow
39Fish Passage Decision Support System
Analysis of barriers preventing fish migration
- NHD provides the geospatial foundation to the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
40Web Applications in the Oil and Gas Industry
NHD as a reference theme
41Importance of Coastal Hydrography
42Integrating U.S. and Mexican Hydrography for
bi-National water availability analysis
Water Resource Availability Program
Center for Research In Water Resources U of
43Analysis of National Pollution Discharge Eliminati
on Sites North Carolina
44Locate NPDES Sites on the navigated streams
45Verify positions using digital orthophotography
46The sum of permitted flow is 3.64 ft3/sec
greater than the current flow at the gage (3.1
47Performing Analysis with the NHD
48Performing Analysis with the NHD
49Performing Analysis with the NHD
50Performing Analysis with the NHD
51Analysis of hydrography in the National Parks
- Water resource inventory - Track water quality
standards - Generate hydrographic statistics
52Inventory of Water Resources Glacier NP
Complexity of hydrography in the real world makes
analysis difficult
53County Water Management Programs
Northwest Colorado Council of Governments
Attributing reaches with streamflow status
NHD provides basis for stream network
54Selecting Multiple Characteristics
North West Colorado Council of Governments
55NHD in Pollution Control Analysis
56Using the NHD for Time-of-Travel Analysis
57Upper Neuse Watershed Evaluation Tool
- Multiple local data layers used for managing
resources within the watershed