Title: Mutual Fund and Security Selection
1Mutual Fund and Security Selection
- Through an Operations Research Lens
November 30, 2001
2Investor Dilemma
- Investors desire high returns.
- To reduce risk, diversify.
- Thousands of securities to choose from!
- Use mutual funds or money managers?
3Investor Types
- Security Investor An investor who invests
in individual securities on his own.
- Fund Investor An investor who
utilizes mutual funds or money managers.
4Research Questions
- Do fund and security investors obtain
fundamentally different portfolios? - Who is better off?
- By how much?
- Are there other interesting results or patterns?
5Three Models
- Mean-variance
- Preliminary results show the fund investor is
significantly better off, sometimes.
- Downside risk
- Challenging to compute risk.
- Most likely place for significant contribution.
- Multi-period models
- Still in beginning stages.
6Two Pronged Research Approach
- Use analytical techniques to find and prove
interesting results. - Use numerical portfolio optimization to find
patterns we might have otherwise overlooked.
Return to analytical techniques to explain these
7Mean-Variance Models
- Assumptions
- Investors are risk-averse.
- Portfolio selection is based solely on mean
return and the risk measure variance. - Introduced by Markowitz in the 1950s.
- We can formulate portfolio optimization problem
as a quadratic program.
8Mean-Variance Formulation
subject to
(min mean return)
9Short-Selling and Borrowing
- xo lt 0 investor is borrowing at rate r.
- xi lt 0 investor is short-selling (i gt0).
- An investor who short-sells effectively sells a
security he doesnt own, promising to buy it back
later. - Prevent borrowing and short-selling with
non-negativity constraints.
10Implied Assumptions
- No transaction costs.
- If a risk-free asset is available and borrowing
is allowed, the lending and borrowing rates are
equal (r). - Any amount may be invested in any security.
- These can be relaxed, and we may eventually
consider doing so.
11Benefits of Diversification
- Say we have two independent investment
opportunities, each with the same mean. - Standard deviations 0.2 and 0.3.
- Invest completely in first security?
- 70/30 combination does much better.
- Standard Deviation
12Effects of Correlation
- If securities are positively correlated,
diversification will not have as much power to
reduce risk. - If they are negatively correlated, we can make
risk even smaller. - Investing in securities with low or negative
correlation is good. Large price fluctuations
will be buffered out.
13Efficient Frontier
- Consists of all mean-standard deviation pairs
such that no attainable portfolio has - same mean and lower standard deviation
- same standard deviation and higher mean.
- To trace out the frontier, set various values of
mean and find standard deviation by optimizing. - Merton has given analytical formulas.
14Efficient Frontier
Standard Deviation (Risk)
Mean (Return)
15Recall Research Questions
- Do fund and security investors obtain
fundamentally different portfolios? - Who is better off?
- By how much?
- Are there other interesting results or patterns?
16Portfolio Theory Assumption
- Professionals and non-professionals
- have the same skill level.
- use mean-variance to select portfolios.
- estimate same security parameters.
- But, fund managers have advantages in reality
more experience and time. - If fund investor is only slightly worse off than
security investor, perhaps use funds.
17Background Result 1Fund Investor Cannot be
Better Off
- The fund investor cannot be better off than
security investor.
- By choosing to use only funds, he has limited his
choices. - Cannot improve objective by adding constraints.
18Background Result 2 Merton
- Investor will be indifferent between
- investing directly in N securities.
- investing in two funds made up of the N
securities. - Security investor has no advantage?
- Merton assumes same pool of securities.
- Funds are made up of different pools!
Value/growth, domestic/international, etc.
19New Question
- Assuming funds consist of different pools of
securities, can security investor do strictly
better? - Use numerical portfolio optimization to find out.
- Without loss of generality, assume the fund
investor has exactly two funds available to him.
20Numerical Portfolio Optimization
- Assume some universe of securities, solve
security investors problem (QP) in CPLEX. - Split universe into two pools one for each
fund. Optimize fund portfolios and calculate
fund parameters (variances and correlation). - Assume investor will use funds. Determine
optimal portfolio using parameters from step 2. - Compare variances from steps 1 and 3 to see how
much worse off fund investor ends up.
21Step 2 Correlation Calculation
- The correlation between the two funds
22Two Fund Types
- We did numerical optimizations for
- Symmetric Funds
- Each funds securities have identical means and
variances. - Constant pairwise correlation within a fund.
- Asymmetric Funds
- Different means, variances, covariances allowed.
23Symmetric Funds
- We found that the investor is indifferent between
funds and securities. Why? - Because of symmetry, fund manager spreads capital
evenly among all securities in his pool. - Then, investor has equivalent choice whether he
uses the funds or not how much to invest in
each type of security. - Once that decision is made, he would also spread
money evenly within each pool.
24Asymmetric Funds
- We observe that the security investor is better
off if correlation between funds is not zero. - If a risk-free asset is available
- fund and security investors hold fundamentally
different portfolios. - risk levels are not significantly different.
- If no risk-free asset available, security
investor does far better than fund investor even
if correlation is zero between funds.
25Example Candidate Securities
26Example Candidate Securities
Standard Deviation
Minimum Mean Return
27Other Parameters
- Return on risk-free asset 5.
- Investors minimum mean return 20.
- Minimum mean returns
- Fund 1 15
- Fund 2 26
- Internal correlation 0.7 in each fund.
- External correlation 0.4.
28Results I Risk-Free Asset Available to All
Fund investors portfolio Fund 1 0.5144,
Fund 2 0.4693, RF 0.0163, ?1,2 0.4668
29Results IIR-F Unavailable to Fund Managers
Fund investors portfolio Fund 1 0.6673,
Fund 2 0.3942, RF -0.0616, ?1,2 0.4395
30Sample of Other Mean-Variance Questions
- What happens when we vary the values of internal
and external correlation? - What will we see if we use real data? Will there
be challenges to implementation?
31Varying Correlation Values
- Internal correlation External correlation
- High internal correlation should
- discourage diversification within funds.
- encourage diversification between funds.
- High external correlation may lead investors to
choose one fund or the other. - If we allow negative correlation, we must be
careful not to allow too much.
32Real Data
- Actual historical stock price data may give us
interesting results. - We can download daily stock prices for all stocks
on NYSE from Dreyfus website. - Calculating means and variances of N stocks will
be easy, but covariances are estimated by doing
N(N-1) regressions. - Can we get around this problem?
33Factor Models
- Assume the return on the ith security is given by
- If we use a single factor model, we might assume
F is the return on a market index. - Then, we need only run N regressions.
- It is easy to modify our formulation.
34Possible Model Modifications
- Upper and lower limits on investments
- Binary-type investments
- Cardinality constraints
35I Limits on Investments
- To limit proportion invested in security i, add
the following constraint
- To limit amount invested in security i,
- let xi amount invested in security i.
- change budget constraint to
- Then, add the constraint above.
36II Binary Type Investments
- Let xi be binary.
- Change budget from 1 to B.
- Now our formulation is a quadratic integer
program (QIP). - Can convert to an IP if we define new variables
xi,j xi xj. - Must add appropriate forcing constraints.
37Forcing Constraints
xi,j xi xi,j xj xi xj 1 xi,j
- This adds N(N-1)/2 variables and three times that
many constraints. - CPLEX will only solve small problems.
38III Cardinality Constraints
- We can limit the number of securities in a
portfolio by adding the constraints
- This will give us an even larger problem and we
may need to consider alternate solution
39Criticisms of Mean-Variance
- Optimal M-V portfolios are only optimal in a
utility theory sense if - security returns are from elliptical family OR
- the investors utility function is quadratic.
- Variance penalizes the possibility of high
portfolio returns as harshly as the possibility
of low returns.
40Downside-Risk Models
- We only want to penalize the left hand side of
the distribution.
- This would not be a problem if return
distributions were empirically symmetric. - But they are not, so downside-risk models emerged.
41New Objective Function
- ? is a target below which the investor does not
want his portfolio return to fall, and f(x) is
the portfolio return distribution. - Note constraints have not changed.
42Possible ?-Values
- If ? 2 , we obtain third order stochastic
dominance results. The investor - prefers less to more
- is risk-averse
- displays decreasing absolute risk aversion.
- This fits a real investor well.
- If ? 2, the downside-risk measure is called
target semivariance (TSV).
43? Values of Zero and One
- Some authors have used ? 0 or 1.
- ? 0 corresponds to value at risk (VaR)
- used by companies to determine the amount of
money they stand to lose in a short period of
time with some low probability.
- ? 1 implies investor is risk-neutral.
44Obstacles to TSV Implementation
- Even if portfolio return distribution is known,
we must use numerical integration to obtain TSV. - Even if we know make-up of portfolio, the return
distribution is not obvious.
- Portfolio make-up is what we are trying to
determine. - CPEX cant handle all this!
45Can We Avoid These Obstacles?
- Let ? be the discrete or continuous set of
possible scenarios or outcomes. - ??? represents one possible outcome.
46Is TSV Convex?
- is convex for all ? since a convex increasing
function of a convex function is convex.
is also convex since (1) is convex for all ?.
47Can We Implement the TSV?
- Use historical security price data.
- Some authors have suggested using
- Because of convexity, if we can find a local
minimum, it must be a global minimum.
48Equal Weighting?
- Imagine bringing the 1/T inside the sum.
- Each portfolio return (rt(p)) is equally
weighted. - Perhaps we really want to weight recent
observations more heavily.
49Other Downside-Risk Issues
- Can we overcome any of the three obstacles?
- Authors suggest TSV produces the same optimal
portfolios as mean-variance if security returns
are normal. - Is this true?
- Is it true for all symmetric distributions?
- Perhaps we should consider measuring return with
50Topics for Future Consideration
- Multi-period models a real investor does not
optimize his portfolio once and for all. He must
periodically check to be sure it is still
optimal. - What utility functions are implied by our various
models? If we assume a particular utility
function, what results will we obtain? - Empirically, how does the fund investor compare
to the security investor?
- My advisor Dr. Stidham.
- Doctoral committee Drs. Fishman, Gao, Pataki,
Rubin, and Tolle. - AAUW and their fellowship deadline.
- Friends, family, OR students.
- God, who makes all things possible.