Title: Fish Contaminants and Environmental Justice
1Fish Contaminants and Environmental Justice
Patti Howard Water Quality Coordinator Columbia
River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission 2005 WSU
Environmental Justice Conference
2Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish
Commission (CRITFC) 1977
1. Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs
Reservation of Oregon 2. Yakama Nation 3.
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian
Reservation 4. Nez Perce Tribe
Toxic Contaminants,Tribes and
Environmental Justice
4Federally Recognized Tribes
1. Treaty Tribes pre 1871 2. Executive
Order Tribes 3. Congress 4. Federal
Register Procedure (Title 25, Volume 1,
4/1/01) 5. Other
5Federally Recognized Tribes
1. Treaty Tribes pre 1871 2. Executive
Order Tribes 3. Congress 4. Federal
Register Procedure (Title 25, Volume 1,
4/1/01) 5. Other
61855 Treaty Tribes
1. Agreement between two governments Tribes
as Sovereign Nations. 2. Cessation of tribal
lands and agreement on reservation
boundaries. 3. Reserved Rights Right
to Take Fish at all Usual and Accustomed
Fishing Places.
1. Recognized by the federal government as
distinct, independent political entities that
exercise self-governing powers. 2.
Government-to-government relationship with
the United States.
8Federal Trust Responsibility
1. Extends to all federal agencies and actions
that impact Native American people, land and
resources. 2. Creates independent obligations
to ensure survival and welfare of
Native Americans. 3. Protects Native Americans
from interference and intrusion by state
government and citizens.
9Columbia River Basin
- Member Tribes of the Columbia River Inter-Tribal
Fish Commission (CRITFC) - Nez Perce
- Umatilla
- Warm Springs
- Yakama
Total of 14 Tribes in the Columbia River Basin
10Cultural Importance of Salmon
11Environmental Regulation Of Toxic Contaminants
Congress Clean Water Act Environmental
Protection Agency States
Tribes Water Quality Standards
12 Water Quality Standards Define the use of a
surface waterbody and how that use will be
1. Human Health Criteria protect human
health from exposure to toxic contaminants from
consumption of aquatic organisms (based on a
fish consumption rate). 2. Aquatic Life
Criteria protect aquatic life from water
13Toxic Contaminant Criteria 1. Risk
Assessment 2. Risk Management
14Risk Assessment
Determine long-term health impacts
(cancer non-cancer diseases) from hazardous or
toxic substances Human Health Ecological
15Risk Management
Deals specifically with how we remediate or
deal with an identified risk
16Risk Assessment
1. Regulate the discharge of Environmental
Pollutants. 2. Remediate Environmental
17Risk Assessment Objective?
- Concentration in Fish
- Type of Health Effect
- Fish Consumed
- Level of Concern
- Frequency/Duration
- Body Weight
- Acceptable Level
- Increase in Cancer Risk
- Non-cancerous Health Effects
18CRITFC/EPA Studies
Phase 1 Fish Consumption Survey 1990-1994
(CRITFC) Phase 2 Fish Contamination
Survey 1996-2002 (USEPA)
191994 Fish Consumption Survey Results
12 Meals/Wk
General Public
CRITFC Tribal Members
5 Meals/Wk
Grams Per Day
4 Meals/Wk
2 Meals/Wk
3 Meals/Month
0.03 Meals per Week
Average Consumption Rate
High Consumption Rates
20Risk Management Policy Decisions Fish Advisories
Reduce Exposure Limit Fish Consumption
Appropriate for Tribes?
Change Cultural Maintain Cultural
Practices Practices lt Risk gt Risk
22Treaty Fishing Rights
Treaties of 1855 Guaranteed "the Right of Taking
Fish at All Usual and Accustomed Places. This
Means Taking Fish that will Nourish, Not Harm,
their Physical Health.
Tribal Fishery at Celilo Falls
23Human Health Traditional Diet vs. Toxic Fish
Personal Health of Tribal Members is the Highest
Priority of Tribal Governments.
Personal Health Physical, Mental, Spiritual and
25Useful Websites
1. Fish Consumption Survey httpwww.critfc.org
2. Columbia River Basin Fish Contaminant
Survey httpwww.epa.gov ? where you live ?
regional offices ? Region 10 ? index ?
environmental assessment ? reports 3. Affiliated
Tribes of Northwest Indians
httpwww.atnitribes.org 4. National Congress of
American Indians httpwww.ncai.org