Title: - Filippo Dal Fiore - University C
1- Filippo Dal Fiore -University Cà Foscari of
VeniceCentre of excellence for studies on
continuing education- Visiting researcher at
TECFA fromMon.07/04 to Fri.11/04 -
- Presentation and main topics of research
- University of Padua 5 year degree in
Communication Sciences - Universidad de Salamanca (Spa) modules in
Audiovisual Comm. internship in the
Universitys Press Office - TEDIS Center (Technology in Distributed
Intelligence Systems) at Venice International
University (Association constituted by- Duke
University (USA) - Ludwig Maximilians
Universität (Germany) ? work- Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) - Tel Aviv
University (Israel)- Cà Foscari University of
Venice (Italy) - Municipality of
Venicewww.viu.unive.it/tedis - IDP European Consultants Sas, Brussels
International Project Management for 5European
Framework Programme for Research and
Technological Development (e-content Information
Society Technologies) lobbying activities with
European Commission and Parliament - Centre of excellence for studies in continuing
education, Cà Foscari University of Venice-
Project E-learning for artisan Small and Medium
Enterprises visiting researcher at Napier
University (UK) and MIT (USA)- Master Programme
Training Manager
3Current project E-learning for artisan Small
and Medium Enterprises
Field research
Elaboration of the strategy and choise of the
Sustainability and immersion
e-learning sperimentation
4At TECFA to study
- how to build an effective multimedia instruction
product and a collaborative environment for
e-learning (human-computer studies) - semiotics in multimedia products
- online-offline dialectics how social
interactions differ and can be compensating - community vs network issues
5Broader research topics of interest
- The communities-networks dialetics two
different ways of shaping new sense paths into a
growing complexity. The online-offline
dialectics - Social visualization of online interactions
- Communities of practices and organizations
- e-learning and web applications to forster
international collaboration and disclose new
potential in developing countries.
6 How can individuals and organizations approach
the complexity of the Internet and the cyberspace
to shape new opportunities?
Community vs
7The social visualisation of an online discussion
8Communities and organization the AMS model
9ICT for international development
- Interview at UNITAR (Institut des Nations unies
pour la formation et la recherche) with
Pr.Pascal Renaud- Thu.10, morning - - Visit at ITU, Telecommunication Development
Bureau, and interviews with some professionals-
Tue.8, afternoon -
10Filippo Dal FioreUniversity Cà Foscari of Venice
dalfiore_at_unive.it www.unive.it/elearning_rovigo