Title: Breaking De Code
1Breaking DeCode
- The Case of the Unknown Word!
2English is a CODE.
- You are now a detective!
- You are investigating the case of the unknown
word. Your job is to find and read or decode the
unknown words. You will be given clues along the
way. These clues will help you solve the mystery
of the unknown word!
3Clue 1
The mystery will be unfolding before your eyes.
4The mystery will be unfolding before your eyes.
Do you know the word fold?
Now you have the word old.
6Now youve broken the code!
un fold ing
7Clue 2
You were recently given a clue.
8You were recently given a clue.
Do you know the word cent?
- Money
- A coin, token, or note representing one cent
10Now youve broken the code!
re cent ly
11Here are some other clues to look for . . .
ab-be- de- dis- dif- ex- pre- re- un-
ad- com- con- co- en- em- in- pro- sub-
- -or
- -er
- -ment
- -ism
- -sion
- -tion
- -ness
- -ify
-ize -ate -able -less -al -ly -ful -ous
- When you add a syllable to the beginning of a
word it is called a prefix. - return
- invade
ab-be- de- dis- dif- ex- pre- re- un-
ad- com- con- co- en- em- in- pro- sub-
- When a syllable is added to the end of a word it
is called a suffix. - walker
- excitement
-or -er -ment -ism -sion -tion -ness -ify
-ize -ate -able -less -al -ly -ful -ous
14Can you break de code?!?
Find the prefixes
15You are a SUPER SLEUTH!
Thats right! A prefix is added to the
beginning of the word to change its meaning.
Try another one!
Try again. Remember, a prefix is added to the
beginning of a word to change its meaning.
Try again!
What is a prefix?
17Can you break de code?!?
Find the suffixes
18You are a Dandy Detective!
Thats right! A suffix is added to the end of
the word to change its meaning.
Try another one!
Next clue
Try again. Remember, a suffix is added to the end
of a word to change its meaning.
What is a suffix?
Try again
20Clue 3
Chunks of remarkable information will be given.
- Another thing you can do to read a new word is to
chunk it. - Chunking means to cut the word into smaller
parts you know. - Think of it as cutting a pizza into smaller
chunks, parts you can swallow easier.
22Chunks of remarkable information will be given.
What chunk do you know?
If you see a word you know inside of the word
remarkable, click on it!
23Great! You remembered re- is a prefix. It is
added to the beginning of a word.
Re- is a chunk of the word remarkable.
Try another chunk!
Next clue
24Super! You remembered -able is a suffix. It
is added to the end of a word.
-able is a chunk of the word remarkable.
Try another chunk!
Next clue
25Magnificent! Mark is a word. You were able to
chunk that piece because you knew that word.
Mark is a chunk of the word remarkable.
Try another chunk!
Next clue
26Clue 4
Make sure to get a specimen.
27Make sure to get a specimen.
What chunk do you know?
What is chunking?
28Spectacular! Sp- is a chunk of the word. Spec-
could also be a chunk. Good work either way!
Youve broken the code to find a piece of the
word you already know.
Try another chunk!
Game time!
29Marvelous! -men is a chunk of the word. You
already knew the word men so it was easy to spot!
Try another chunk!
Game time!
Good try, but i is just one letter. When you
chunk a word look for pieces you know, not just
one letter.
What is chunking?
Try again!
31Great job detective! Youve been working very
hard, so lets play a game! Its called Guess
the Hidden Word.
32Clue 5
Detectives must read very carefully .
33Detectives must read very carefully .
What word could finish the sentence?
- Ask yourself . . .
- Does the word make sense in the sentence?
- Does it fit the meaning of the sentence?
34Detectives must read very c arefully .
Now what word could finish the sentence that
begins with c? Notice how long the covered
word is.
- Did you ask yourself . . .
- Does the word make sense in the sentence?
- Does it fit the meaning of the sentence?
35Detectives must read very carefully .
Did you guess the word carefully?
36Clue 6
You are a great detective !
37You are a great detective !
Guess the missing word!
38You are a great detective !
student ?
football player?
Guess the missing word! Does it start with d?
Does it make sense?
39You are a great detective!
Sometimes more than one word can finish the
40This Award is Given to
For being a super word detective.
Congratulations! You have solved The Case of the
Unknown Word. You have now found clues to help
you read new words.