Title: The Pathfinder Lonnie A' Poling:
1The Lonnie A. Poling Pathfinder Memorial Award
The Pathfinder- Lonnie A. Poling Lonnie
Poling founded the Joint Integrated Air and
Missile Defense (JIAMD) Summit -- an event that
brings together members of our government,
industry, and academia to collaborate in a team
building environment to identify and resolve key
issues that impact our present and proposed JIAMD
Family of Systems. He lived his life in the
service of his Country. As a Marine, aviator,
businessman, husband, father and friend, Lonnie
Poling epitomized all the attributes that made
this nation great. He was passionate about the
warfighter, always displaying a clear vision and
making a difference. He never complained, but
always exhorted he made the impossible possible,
the difficult easy. He forged fierce friendships
into fighting forces that were the envy of all,
and in doing so he taught us all to overcome
divisiveness and made us into a force to be
reckoned with. He never met someone who didn't
become an "amigo", a fan of whatever project
Lonnie was working on - from excellence in
fighter aviation to his vision for a truly Joint
approach to Integrated Air and Missile Defense.
He left his mark on us all and inspired us to
pick up the challenge now on our own. He left us
motivated to clear paths ourselves and to band
together to conquer those things that divide us,
so that united we will overcome whatever foe and
whatever challenge threatens this great country
that he loved so much and expended himself in her
The Lonnie A. Poling Pathfinder Award is given
annually to an individual from either government,
industry, academia or to a team that has made
uniquely significant contributions and
demonstrated exemplary innovations and foresight
in improving capabilities or resolving critical
Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense Family
of Systems issues that directly affect the
2- Lonnie A. Poling was the founder and father of
the JIAMD Summit and it continues today due to
his initial support and enthusiasm. Lonnie
proudly served his Nation as a United States
Marine during the Vietnam War he attained a rank
of Major, having completed a very successful 25
year career. He was awarded the Pistol Expert
Badge (6th Award), Rifle Expert Badge, Good
Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal,
Vietnam Service Medal W/7, Combat Action Ribbon,
Navy Commendation Medal w/Gold, and the Vietnam
Campaign Medal and Republic of Vietnam
Meritorious Unit Commendation Cross of Gallantry
w/Palm Frame. -
- Lonnie was a true Patriot and exhibited a
veritable wellspring of community involvement and
community leadership. He was the driving force
behind the JIAMD Summit and worked closely with
Mr. James Raleigh Durham to make it happen on
behalf of the JIAMD Warfighter. The Summit has
developed into a year around effort to open lines
of communication and cooperation between Programs
of Record (PORs) with the objective of achieving
a true JIAMD capability for our Nations
Warfighters by 2015. -
- Lonnie also dedicated much of his time and energy
to a wide range of public service endeavors which
have contributed greatly to a better community
and State. He has served on the Board of
Directors for NDIA and AFCEA. - Lonnie A. Poling was truly a role model for the
kind of involved leader that every community
needs. We honor Lonnie for his dedicated service
and commitment to excellence by recognizing those
who emulate his great example in furthering the
JIAMD mission. -