Title: Salivary Gland Disease and Surgery
1Salivary Gland Disease and Surgery
2Case Presentation
- 81 yo M w 20 year hx of progressively enlarging
right parotid mass. - Hx of prior resection (superficial
parotidectomy?). - More recently, ID for abscess.
- Recently, rapid increase in size.
- Smooth, firm, non-tender, no skin discoloration,
non-mobile. - Right pharyngeal fullness, uvula displaced to the
left, firmness on palpation. - VII intact.
- No LNs or neck masses.
3Work-up FNA
- Sensitivity 85-99, specificity 96-100.
- Easy to perform, low morbidity.
- Certain pathologic variants can lead to false
negatives for malignancy (basal cell adenomas vs.
adenoid cystic ca, mucoepidermoid ca vs.
obstruction, oncocytoma vs. acinic cell ca. - Does it change management?
Stewart CJ Fine-needle aspiration cytology of
salivary gland a review of 341 cases. Diagn
Cytopathol 2000 22139-146. Heller KS Value
of fine needle aspiration biopsy of salivary
gland masses in clinical decision-making. Am J
Surg 1992 164667-670.
- Abundant amorphous debris with benign acinar
cells and few atypical keratinized squamous
cells, cannot rule out malignancy.
5Work-up Imaging
- CT superior to physical exam and other imaging
modalities. - Does not provide specific info regarding
histologic diagnosis, but provides info about
bilateralism and benign vs. malignant masses. - MRI superior to CT in demonstrating internal
architecture. - Location in relationship to fascial planes and
spaces (for operative planning).
Rabinov JD Imaging of salivary gland pathology.
Radiol Clin North Am 2000 381047-1057. Shah
GV MR imaging of salivary glands. Magn Res
Imag Clin North Am 2002 10631-6.
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8MRI Report
- 6.3 x 3.2 x 6.1 cm multi-lobular mass with
peripheral enhancement involving the superficial
and deep lobes of the right parotid gland.
Slightly increased T1 and T2 signals, with
scattered areas of low T2 signal throughout. Mass
extends into parapharyngeal and pterygoid spaces,
with mass effect displacement of the nasopharynx.
Likely a pleomorphic adenoma but cannot exclude
malignant degeneration of mass.
9Incidence Salivary Gland Tumors
- 3-4 of all head and neck neoplasms.
From Hanna EY, Lee S, Fan CY, Suen JY. Chapter
60 Salivary Gland Physiology. In Cummings et
al. (Eds.). Cummings Otolaryngology Head and
Neck Surgery, 4th Ed. 1998, Mosby, Philadelphia,
10Benign vs. Malignant Site of Origin
From Hanna EY, Lee S, Fan CY, Suen JY. Chapter
60 Salivary Gland Physiology. In Cummings et
al. (Eds.). Cummings Otolaryngology Head and
Neck Surgery, 4th Ed. 1998, Mosby, Philadelphia,
11Memorial Sloan-Kettering 35-Year Period
Spiro RH Salivary neoplasms overview of a
35-year experience with 2,807 patients. Head
Neck Surg 1986 8177-184.
12Embriology and Microscopic Anatomy
- Ectodermal origin.
- 4-6th week of gestation.
- Serous and mucous cells, arranged in acini,
drained by series of ducts. - Parotid serous acini.
- Submandibular serous and mucinous acini.
- Minor SG mucinous acini.
13From Elluru RG, Kumar M. Chapter 56 Salivary
Gland Physiology. In Cummings et al. (Eds.).
Cummings Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,
4th Ed. 1998, Mosby, Philadelphia, PA.
14Cellular Origins of Salivary Gland Neoplasms
- Multicenter theory
- Each type originates from a distinctive cell
type. - E.g. Whartins / oncocytic striated duct cells.
- Acinic cell acinar cells.
- Mixed intercalated and myoepithelial cells.
Dardick I Mounting evidence against current
histogenetic concepts for salivary gland
tumorigenesis. Eur J Morphol 1998 36257-261.
15Cellular Origins of Salivary Gland Neoplasms
- Bi-cellular reserve cell theory
- All tumors arise from the basal cells of either
the excretory or intercalated ducts. - These cells act as reserves, with the potential
to differentiate into various epithelial cell
lines. - E.g. pleomorphic adenomas and oncocytic tumors
intercalated ducts. - SCC and mucoepidermoid tumors excretory ducts.
Batsakis JG Histogenesis of salivary gland
neoplasms a postulate with prognostic
implications. J Laryngol Otol 1989 103939-944
16Anatomy Parotid Gland
- Superior/posterior EAC.
- Posterior mastoid, anterior aspect of SCM.
- Superior/anterior temporo-mandibular joint.
- Anterior masseter, medial pterygoid, ascending
mandibular raums. - Parotid space zygomatic arch above, stylohyoid
and posterior belly of digastric below. - Capsule investing (superficial) layer of deep
cervical fascia. Contains greater auricular
nerve. - Platysma.
- Deep lobe behind mandibular ramus, immediately
lateral to the superior constrictor
(parapharyngeal space). Division based on facial
nerve. - 20 of cases small, detached accessory parotid
gland between zygomatic arch and parotid duct.
17Structures within
- External carotid artery divides into the
maxillary artery and superficial temporal artery
(gives off tranverse facial branch). Also, small
posterior auricular artery. - Retromandibular vein formed by union of
maxillary and superficial temporal veins. It then
bifurcates, fuses with the retroauricular vein
and becomes EJ. Anterior branch joins facial vein
and then joins IJ. - Facial nerve.
- Parotid duct (Stensens) emerges anteriorly,
passes across masseter, traverses buccinator and
opens into oral cavity opposite second upper
molar. - 20 lymph nodes within the parotid gland.
18Gray H. Anatomy of the human body. 1918.
19Describe the Autonomic Innervation of the
Salivary Glands
20Segal K, Lisnnyansky I, Nageris B, Feinmesser R.
Parasympathetic innervation of the salivary
glands. Op Tech Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
21Segal K, Lisnnyansky I, Nageris B, Feinmesser R.
Parasympathetic innervation of the salivary
glands. Op Tech Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
22Segal K, Lisnnyansky I, Nageris B, Feinmesser R.
Parasympathetic innervation of the salivary
glands. Op Tech Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
23Treatment Options
- Facial nerve injury.
- Frey Sx.
- Sialocele/fistula.
- Hematoma.
- Deformity.
25Facial Nerve Injury
- Incidence of paralysis 3-5.
- Transient dysfunction 8-65.
- Paresis more common, resolves within 6-18 months.
- Primary re-anastomosis.
- Cable graft (greater auricular nerve).
- XII to VII transposition.
- Jump graft.
26Frey Sx
- AKA auriculotemporal Sx, gustatory sweating.
- Up to 30 have symptoms.
- Over 90 if starch-iodine test is used.
- Post-ganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers from
the otic ganglion reconnect with sympathetic
fibers of the sweat glands upon healing. - Medical Tx antiprespirants, Botox, 3
scopolamine cream. - Surgical Tx SMAS flaps, rotation SCM flaps,
AlloDerm, transmeatal tympanic neurectomy
(Jacobsons n.). - Can be prevented by not resecting portions of the
parotid not involved with tumor (in cases of
benign tumors).
Clayman MA, Clayman SM, Seagle MB. A review of
the surgical and medical treatment of Frey
syndrome. Ann Plast Surg 200657581-584. Sinha
UK, Saadat D, Doherty CM, Rice DH. Use of
AlloDerm implant to prevent Frey syndrome after
parotidectomy. Arch Facial Plast Surg
27Salivary Fistula/Sialocele
- Caused by residual parotid tissue, left behind
after incomplete resection. - Rough surface of parotid tends to secrete saliva
into surrounding tissues. - Fistula may form through drain site.
- Application of continuous pressure w/ dressing
helps. - Contained saliva causes sialocele.
- Sometimes needs needle decompression.
- Treatment options similar to Tx for Frey Sx
Botox, anticholinergics, even XRT.
Nageris B, Feinmesser R. Complications of
parotidectomy surgical techniques of repair. Op
Tech Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 19967374-376.
28Surgical Management
Modified Blair
29Surgical Management
Harrell M, Levy D, Elam M. Superficial
parotidectomy for benign parotid lesions. Op Tech
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 19967315-322.
30Facial Nerve Identification Theres More than
One Way to Skin a Cat
- Tragal pointer (10 mm inferior and deep).
- Marginal mandibular or buccal branches
(centripetal approach). - Tympanomastoid suture (Tabb HG, 1985).
- Styloid process.
- Posterior belly of the digastric.
- Superficial temporal and retromandibular veins
(Kawakami S, 1994).
31Facial Nerve Monitoring
- Witt RL. Facial nerve monitoring the standard of
care? Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg
1998119468-470. - 69 consecutive patients w/ parotid tumors that
underwent surgery. - 16 high-risk patients excluded.
- Most were PA or WT.
- No statistical difference between both groups.
32What about neck dissection?
- Must be done when nodes clinically or
radiologically evident. - National Cancer Institute 41 positive node rate
in the presence of major salivary gland
malignancy. - Predictors age, hystopathologic type, VII
involvement, extraglandular involvement, grade
and size. - Levels I to III if tumor gt 4 cm, SCC, adeno ca,
high-grade mucoepidermoid ca.
Bhattacharyya N, Fried MP Nodal metastasis in
major salivary gland cancer. Arch Otolaryngol
Head Neck Surg 2002 128904.
- XRT improves overall survival high-grade tumors,
positive margins, VII, perineural spread, LNs,
mets and recurrence. - More effect in advanced disease.
- Local control, palliation.
- Complications RIF, osteoradionecrosis.
- Chemo recurrent, metastatic and unresectable
Spiro RH, Armstrong J, Harrison L Carcinoma of
major salivary glands recent trends. Arch
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1989 115316.
Ruzich JC, Ciesla MC, Clark JI Response to
paclitaxel and carboplatin in metastatic salivary
gland cancer a case report. Head
Neck 2002 24406.
- Mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
- Low grade.
- Abundant infarction necrosis.
- 0/18 zone II lymph nodes.
35Prognosis Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
- 40 incidence of local recurrence.
- 15 incidence of spread to regional LNs and
distant sites. - 5-year survival rate 80.
- Femalegtmale, mean age 47 years.
- Prognosis depends on clinical stage, site,
grading and margins.
Evenson JW. Malgnant neoplasms of the salivary
glands. In Thompson LDR (Eds.). Head and neck
pathology. Churchill Livingston, Philadelphia,
PA, pp. 321-370.